Mountain Gear
- A Catalog for all your Climbing, Backpacking, Hiking, and Camping needs

Rock and Ice Online

Rock'n Road

Available Rock
- A list of climbing sites, or search for you own

Climbing Terms from A-Z

Build Your Own Climbing Wall

Advanced Rock Climbing

Climber Handbook: Rock, Ice, Alpines, Expiditions

CMC Rappel Manuel 2nd Edition

CMC Rope Rescue 3rd Edition



Rope Rescue for FireFighting

On Rope

Photographs (list is not complete)
Climbing Links(Partial list)
- Cimbing Gyms, Alpine Clubs, Clubs etc., Magazines, Mountain information, & Expeditions
- Look to see if the one in your hometown is here, if not E-Mail me And I'll add it to the list
- Regional, Personal, and Misc. Climbing Pages
- If you Would like to add your own page to the list, E-Mail me
- Pictures/Graphics/Videos, Shops and Services, Gear Manufacturers, Guiding Services/Climbing Schools
- This is the link to get all your photo's and gear. If you have photo's that you'd like to publish, or would like to have your page added to the links, just let me know
- Climbing Dictionary/Terms
- Your complete list to the Climbing Lingo
This Page is curently under construction 4-25-98
Mountain Climbing--Gear, Sites, and Photography

Mountain Katt

I can be contacted by ICQ
Fairbanks, AK 99709
United States