201: Aircraft Fundamentals
Unit Specific 201
Specific 201
201.1.1 Fuselage
201.1.2 Wings
1. Center- built as an
integral part of the fuselage. It consists of a box-type beam, which is an
assembly of the front and rear spar, top and bottom skin panel, and ribs. The
spar is130 inches form BL56L to BL56R. After the structure assembly is
completed, the box beam is sealed to form auxiliary fuel tanks.
2. Left wing outer panel - outer
wing consists of wings flaps, leading and trailing edge, wingtips, ailerons,
and engine nacelles.
3. Right wing outer panel
- Outer wing consists of wing flaps, leading and trailing edge, wingtips,
ailerons, and engine nacelles.
201.1.3 Tail
1. Horizontal stabilizer- (Longitudinal Stability) Provides stability
of the aircraft about the lateral axis. This is the base in which the elevators
are attached.
2. Vertical stability- (Directional stability) maintains the
stability of the aircraft about its vertical axis. Serves as a base to which the
rudder is attached.
201.1.4 Flight Controls/ Surfaces:
1. Flaps- Powered by the combined No.1 and No. 2 hydraulic systems, the
wings are of a high- lift fowler type. This type of flap uses a combination of
aft movement to increase the wing area, and a drooping (downward) movement to
change the airfoil section.
2. Ailerons- Operated by a lateral side to side movement of the control
stick or a turning motion of the wheel on the yoke. The ailerons are
interconnected in the control system and work simultaneously, but in opposite
directions to one another. As one aileron moves downward to increase lift on its
side of the fuselage, the ailerons on the opposite side of the fuselage move
upward to decrease lift. This opposing action allows more lift to be produced by
the wing on one side of the fuselage than on the other side. This result in a
controlled movement a roll because of unequal forces on the wings.
3. Rudder- Used to move the aircraft about the vertical axis. If the pilot
moves the rudder to the right, the aircraft turns to the right; if the rudder is
moved to the left, the aircraft turns to the left. The pilot moves the rudder to
the right by pushing the right rudder pedal, and to the left by pushing the left
rudder pedal.
4. Elevators- The elevator control system is initiated when the control
stick is moved fore and aft. Raising the elevators causes the aircraft to climb.
Lowering the elevators causes it to dive or descend.
5. Trim Tabs- small airfoils recessed in the trailing edge of a primary
control surface. Trim tabs enable the pilot to neutralize any unbalanced
condition that might exist during flight, without exerting any pressure on the
control stick or rudder pedals. Each trim tab is hinged to its parent control
surface, but is operated independently by a separate control.
201.1.5 Landing Gear- comprises
of two main gears and the nose ear. Each gear consists of dual wheels and
forward-retracting struts. The gear is designed so that the weight of the
aircraft on the gear keeps it down and locked.
1. Struts- Absorbs the shock that otherwise would be sustained by the
aircraft structure during takeoff and taxiing, and landing.
2. Brakes- Four multiple-disc brake assemblies, one for each main gear
wheel, are mounted on the struts side of each main gear axle. Brake clearance is
adjusted automatically.
3. Wheels- Equipped with 36 ply tires, the wheels are made from either
aluminum or magnesium alloy. Each P-3 consists of a dual wheels and forward
retracting struts.
201.1.6 Hydraulics- Two
independent 3,000-psi hydraulic power systems operate the hydraulic equipment on
the aircraft. (Designated system No. 1 and No. 2)
1.Pumps- Three electrically driven pumps with variable displacement. Each
pump has a maximum usable output of 8 gpm, 2 gpm are tapped off the pump and
used for motor cooling. At 1,800 psi, a low-pressure warning is initiated.
2. Reservoirs- System no. 1 is powered by tow AC motor pumps, each which is
capable of operating all of the hydraulic units in the aircraft. With a maximum
of 5.6 U.S. gallons with an empty brake accumulator or 5 gallons with a fully
charged accumulator; the reservoir serviced if the level falls 0.8 gallons.
System No. 2 is powered by one AC motor pump, and fluid is supplied from a
1-gallon reservoir. Hydraulic pressure from this pump is used to assist in
operation of the wing flaps, bomb bay doors, ailerons, rudder, and elevators
booster units, all of which receive pressure from both systems. This system must
be refilled if it falls below one quart.
3. Booster Assemblies-The booster system is designed so that the pilot has a
normal feel of control forces when hydraulic pressure is available to the
booster cylinders. Hydraulic flight control boosters operated by both hydraulic
systems are incorporated in each of the three surface control system.
4. Actuators- The actuators unit transforms hydraulic fluid pressure into
mechanical force, which performs work.
201.1.7 Airframe Components
1.Forward Radome-Concical shaped fiberglass structure weighing 150 pounds.
