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Mary Shelley's Life
Character Summary
Analysis of Themes
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A Brief Plot Summary

Victor joins the crew of a boat in the Arctic and
confides in Robert Walton about his past experiences.
He begins with his childhood and how he grew up in
Europe with a stable family and a happy childhood.
He was surrounded with beauty and contentment.  The
family adopted Elizabeth from an impovershed family.
She was chosen because of her beauty and appearance.

Victor goes away to school and discovers that his 
true love is natural science and creation.  When his
mother dies, he becomes engrossed in his work and 
creates the monster.  Upon seeing the creature he
runs away and leaves it to fend for itself.

Victor returns home when his brother William is 
murdered by the monster.  Justine is accused of the
murder and convicted.  She is executed by law.

The novel shifts for a few chapters and takes the 
reader into the monster's head.  The monster describes
how he learned the language from observing a family
in the forest.  He reads several books, one being 
Milton's Paradise Lost and learns more about morality
and society.

The monster makes an attempt to get to know the family,
but he is beaten away because of his disfiguration.

Victor is confronted by the monster to create a 
companion for the lonely creature.  He regretfully 
accepts the challenge, but later destroys his new 
creature because he simply cannot go through with it.

Clerval is killed by the monster and Victor is suspected
of the crime.  He is eventually cleared of the crime,
and his father comes to bring him home to Elizabeth.

Victor decides to go on with his life and finally 
marry Elizabeth.  The monster makes his revenge complete,
when he kills Elizabeth on their wedding night, although
Victor believed that he was the intended victim.

Victor makes it his goal to find the monster and kill
him, and he is chasing him across the Arctic when he
meets Robert Walton and his crew.  

Victor dies on the ship still wanting revenge.  The
monster comes in the room after Victor has died and
says that now that Victor has died he has no purpose
and will commit suicide.