Advice ever Received:Rock"n"roll will never
die! Biggest Thrill in Life:Being a
Rocker and getting to wrestle Shawn
Michaels If I could Have Done It
Differently:I would never have given David
Cassidy the secret to having a good hair
day-every day! Favorite Movie:Fast Times
at Ridemont High Favorite Actress:Eve
Plumb.That's Jan Brady for you younger teeny
boppers! Favorite Actor:Barry
Willams.That's Greg Brady for you younger teeny
boppers! Favrite Telvision Show:The Brady
Bunch,The Partridge Family and Dance
Fever Favorite Band:The Monkees,is there
anyone else? Hobbies:Rock"n"rol,playing
air guitar,playing pogs and collecting
8-tracks Secret Talent:I'm a gret
dancer Favorite Sport(besides
Wrestling):Roller Dorby Favorite
Athlete:Marty Jannetty Favorite Fast
Food:Hamburgers and French fries Favorite
Cartoon Character:The Tick,He's so
cool Favorite Food:Pizza Favorite
Video Game:Space Invaders and
Asteroids Person You Would Most Like to
Meet:Barry Williams WWF Magazine July 1996