.1 What is the purpose of the following:  

A. Search Stores

Search stores are those deployable stores that are used in searching for and localizing a submarine target. This particular family of devices consists of compact electronic receiver/transmitters that are dropped from the aircraft into the ocean at a predetermined point. The devices receive the sounds in the ocean and transmit them to the aircraft. The on-board processor converts and displays the sound energy at the acoustic operator's station.

Search stores are usually sonobuoys which are described by the reference material. Sonobuoys are both "active" and "passive." Active buoys are basically mini-sonars which "ping" for submarines are transmit the information up to the aircraft. Passive buoys are essentially an underwater microphone (hydrophone) which passively listen to all sounds in the water. Sonobuoys are preset and loaded into the underside of the rear fuselage of the aircraft. More are carried internally and can be launched out of the three pressurized chutes or the free fall chute.

B. Kill stores

Kill stores consists of torpedoes, mines, bombs, rockets and guided missiles

The primary kill store against a submarine is the ASW homing torpedo. The primary kill store against warships is the Harpoon anti-ship missile. Mines may be deployed in choke points (narrow strips of water such as the straits of Gibraltar or the Hormuz Straits) against submarines or surface ships or aircraft may be used to mine other areas such as harbors.

.2 Define the following acronyms associated with ordnance:

A. AGM- Air to ground missile

The P- 3 utilizes three types of AGM missiles. The AGM-84D Harpoon missile, in which it can carry up to six missiles externally, the AGM-65F Maverick, in which it can carry up to 4 missiles externally and up to 4 AGM-84H/K, SLAMER missiles.

B. ATM- Air Launched training missile  

C. CATM- Captive air training missile

CATMs are used for pilot training in aerial target acquisition and aircraft controls/displays. They have both tactical and training components.

.3 What is the purpose of the following?

A. MK 20 (Rockeye)

Currently in use: CBU-99/CBU-100. Cluster bombs are dispensers which contain a number of bomblets for use against armored vehicles, personnel or small craft. Maximum Qty: 10

B. BDU-45 (572lb practice bomb)

The BDU-45 is an inert, full scale practice bomb. Full scale practice bombs are representative of service bombs in size and weight. Maximum Qty: 10

*Note: MK-82 Also noted as a practice bomb with a max Qty of 10.

C. MK 80 series (Depth bombs)

MK-80 series are Low Drag General Purpose bombs used in the majority of bombing operations where maximum blast and explosive effects are desired. These bombs are designed to be aerodynamically streamlined.

.4 What types of air-laid mines are utilized by the P-3 aircraft?

The P-3 can carry the following air-laid mines:

MK-52 Maximim Qty of 8

MK-56 Maxmum Qty of 6

MK-62 Maximum Qty of 10

MK-63 Maximum Qty of 8

MK-65 Maixmum Qty of 6

.5 State the purpose of the following missiles:  

A. AGM-84D Harpoon

The Harpoon cruise missile is an all weather anti-ship attack weapon.  

B. AGM-65F Maverick

Is a laser guided, rocket propelled, air-to-ground missile used against fortified ground installations, armored vehicles or surface combatants  


The Stand-off Land Attack Missile is a cruise missile like the Harpoon except it is designed for use against land targets. The P-3 no longer employs the AGM-84E SLAM. The current missile is the AGM-84H/K SLAMER. The purpose is the same, but with Extended Range (ER). 

.6 What Two types of torpedoes are utilized by the P-3 aircraft?

The MK-46 max quantity up to 8. MK 54 with a max quatity up to 7, and the MK-50 with a max Qty of up to 6.

.7 What are the three basic types of sonobuoys?

Passive, active and special purpose. Passive buoys are essentially an underwater microphone (hydrophone) which passively listen to all sounds in the water. Active buoys are basically mini- sonars which "ping" for submarines and transmit the information up to the aircraft. Examples of special purpose buoys are the BT (bathythermograph) buoy which measures the ocean temperature from the surface to 1,000 feet deep, the Ambient Noise buoy which measures in decibels, the level of ambient noise in that area of the ocean in which it is dropped.

.8 What is the purpose of a MK 64/ 84 Signal Underwater Sound (SUS) device?

The MK-84 is a sea water activated signaling device used to communicate with a submerged submarine during exercises. The SUS produces one of five electroacoustical codes recognizable from short to medium range by the subs sonar.

.9 What are three types of deployable countermeasures?

(1) Chaff to create radar decoys or to confuse radar seekers. (2) Flares to decoy heat seeking missiles. (3) Jammers to interfere with or "jam" radars

.10 What is a pyrotechnic device?

A pyrotechnics are fireworks adapted to military use. They are devices which produce their effects by burning and are consumed in the process. Specifically, the military uses these items to produce bright lights or smoke for signaling.

.11 What are the two types of marine locations markers?

MK-25 and MK-58 marine markers which are dropped by the aircraft to provide visual marks on the oceans surface. These may be used to mark the position of a submarine during an ASW mission or a survivor in the water during SAR missions. The MK-25 will last from 10 to 20 minutes. The MK-58 will last from, 45 to 55 minutes. 

.12 State the purpose of the following:  

A. Bomb rack

Aircraft bombs, torpedoes, mines, missile and other stores are suspended internally or externally from pylons by bomb racks. Bomb racks carry, arm and release stores.  

B. Pylon

a pylon is used to suspend launchers or bombs from the aircraft wings, fuselage or bomb bay.  

C. LAU-117 missile launcher

Is used to mount the AGM-65F Maverick Missile onto the P-3  

D. Sonobuoy Launch Tubes (SLTs)

These are the 48 tubes visible in the bottom of the fuselage towards the aft end of the aircraft in which sonobuoys are externally loaded and launched.  

E. Pressurized Sonobuoy Launch Tubes (PSLTs)

These are the 3 pressurized tubes in which sonobuoys are loaded and launched from inside the aircraft.  

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For comments contact:

AZC(AW/NAC) Kimberly King

AT1(AW) Toni Washington

Changes to this section made November 2009 by AWO1 J. Centamore