204: Armament Fundamentals

204-Armament Systems

Unit Specific

Armament Systems 

204.1.1 Bomb bay weapons stations

The P-3 bomb bay consists of a maximum of 8 stations for loading weapons (4 upper & 4 lower). The max for the Charlie station is 3.

204.1.2 Wing Weapon Stations 

1. Pylons-used to suspend launchers or bombs from the aircraft wings, fuselage, or bomb bay.

2. Bomb Rack (BRU-15) -aircraft bombs, torpedoes, mines, missiles, and other stores are suspended internally or externally from pylons by bomb racks. Bomb racks carry, arm and release stores. 

204.1.3 Search store delivery Subsystems

1. Internal launch tubes-Consists of 3 pressurized tubes for launching sonobuoys.

2. External launch tubes-consists of 48 non- pressurized tubes for launching sonobuoy.

3. Free fall chutes-consists of a single chute located aft of the 3 PSLTs. A protective sleeve is required to be inserted into the free fall chute prior to usage. This will eliminate damage to the aft under- section of the aircraft.

204.1.4 Countermeasures equipment

1. AN/ALE-29 dispenser module-The AN/ALE-29 countermeasures dispensing system (CMDS), in conjunction with the AN/ARR-47 Missile warning set (MWS), is designed to provide protection for the P-3C form Missile attacks. The CMDS, when fully operational can dispense up to 60 passive radar decoy (chaff) cartridges, Infrared decoy (Flare) cartridges, or electronic (Jammers) cartrideges. This system, however, is not presently configured to dispense active jammers.

204.1.5 What special safety precautions apply to:

1. Bomb Bay door operations 



2. Sonobuoy safety switch


3. Countermeasures Dispenser


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For comments contact:

AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King

AT1(AW) Toni Washington