Warfare Mission Area
205.1.1 State and explain the
squadrons mission statement
There is no leadership responsibility
more important than providing a clear picture of why an organization exists,
where it is heading, and what principles will be used in its decision-making.
This Statement represents Patrol Squadron 45 (VP45) commitments to providing an
environment of innovation and continuous improvement. The challenge is to not
merely publish these principles, but to live by them.
The mission of Patrol Squadron 45
(VP45) is to provide higher authority with combat ready personnel and P-3
aircraft to safely support, maintain, and operate worldwide.
Our Vision is to be the role Model for
all other Naval Aviation Squadrons.
205.1.2 State the commands
operational chain of command
1. Commander in Chief
2. Secretary of Defense
3. Joint Chief of Staff
4. Commander, Atlantic Command
5. Commander, U.S. Atlantic Fleet Command
6. Commander, Second Fleet Command
7. Commander, Patrol Wing 11 (Eleven)
8. Commanding Officer, Patrol Squadron 45 (Pelicans)
* In October 2001, the CNO designated
CINCLANTFLT as concurrent Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Command (CFFC). Effective
24 October 2002,COMLANTFLT became the Naval component for the newly formed U.S.
Northern Command. The title Commander in Chief is solely reserved for the
President of the United States.
205.1.3 Define the term ASU
Anti-surface warfare; the destruction
or neutralization of enemy surface combatants and merchant ships.
205.1.4 Discuss the role of the P-3
on an ASU mission
Employ the P-3 to effectively conduct
OTH-Targeting and a coordinated strike with dissimilar OTH strike platforms. P-3
crews must be familiar with participating unit's tactical capabilities, as well
as the proper communication procedure (Link 11, OTCIXS, SURPIC) necessary to
provide tactical data to SAC, ASUWC, and CWC.
205.1.5 Discuss the sensors employed
by a P-3 on an ASU mission
RADAR, IFF, ESM, IRDS, SASP (acoustics
for BDA/tracking). AVX, or visual.
205.1.6 Discuss the weapons employed
by a p-3 on an ASU mission
Harpoon, Bombs, and Maverick
205.1.7 Define the term ASW
Anti-submarine Warfare; the destruction
or neutralization of enemy submarines.
205.1.8 Discuss the role of the p-3
on an ASW mission
Employ the p-3 to effectively conduct
an all sensor search of an assigned area to detect, localize, track and attack a
diesel/nuclear submarine.
205.1.9 Discuss the sensors employed
by a p-3 on an ASW mission
SASP (acoustics) ESM, IRDS, MAD, IFF,
205.1.10 Discuss the weapons
employed by a p-3 on an ASW mission
MK-46/MK50 Torpedoes
205.1.11 Define the term CCC
Command, control, and communication; It
provides the means of exercise of the authority and direction of naval forces in
the accomplishment of their mission and it coordinates its operations with the
national CCC system. The CCC system ensures the coordination of all warfare
205.1.12 Discuss the role of the P-3
on a CCC mission
Employ the p-3 to effectively conduct a
search of an assigned area via non -acoustic sensors to detect, localize and
track surface targets, and effectively employ the survivability system to detect
fire control and / or tracking radars.
205.1.13 Discuss the sensors
employed by a P-3 on a CCC mission
205.1.14 Define the term EW
Electronic Warfare; it ensures the
effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum by friendly forces while
determining, reducing, or preventing its use by an enemy and also assists in the
detection and targeting of hostile forces while making detection and targeting
of friendly forces more difficult for the enemy.
205.1.15 Discuss the role of the p-3
on an EW mission
Employ the P-3 to effectively conduct
passive / active detection of surface target, airborne targets, and land
targets. The collection, analyzation, and dissemination of electronic capability
of each target are desired.
205.1.16 Discuss the sensors
employed by a P-3 on an EW mission
205.1.17 Define the term INTEL
Intelligence; the assessment and
management of information obtained via surveillance, reconnaissance, and other
205.1.18 Discuss the sensors
employed by a P-3 on an INTEL mission
Employed to collect, analyze, and
record pertinent data for information about enemy forces. Whether it is
capabilities, movement, ETC....
205.1.19 Discuss the sensors
employed by a P-3 on an INTEL mission
Electro-optics, RADAR, IFF, ESM, IRDS,
and SASP (acoustics)
205.1.20 Define the term MIW
Mine Warfare; the use of mines and mine
countermeasures to control sea or harbor areas.
205.1.21 Discuss the role of the P-3
on an MIW mission
Employ the P-3 too effectively conduct
aerial mine lying.
205.1.22 Discuss the sensors
employed by a P-3 on a MIW mission
Visual and RADAR
205.1.23 Discuss the weapons
employed by a P-3 on a MIW mission
MK-62, 63, 64 (quick kill mines), MK-60
205.1.24 Define the term MOB
Mobility; It ensures the ability of U.S
forces to deploy at any time, anywhere.
205.1.25 Define the role of the P-3
on a MOB mission
Logistical support ensures the
re-supply of combat consumable to combatant forces during operations. The P-3
can be deployed at any moment, anywhere in the world.
205.1.26 Discuss the sensor employed
by a P-3 on a MOB mission
All systems being available make the
P-3 valuable to any deploying forces.
AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King
AT1(AW) Toni Washington