(The camera fades back in as Dutch Daon's Heavy Metal band, King Metal, arrives in the
ring to begin the show. Ross "The Boss" seats himself behind a pipe organ off to one side
the ring while Rhino arms himself with his bass opposite of Ross. Dr. Killdrums mans the
drums, and Dutch Daon is standing in the center of the stage with his back towards the
(Just as Ross begins playing a gloomy melody on the pipe organ, a group of about ten
hooded monks start making their way to ringside, holding up signs saying things like "Heavy
Metal is the Devil's Music", "Silence Dutch DEMON", and "Cover your ears to the sound
of Satan". NEW security prevents the monks from entering the ring, but things get violent,
and one of them gets by security!)
(The monk enters the ring, then, from under his robes, he pulls out a sword, and swipes at
the unsuspecting Dutch Daon, severing his head. The
lifeless body falls down to the mat. The monk then turns around and removes
his hood, revealing his identity... it's Dutch Daon! Just then, pyros from the
four corners of the ring flair up. Ross steps out from behind the organ and
grabs two guitars, handing one to Dutch.)
(In almost a whisper of a voice, Dutch begins to sing...)
"We belong to the world, we belong to the wind.
We are the spirit of the competition's end...."
(Both King Metal and NEW fans alike recognize the song. It's Dutch Daon's
NEW theme music, "Number One" by ManOwaR. The crowd sings along...)
"Let the games begin. Hear the starting gun.
Play from the heart this day. We will overcome.
When the game is over and all the counting's done,
We were born to win, Number One!"
(The song wraps up, and the band quickly goes right into the next song of
the set, Tonight He Grins Again. Even those NEW fans who do not particularly
care for heavy metal appreciate this moving song, featuring Daon's powerful
vocals and The Boss's melodic guitar playing. The song ends, leaving the crowd
in awe.)
(The silence is broken as Dutch Daon begins to announce the next song)
DD: Hail, Brothers of Metal!
(The crowd responds with a bold, mighty HAIL that resonates throughout the
DD: There's metal in the air tonight, can you hear it call?
(The crowd cheers loudly and wildly, answering the call.)
DD: Tonight, we're coming to you live from NEW...
(NEW fans erupt in cheers, voicing their opinions of the greatest wrestling
organization on the planet.)
DD: I see everyone brough their lungs tonight, so we call all yell Louder Than
Hell. That's good, because I'm going to need help from everyone for this next
song here. Now some of you already know the routine, but for those of you who
don't, it's real simple. When I hold the mic above my head like this...
(Dutch Daon holds the mic high into the air, holds it up there for a
moment, then brings it back down.)
DD: ... I want you to all yell "Heavy Metal" as loud as you can.
(Dutch holds the mic up into the air, the crowd responding with a loud,
hearty "HEAVY METAL!" Dutch begins singing, the band begins playing..)
DD: Heavy Metal Dazed!
DD: Heavy Metal Dazed!
(And that brings the band right into their song, Heavy Metal. The whole
crowd on hand gets into it, shouting HEAVY METAL at the top of their lungs at
Dutch's signal. At the close of the song, the lights fade out completely.)
(As soon as it is pitch black, strobe lights start flashing and the band
begins playing their next song, Hall of the Mountain King. At the sound of the
opening riff, the headless body that once posed as Dutch Daon begins to move
again. It stands up and runs around the ring with an insanity only fitting to
the song.)
(As the song begins to wind down, the headless man finds and picks up his
"head" and tosses it into the crowd. After that, pyros burst and the ring
fills with smoke. When the smoke clears, the headless man is gone, and Dutch
stands in the center of the ring, announcing the next song.)
DD: This next one is for my good friend, Cowboy. Some of you may like him,
some of you may hate him. In the ring, you never really knew what to expect
out of him. In the locker room, he was one cool guy. This one's for you,
buddy. Rest In Peace, man.
(In a hush tone, accompanied by Ross's piano-playing, Dutch begins to sing
the song, Courage.)
"Some like to say that hope is lost. See me stand alone.
I can't do what others may want. So I'll have no home.
