Assignment Sheet Quarter Two Weeks 3-4

					Week Three

11/9/98     M      Revise your project, find more sources, maps, 
                   pictures (if necessary).

11/10/98    TU     Revise your project.  Have someone else read it
                   and critique it.

11/11/98    W      (No School-Parent Conferences) Finalize your 
                   project.  Make sure to use "spellcheck" and to
                   proofread it for silly errors.

11/12/98    TH     Complete handout on the Map of Africa.  Label all 
				   the locations, and color the different climatic

11/13/98    F      No Homework.  Good work on projects.  Take a break.

					Week Four

11/16/98 	M		

11/17/98	TU

11/18/98	W

11/19/98	TH	

11/20/98	F