This page is under construction and cannot be completed witout your help. Your site could be listed here. All you have to do is send me a url where I can review your site and determine the nature of the site. i.e. family, help, graphics, midis, etc....

Cool Sites and Help Sites

NetMechanic - Free Web Site Tune-Ups! Link and HTML testing, Server Reliability Testing

For Those Who Need A Little Variety

Graphics and Text Sites

And of Course

Do yo need to get a hold of me now??? Is an email too slow??? Well if I am online you can send me a message from this pager. All you have to do is type in your message and hit the send button and I will get back to you.

This image was created and supplied by ImageMagick. To get one click on the src button and you will be take to his site. And once again sorry computer users the pager is a webtv only fuction. But hey you have al instant messanger so were even.

Email the WebJockey