The shell is riveted to a channel shaped former, which provides structural
rigidity and serves as a support for the hinges, latches, and aligning pin
receptacles. This structure houses the forward radar antenna, ESM components,
IFF components, and two sensors for the missile warning system.
2. Aft Radome- a fiberglass structure used to house the aft radar antenna,
the MAD equipment, and two sensors for the missile warning system.
3. Bomb By-The bomb bay is located under the belly of the aircraft aft of
the nose gear. It is used to transport weapons and cargo.
* Warning* Operations of the bomb
bay doors when personnel or equipment are in the vicinity of the doors can cause
death or injury to personnel and damage to equipment.
*The bomb bay switch shall be placed
in the DOOR position before further action is taken. Failure of the switch to
match the door position may result in unexpected operation of the bomb bay
*Flight station personnel shall
retain hands in view and bomb bay operator shall take no action while the
outside observer is out of sight**
*Note* anytime the bomb bay doors
are open and hydraulic power is required, an outside observer shall be posted to
ensure that the bomb bay area remains clear.**
201.1.8 Cabin Pressurization System
1. Engine Driver Compressors (EDC)- The normal mode of operation of the air
conditioning and pressurization system employs two engine driven compressors
mounted on engine No.2 and 3. Heated, compressed air from the EDCis ducted
through two-air cycle cooling units in the nose wheel well and then into the
flight station and cabin. Air is drawn through the aircraft by the cabin exhaust
fan and ducted overboard through the outflow valve, which controls
2. Cabin Exhaust Fan- Used to draw cabin air through the electronics
compartment. Cabin exhaust fans must be operating to allow power applications to
the SASP (single advanced signal processor) system.
3. Out Valve- Used to draw in air, and duct it overboard to control
201.1.10 High Rate of Discharge (HRD)
1. Fire Extinguishing System -Equipped with two independent, electrically
controlled, high rate of discharge fire extinguishing systems, one for each side
of the aircraft (engines 1 and 3 and engines 2 and 4) When activated,
bromotrifluoromethane, a fire extinguishing chemical, is discharged into all
three zones of the engine selected. Each system includes two fire extinguishing
agent container bottles located forward of the firewall in the inboard engine
nacelles. Each bottle is equipped with two discharge valves, a charging valve, a
charging valve and safety disc, and a pressure temperature gauge. The bottle is
filled with 10.5 pounds of bromotrifluoromenthane and is charged to approx. 600
psi with nitrogen. Two dischargers are available for one engine on one side, or
one discharge for each engine on one side, from two associated bottles.
2. Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)-Discharged from the flight station by the
manual release switch located adjacent to the APU fire detection indicator
lights on the right side of the glare shield panel. At a temperature of 400
degrees (F), the warning light will glow, flights station and cabin warning
horns sound and the APU shuts down. When the exhaust doors close, the
fire-extinguishing agent automatically discharges.
201.1.11 discuss the two types of
oxygen bottles:
1. Walk Around- (7) seven portable oxygen bottle are stowed at the tactical
stations except stations 9 & 10, whose bottles are located at the aft end of
the sonobuoy storage bins. With the regulator set at 100% oxygen and with user
experiencing little or no physical exertion, approx. 22 minutes of oxygen is
available. For the same person performing moderate work, consequently breathing
at a faster rate, approx. 5-10 minutes of oxygen is available per bottle.
2. Main- Oxygen systems designed to supply an active flight crew of three
with approx. 3.5 hours at an altitude of 25,000 feet. Supplied from three
high-pressure 1,800-psi bottles through three regulators, one for each flight
201.1.12 State the purpose of the
aircraft foul weather system:
Ice control systems on the P-3 enable
the aircraft to perform its missions under various weather conditions and return
home safely. Engine bleed air from the 14th stage of the compressor (diffuser
assembly) is used to de-ice the wings and anti-ice the engine air scoop,
compressor inlet, and torque meter shroud assembly. Electrical heating circuits
anti-ice and/or de-ice the propellers, empennage, instrument probes, windshield
and side windows. The term anti-ice refers to a system that prevents ice
formation. De-icing refers to a system that removes ice build-up.
201.1.13 describe the following foul
weather systems:
1.Ice Detectors-Probe mounted on the lower starboard side of the fuselage,
just aft of the nose radome. Provides an indication in the flight station that
structural icing conditions exist. The probe contains a pressure switch that is
actuated by ice formation and completes a circuit that illuminates the ICING
light on the flight station vertical enunciator panel. The pressure switch also
completes a probe heating circuit that then melts the accumulated ice. When the
ice melts, the pressure switch opens, de-energizing the signal light and probe
heater circuitry. New ice accumulation repeats the cycle causing the ICING light
to blink on and off. The frequency of icing light flashes is proportional to the
severity of icing conditions.
