Mr. Shark's 3 Star FHL Rules



Entry Draft takes place on Sunday, October 3rd at NOON!
*First Re Draft takes place on Sunday, November 21st at NOON (same place)!
Second Re Draft takes place on Sunday,???
Last Re Draft takes place on Sunday, ???

*All subsequent re-draft times will be discussed at this time.


Entry fee is $50, trades $2 per team. No monies are to be owed after the 2nd RE-DRAFT. Cheques will be accepted, but cash only for the trades.


Teams are allotted $100 to bid on players in a rotisserie style draft. A team consists of 20 players. 13 forwards, 5 defensemen & 2 goalies. Bidding starts at a minimum of $1 and increases in minimum $0.50 increments. Players must be property of an NHL. Team to be eligible for the Draft. A standard [2+1] year deal for all new players selected. Teams may protect a maximum of 10 players off their existing roster each season. A player must play a minimum of 1 game a season (no exceptions) to be eligible to be protected for the following season.


Teams drop and then pick up another player at the same time. A player dropped retains his salary [a minimum of $5] until the end of the season. A maximum of 12 players is placed on injured reserve over the 3 RE-DRAFTS. The Original player is on reserve for a minimum of 28 days and allowed to remain on reserve if still injured, in the minors or holding out. Once the injured player has played, either the reserve or the sub is dropped by that Tuesday. The team must contact the LEAGUE if it wants to retain the sub player, otherwise the player on injured reserve is automatically returned to the line-up and the sub is dropped. Players picked up have a salary of $5 w/ a standard [2+1] contract, which includes the current year. If a player had been dropped outright but had a larger than $5 contract the old contract would still be in effect.


The PROVINCE is the source for our stats. If the Province is late, we will still use their point totals. Forwards & defensemen gets one point for every point scored. Goalie's points are tabulated using this formula [(shots/10)-(goals against/2)+(5/shutout)]= points. All rostered player's points count, except when on injured reserve.


Once the Entry Draft takes place, all teams must have a payroll that is between $75-$125 inclusive. All teams are responsible for keeping track of their payroll. The Statistician is only to be used as a back up. Any mistakes made by a team will be that team’s responsibility. Player's salaries on reserve do not count towards the cap.


Trades do not take effect until a meeting is held, and then must be paid for at that meeting. An equal amount of players and or draft picks must be traded, and draft picks can only be traded for the present meeting. No trades allowed after the last RE-DRAFT and before the end of the ENTRY DRAFT. A 75% negative vote is required to veto any trade.


To extend a player's contract a team must pick-up the option on the contract before the start of the 3rd year ENTRY DRAFT. In this case the old contract is doubled, $3 is added and a new (2 + 1) year contract is given. All players must play at least 1 game to be eligible for protection for the next season.


There are 3 prizes, not including the money for the Goon Pool. All money is paid out, unless extra services are required, i.e. postage!    

1st  » 50% ,     2nd » 33%,     3rd  » 17%


In the case of a labour stoppage, the pool will be placed on hold if less than 50% of the season is played. All monies except for trades will be returned. Changes to the rosters remain, but NO loss of years occurs. Players not being credited with 1 game would be retained in this case only. Attendance at RE-DRAFTS is optional, (mandatory to make a trade), but it is recommended that teams show up.


The pool will be updated often, at least once a month. Plus updates are available by mail at regular intervals to be decided at the ENTRY DRAFT.

For updates call Jade or EMAIL


-EXISTING TEAM SPLITTING: Teams splitting up may keep up to 10 players each, and are treated like 2 existing teams [no Expansion/Dispersal Draft]. The 2 teams may pick in the WAIVER DRAFT, one in its' regular position and the other directly after.

-NEW TEAMS: Team(s) coming in will get to pick a team from the list of available team(s) on a first come first serve basis.  To do this they must pay a non-refundable $5 deposit to Jade or Ron (the $5 counts towards the Entry Fee),  The team(s) may pick in the WAIVER DRAFT in the team(s) rightful position..

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Updated 10-05-99