So for now, wave goodbye. And keep your hands held high.
Hear this song of courage long into the night.
So for now, wave goodbye, and keep your hands held high.
Hear this song of courage long into the night..."
(Then Ross and Daon grab their guitars, and the band cranks out a
beautiful metal ballad of courage and loss. The chorus is repetitive, and NEW
fans quickly pick it up and sing along. The stadium is lit by the dim, soft
glow of thousands of hand-held lighters.)
(The song ends, leaving the arena silent. The silence is abbruptly and
somewhat rudely interrupted by pyros as the band suddenly starts their last
song for this evening, Battle Hymn. The song is a long hailed classic in the
world of heavy metal, with its medieval sounding lyrics. As the band plays the
song, images of horses and men-at-arms, combat and war show up on the large
NEW monitors.)
(The song ends in a great video and audio spectacle, with much fighting on
the monitors, pyros in the arena, and Ross and Daon whaling on their guitars.
Killdrums adds to the effect, rattling his symbols while Rhino plays the bass
with lightning speed. Once over, the lights go out to pitch black, Dutch's
voice is heard yelling "Let the games begin!")
(The lights go back on, and the band has disappeared. King Metal's road
crew comes down to the ring and begins clearing it, and packing away the
equipment. Let the games begin.)
Battleroyal - Winner gets title shot later in the night:
("More Human Than The Human" by White Zombie plays as Stunnin Steve accompanies to the ring, the
former NEW World Heavyweight Champion, GRENDEL)
Mike Ixnay: What's going on here?!?!?!?!?
(as they approach the ring, Steve does a corny announcement)
Stunnin Steve: Ladies and gentlemen, up next IS our main event live on OctoberWrest Pay
Per View 1998! Coming to the ring at this time accompanied by the ICON of the NEW
and the one and only GOD of wrestling, Stunnin Steve.... standing tall at 7 feet and weighing
in at 285 lbs. here is the greatest World Heavyweight Champion of all time, the Goldberg of
battleroyal going for 31 and 0, here is the kind of battleroyal himself... The Man Called
Mike Ixnay: I can't believe these guys....
Larry Nabisco: I don't know, they're kind of cool!
Mike Ixnay: Oh please....
GRENDEL: Let me speak on this!!!! Are you down with OPP?
crowd: Yeah, you know me!
GRENDEL: Are ya down with OPP?
crowd: Yeah, you know me!
GRENDEL: Who's better than GRENDEL at battleroyal???
crowd: Nobody!!!!
GRENDEL: That's what I thought!
("Ruthless Villain" by Eazy E blasts over the PA Stystem as Nathaniel Tesch approaches the
ring with Mrs. Reaves behind him)
Mike Ixnay: Here comes Nathaniel Tesch and... WHAT THE HELL IS MRS. REAVES
Larry Nabisco: I don't know, but she's holding him pretty tight!
Mike Ixnay: He's in the ring......
Nathaniel Tesch: Hey, hey, hey..... CEO Reaves, I want you to meet the future Mrs.
Nathaniel Tesch and the soon to be former Mrs. Reaves!
Mike Ixnay: What?!?!?!!??
Mrs. Reaves: Hey Steviekins! Don't worry about me! I'm in REAL good hands! And oh...
by the way, Space Mountain WAS a wild ride and I had the time of my life! I wish you
could have been there!
Nathaniel Tesch: Reaves, I took your woman, and tonight, I am going to take your belt
back home with me to the FOWWW!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: What?!?!?!?!?!?
Larry Nabisco: He can't do that!!!! Can he???
(bell rings)
Mike Ixnay: The bell rings and Mrs. Reaves is out of the ring and Grendel jumps Nate from
behind! Grendel is hammering away at Tesch and I can't believe my ears or my eyes!
Larry Nabisco: Well, differnt strokes fell different oakes, and she must have stroken them
(Mike slaps Larry)
Mike Ixnay: I appologize for the sexist remarks of one Larry Nabisco fans, he has
absolutely no self respect and NATHANIEL TESCH TAKES GRENDEL DOWN WITH
Larry Nabisco: Yeah, but Grendel is covering up!
