I'll Remember you
By NRM 99

"Why Can't I get this right, I know how I want it to sound but I can't sing it like i want to." Isaac said getting mad as he was reading over his new song

"Hey Ike, you still working on that new song?" Isaac's younger brother Taylor asked as he tried to read some of Isaac's new song

"Yes I am!" Isaac Said as he moved the paper away from Taylor's vision

"Hey Isaac, Why won't you let Tay and I read your new song?" Isaac's 2nd younger brother Zac asked

"Because I am not done with it yet!" Isaac said as he hummed a small part of the song trying to get it stuck in his brother's head

"Is that song about Carrie?" Zac questioned looking at the floor remembering his best friend who died a few days ago

"Sort of, I'm not sure yet though.." Isaac said remembering Cairrie's smile and how her laugh made the room light up

"Oh, come on Zac lets go down stairs." Taylor said noticeing that his younger brother was about to cry

"It's not fair! Why did it have to be her? Why didn't someone stop that guy from driving when he was too drunk to even walk, why?" Zac said as he remembered what had happened

~~~~~~ Flash Back~~~~~~~

"Hey Carrie.... Don't Laugh when I ask you this but..... Will you be my girlfriend?" Zac said shyly to his bestfriend of 8 years

"Oh Zac.... Yes I will!!!" Carrie said link Zac had just asked her to marry him

The next thing Zac saw was a car's head lights, followed by a loud crash as his best friend was thrown into the air. Zac quickly ran over to his best friend as the driver of the car passed out.

"Carrie??? Are you okay???" Zac asked as he looked at the small helpliss body that lay before him

"Someone help!!!' Zac yelled through tears

With in minutes help came, and took Carrie away to the hospital leaving Zac to answer questions.

"Sir, how much have you had to drink tonight?" Zac heard a poliece man ask the driver of the car

There was a muffled answer than silence, the man had passed out again. With in a few hours there was news on Carrie, even though Zac had prayed that she would make it Carrie had passed away.

~~~~~~~~End of Flash Back~~~~~~~~

Suddenly Zac had a great idea for a song

I'll remember you
Even though you left me so blue
Not even the sky can take my mind off you...

Zac continued to write and soon he was done. And in good timeing too the funeral was tomorrow and Zac wanted to have him and his brothers sing his song for her.

"Hey Ike, Tay could you come down here for a minute?" Zac said as he read over his song

"What's up Zac?" Isaac asked seeing the paper in his hand

"Read this!" Zac said handing the paper to Isaac

"Hey if we put your song and mine together we could sing this at Carrie's funeral tomorrow!" Isaac said at Taylor took the paper from him

"Ike go get yours!" Taylor said reading over Zac's part of the song

Soon all three boys were singing the new song, adding parts and trying to creat the right mood for the song. They had been practicing for 45 minutes infront of the whole hanson family. When the boys were done Diana wiped away her tears and sai it was time for bed, there was to be a long day tomorrow and the boys would need their rest.

"Come on boys!" Walker called to his sons

"Be right there dad!" Isaac called as the three boys ran down the stairs and out the front door.

Less than 45 minutes later all three boys were standing up infront of hundreds of people getting ready to sing their new song

"I'll remember you
Even though you left me so blue
Not even the sky can take my mind off you"

Zac started off the song solo and Taylor and Isaac joined in making their beutiful harmony the best it had ever sounded.

As the song ended the guys looked out at all the sad faces and red eyes. Suddenly all the lights in the room dimed and a figure appered infront of eveyone.

"Carrie?" Zac asked seeing his bestfriend in front of him

"Yes its me." The figure said in a weak voice

"Zac I want you and everyone else to remember me, cause I'll be with you in your dreams. And I want you to always remember me because I'll remember you! I am sorry but it is time for me to go, I love you all!!' Carrie said as she slowly fadded away and the room brighted back up

"bye carrie I'll miss you!" Zac said in a low wisper knowing that she could hear him


[NRM's Stories ]
Green Eggs And Hanson

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