Shuttle Program


The space shuttle program was created to help the United States get the advantage in space, by having a reusable craft. Prior to the shuttle the space crafts could only be used once (they would splash down in the ocean). With a reusable craft, NASA could launch more satellites, and run more experiments in space.

*Create a reusable spaceship to save time and money.

*Conduct more experiments in space to help understands man's ability to work and live in space.

*Launch satellites for to help scientists understand the origins of the universe.

Other Facts

*The shuttle is actually called the "Orbiter" because that is all it does. Orbit the earth on its missions.

*There have been close to 100 missions flown with the shuttle fleet.

*The use of the shuttle play a key role in building the international Space Station that will be the largest orbiting object.

Space Craft The Space Shuttle system consists of four primary elements: an orbiter spacecraft, two Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB), an external tank to house fuel and oxidizer and three Space Shuttle main engines.

Types of Rockets

Solid Rocket Boosters

External Tank


Propulsion (rocket) system 56m Orbiter (shuttle) 37m


Liftoff 1,995,840 kg Landing (just the shuttle) 84,778 kg

Number of engines

5 (3 on the Shuttle , 2 solid rocket boosters)



Number of wings/fins/stabilizers

3 (when shuttle attached)