Welcome to the U.S.S. Saipan and AZC(AW/NAC) King's LHA Specific PQS questions and answers.
This is the website for the 105 section of the LHA EAWS Specific PQS.
All of the questions were answered from instructions and directives found in NAVEDTRA, Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS), Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist (EAWS), Unit Specific for LHA.
All study information was provided by the EAWS Coordinators and Instructors on board the mighty U.S.S. Saipan.
LAST UPDATED: 14 May 2004
105.1 Define the following acronyms:
a. ASD
Aviation Support Division
b. SRS
Supply Response Section
c. CCS
Component Control Section
RAM (repairable asset management)/RPOOL (repair pool) – inventory management of repairable assets.
105.2 Discuss the basic functions of the following units of SRS:
a. Requisition Control Unit (RCU)
RCU is responsible for receiving material requests from OMA and IMA and maintaining associated files and reports.
b. Technical Research Unit (TRU)
TRU is responsible for conducting in-depth technical research to identify material ordered by customers.
c. Program Management Unit (PMU)
PMU is responsible for processing and expeditiing high priority requisitions.
d. Material Delivery Unit (MDU)
MDU is responsible for the delivery of material to the customer within the established time frame. They are also responsible for picking up material from the customers and forwarding them to supply or maintenance.
105.3 Discuss the basic functions of the following CCS units:
a. Document Control Unit (DCU)
DCU is responsible for maintaining control of repairable items and associated documents received from OMAs or IMAs.
b. Supply Screening Unit (SSU)
SSU is responsible for processing repairable items from the IMA. The unit also performs carcass tracking functions of items that are confirmed BCM and shipped to the DOP or the hub.
c. Local Repair Cycle Assets (LRCA)
LRCA is responsible for the receipt, storage, issue, and accountability of repairable assets under the control of ASD/SSC.
d. Awaiting Parts Unit (AWPU)
AWP is responsible for receiving, storing, and controlling all repairable items in an AWP status from IMA.
105.4 Discuss the following:
a. Federal Logistic (FEDLOG) data
FED LOG contains information provided ML-N, Management List-Consolidated (ML-C), List of Items Requiring Special Handling (LIRSH), Master Repairable Item List (MRIL), and Navy Item Control Number (NICN). FED LOG can be used to cross-reference (part) numbers and NSN; Identify Source of Supply; Obtain management data required for procurement, requisition, stowage, and issue of material; Determine proper freight standards for an item; Obtain logistics information.
b. Aviation Consolidated Allowance List (AVCAL)
AVCAL is a retail requirements package providing the range and depth of aviation material that ships are authorized to carry in order to support maintenance actions that are anticipated during work ups and extended deployments.
c. Aircraft Maintenance Material Readiness List (AMMRL) Program.
The AMMRL is an overall program that provides the data required for effective management of support equipment.
d. Individual Material Readiness List (IMRL)
The IMRL is a consolidated allowance list of authorized quantities of SE items. These are items required by an activity to perform its assigned maintenance level functions.
105.5 Discuss the purpose of the Aircraft Material Readiness Report (AMRR).
A means of informing the chain of command off the ship as to the status of embarked aircraft, flight hours flown, and any parts that require assistance in expediting.
AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King