2. Angle of attack (AOA) Heat- a thermostatically controlled probe heater
prevents ice formation on the fuselage mounted AOA probe.
3. Engine Ice control- the engine anti-ice systems uses the 14th stage bleed
air to prevent ice formation on the engine air scoop, torque meter shroud, and
compressor inlet assembly.
4. Propeller Ice control (Prop De-ice)- Electric heating elements are used
to anti-ice and de-ice the propellers. Continuous heat anti-icing is applied to
the front spinners of all four propellers when the system is turned on. The
propeller blades cuff, aft spinner, and islands are cyclically heated (de-iced),
one propeller at a time, cycling through all four propellers in sequence 1 to 4.
The cycle repeats as long as the system is operating and stops on the propeller
being de-iced when the switch is turned off.
5. Wing De-ice- 14th stage bleed air is used to remove ice from the wings
leading edge. Engine bleed air passes through a motor driven bleed air valve to
a manifold that runs parallel to the wing leading edge. The bleed air then
enters one of six ejector assemblies (also called piccolo tubes) that run
lengthwise inside each leading edge section. A pneumatically operated modulating
valve controls airflow to each ejector assembly. From the ejector assemblies,
bleed air enters a passage formed by the two layers of the wing leading edge
skin. A series of jet action nozzles mounted on each ejector assembly causes the
bleed air to mix with air from the plenum area as it enters the leading edges.
This warm air mixture circulates aft through the leading edge upper and lower
passages and is discharged back into the plenum. As plenum air is displaced by
incoming air, it is exhausted overboard through louvers in the aft end of the
6. Empennage Ice Control (EMP De-ice)- Portions of the horizontal and
vertical stabilizer leading edges are electrically heated in a system that
simultaneously anti-ices a series of parting strips while momentary heating
power is applied sequentially to deice 20 cycling strips. A two-speed timer
motor controls the sequencing of power to the cycling strips. A thermal sensor
relay automatically turns the system off if an overheat condition is detected.
7.Windshield Heating-The three forward windshield panels are electrically
heated to prevent icing. The heating consists of separate pilots and co-pilots
systems. Both systems are essentially the same, except that the pilots system
heats only the port forward panel, while the co-pilots system heats the center
and starboard panels. The heating circuit is cycled off when the temperature
reaches a preset maximum (regardless of High or Low selection) and comes on when
the temperature drops to a preset minimum.
8. Windshield Wipers- provides two -speed selection and is controlled
individually by the pilot and co-pilot.
9. Pitot Heat- two pitot tubes are mounted symmetrically on either side of
the lower fuselage, just aft of the nose radome. Each Pitot tube is anti-iced by
an integral heating element.
201.2.1 how do the following
components work together to achieve the system's functions:
1 Structures- the fuselage of the aircraft is of a semimonoque construction
consisting of sheet skin panels, circumferential bulkhead rings and continuous
longitudinal stringers. The fuselage is divided into 3 major components:
Forward, Center and the aft section.
2. Flight Control/Surfaces- the primary flight controls are operated from
the flight station through conventional cable systems.
3. Hydraulics- hydraulically operated booster's assemblies for all three
primary control surfaces are utilized and are operated from independent
3,000-psi hydraulic systems No. 1 and No. 2.
201.2.2 Define the following terms:
1. Anti- Icing refers to a system that prevents ice formation.
2. De-icing refers to a system that removes ice build up.
201.2.3 discuss the three methods
that generate air conditioning:
- EDC's
- Ambient Air
- Air multiplier
201.2.4 what type of aviator's
breathing oxygen is used on P-3 aircraft:
Aviator's breathing oxygen (MIL-o-2721 OD) is supplied in two types I and type
II. Type I is gaseous oxygen and type II is liquid oxygen. Oxygen procured under
this specification is required to be 99.5% pure. The water vapor content must
not be more than 0.02 milligram per liter when tested at 21.1 degrees Celsius
(70 degrees Fahrenheit) and at sea level pressure.
201.3.1 what is the normal operating
pressure of the hydraulic system:
3,000 psi
201.5.1 what are the safety
precautions pertaining to opening the forward and aft radomes:
Caution: The forward and aft
radomes shall not be opened when winds are gusting or when wind velocities
exceed 20 knots.
201.5.2 what effect does HRD
extinguishing agents exposure have on personnel:
Trifluorobromomethane is fluorinated
hydrocarbon. It is most common extinguishing agent used in aircraft fire
extinguishing systems. It is a more efficient extinguishing agent than CO2, and
under normal atmospheric pressure and temperature, it is a colorless, odorless,
and tasteless gas. It exists in a liquid only when contained under pressure.
Trifluorobromomethane is very
volatile. It is a non-toxic but dangers to suffocation exist because, like
carbon dioxide, it replaces oxygen when breathed.
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For comments contact:
AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King
AT1(AW) Toni Washington