I have created this page mainly because I was unable to find any pages with early information on Nuclear Assault to link to my NYC music page. I was one of the original people working with Nuclear Assault at the very beginning of their career. My name is Deborah Gentit aka Diane Gianelli (as I was known in the music industry back then). I was a co-manager/consultant with Nuclear Assault and our good friend and co-consultant Matty Silver (hey Matty if you're still out there send me an email). The rest of the crew was at that time comprised of Norman Jones of Brooklyn (drum tech and a great guy) and a Road Manager from Brick, NJ named John (his last name escapes me at the moment but if the skateboarding ace is out there email me and let me know what you're up to) who had been a roadie for Overkill and had been fired due to politics. We saw his potential and snapped him up that very same night. There were also a couple of roadies that came and went.
The original line-up of Nuclear Assault was:

John Connelly - Vocals, guitar
Dan Lilker (formerly of Anthrax) - Bass, vocals
Mike Bogush - Lead Guitar
Scott Duboys (later w/ Warrior Soul) - Drums

John Connelly is one of the most sincere and sensitive performers I have ever had the pleasure to know, as well as being a great guitarist, songwriter and vocalist. He was a founding member of Nuclear Assault and followed it through till the end.

Dan Lilker was the other founding member of Nuclear Assault after his departure from Anthrax. His bass technique and songwriting provided a major impetus to the band.

Mike Bogush only performed live with Nuclear Assault a few times, however his last performance with the band was at the major Nuclear Assault & Overkill show at Coast To Coast in Baltimore, MD. This was the show that really launched the career of Nuclear Assault. Mike left the band after this show so that he could spend more time with his wife and family.

Enter Anthony Bramonte on Lead Guitar, he was referred to us by Derek Lord (my best friend and adoptive brother). Anthony probably still remembers the party he had with Scott Duboys in the hotel room when I was called to the rescue.

Scott Duboys (more recently w/ Warrior Soul) was the one that called me in to work with the band, as we came from the same home town in CT. We had met up at L'amours where I was working with another band and he asked me to come and give Nuclear Assault a listen to see if I'd consider working with them. Matty Silver was also recruited by Scott Duboys. Scott left Nuclear Assault a short while after Mike Bogush. He was already being deluged with offers from other bands and there was a growing chasm between Nuclear Assault and Scott and myself over the direction that the band would go next.

I left at the same time as Scott, however I stayed long enough to refer Derek Lord for drums. Derek had been spending time at the Nuclear Assault rehearsals and had been in a band previously with Anthony Bramonte. Since he knew all the band's material and was a kick-ass drummer (formerly with Amtrak, and later with Ritual & The Peter Tork Project) he was drafted. Derek however had the same problems as Scott over the direction of the project and left after a very short time.

The drums were now taken over by Glenn Evans, who stayed till the very end.

Anthony was later replaced by Dave DiPietro on Lead Guitar and Dan Lilker was later replaced by Scott Metaxas on Bass.


Anyone with photos of early or later Nuclear Assault band members, shows etc. feel free to email them to me and I will give you full photo credit.


Original Nuclear Assault Bio.. Coming Soon: This was the original bio included with their press kits etc.
Early Nuclear Assault Photos:
Later Nuclear Assault Photos.. Coming Soon:
Warrior Soul Tribute Page:

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