("Number One" by Man O War plays as dutch Daon approaches the ring with a mic and a
pair of cuffs)
Mike Ixnay: And hare comes Dutch Daon and... why does he have the cuffs???
Larry Nabisco: I don't know... but he's standing in the ring near a cornerpost and away from
the action.....
Dutch Daon: Brohters of true metal, the metal is in the air, can you hear it calling????
(the crowd responds with a mighty "HAIL!")
Dutch Daon: I am cuffing myself to the top roes until further notice....
Mike Ixnay: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Dutch Daon: I'd like to see soembody throw me out of the ring now!!!!
Larry Nabisco: This guy is crazy!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Maybe so, byut it's a smart move and Tesch has GRENDEL up..... he whips
him to the far corner. Nate with an attempted clothesline into the corner and GRENDEL
clothesline of his own, GRENDEL pulls Tesch back up and CHOKESLAM ON
Larry Nabisco: Who is that damn lunatic in the hospital gown??? Is it Crazy Joe?!?!?!?!?
Mike Ixnay: No, that's..... IT'S SCOTTY G!!!! HE ESCAPED FROM BELLVUE!!!!!!
Larry Nabisco: Looks that way to me! And I've NEVER quite seen him show his ass like
that before!
Mike Ixnay: Oh my, it's a full moon out tonight folks, and Scotty is on the apron arguing with
the GRENDEL??? What is this all about?!?!?!?!?!?
Larry Nabisco: I don't know, but......
Mike Ixnay: Tesch clotheslines GRENDEL into Scotty!!!!! SCOTTY FELL OFF OF THE
Larry Nabisco: Oh no, he's mad now!!!!
Mike Ixnay: He's back up and he's pulling himself back onto the apron and Nate is trying to
muscle GRENDEL over the top rope..... SCOTTY HELPS PULL GRENDEL OVER
Larry Nabisco: Ya know what this means?!?!?!?!?!?
Mike Ixnay: This mneans that GRENDEL has just lost his first battleroyal out of 31!!!!
Larry Nabisco: There's dissention between The Powers That Be and you can see it right
Mike Ixnay: They're arguing on the outside and GRENDEL JUST GOT NAILED ON
Larry Nabisco: Wait, wait.... is that.....
Mike Ixnay: It's former NEW World Heavyweight champion, Brian Marcotte!!!!!! He's
back n the NEW and he nailed GRENDEL from behind!!!!!
Larry Nabisco: And he's eyeballing Scotty G as he walks off..... what's going on
Mike Ixnay: Scotty is stripping his gown off and st4reaking through the crowd at
ringside!!!!! Here comes security and Tesch is beating the snot out of Dutch in the corner,
but Dutch is taking it laughing with a smile on his face!!!!! What a damn wierdo!
Larry Nabisco: Here comes Pastor Mark Brian with a bible!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Where did he come from???
Larry Nabisco: I think the crowd!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Mark Brian nails Tesch from behind with the bible... man, that's some heavy
Larry Nabisco: Dutch is taking the cuffs off and he nails Mark Brian with them. Dutch is
working Mark over now and Tesch is back up.....
Mike Ixnay: Dutch is over to send Mark out of the ring and Tesch is over..... HE FLIPS
Larry Nabisco: Didn't Mark go over too????
Mike Ixnay: He's holding on with all his might and Tesch is kicking at Mark.....
Larry Nabisco: Dutch nails Mark from behind and Mark falls out onto the floor! Dutch and
Mark are fighting it out on the floor!!!!!
Mike Ixnay: Oh no, did Nathaniel Tesch win?!?!?!?!?!?!?
(bell rings)
Micheal Buttbuffer: The winner and....
(Tesch grabs the mic from buttbuffer)
Nathaniel Tesch: And the NEXT NEW World Heavyweight Champion....... The Ruthless
Villain..... Nathaniel Tesch!!!!!!
(the fans are booing)
Nathaniel Tesch: Grant, polish off the belt now, I'm taking it back home to the FOWWW