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A Personal Commentary on Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Frankenstein was one of my favorite novels in
AP English. To me, Shelley used many different
elements of literature to make many statements
about society.  She commented on the persecution
of people by their appearance and people not
taking responsibility for their actions.  Most
importantly, Shelley talked about playing God, 
and the results of such an action.  

These moral themes drew me into the book because
they are still relevant to today's world.  Fiction
can best be based on society and modern conflicts.
It is through these types of analysis that the 
issues can be explored thouroghly and not be subject
to as much criticism.  

Overall I thought the novel was worth reading, either
for pleasure or school.  Which ever way, the reader
will enjoy analyzing it or simply pondering the 
conflicting issues.