"I have to drive up there then I have some things I need to do so I should be by in about three hours ... that okay?" My dad said.

"Yeah daddy!"

"So see you then?"




As I hung up the phone Taylor gave me a look as to say "Well?"

"All right buddy, if you want to see this hot sexy bod' staying here," I said pointing to Jordan "then this house has to be CLEAN so that my dad can stop by and see that this is a nice place for us to live!"

Within seconds there were eleven of us in the living room cleaning, I gave Taylor and "what the heck?" look. Now let me fill you in on a tad bit of info. Its a cold day with the Devil before you can get any of these kids to clean and if you do get them to clean then you have to go through hours of "its so N' so's mess make them clean it up!" or "Why do I have to clean it?" but here they were all the kids in the house all cleaning.

"I kinda told them what happened last night and I guess they heard you in the kitchen." he said looking down.

"Oh, cool." I said then went to clean out the sofa.

After about five minutes of finding toys and food stuck in the sofa I pulled out a five dollar bill "Cool I found five bucks!" I said holding up the money for all to see. Everyone stopped and checked their pockets to see if the money was theirs, and after a few minutes and four hands saying "its mine!" I gave the money to Isaac. Why? Isaac is the only one I ever see with money who doesn't hide it like the rest of us.

After about and hour the lower house was clean. . . Now comes the worst part of the house. . . The Boys room, yes I have been in there on my own before and made it out without having to go see a nurse. But my dad however might not be so lucky if Jordan were to run in and play "hide and seek".

While in my room I heard a yell come from down that hall, "Hey Stacy?"

"Yeah!" I yelled back.

"You washing anything?"

"Umm. . . . No?" I said seeing the huge pile of shirts and pants sitting outside the guys room.

"You want to?" Came the next yell.

"Zac! Do it yourself!" I yelled back then ran down to put my stuff in the washer.

"Mommy!" Jordan said running out of the guys room holding on of his shirts.

"Come on big guy you can help!" I said picking him up with one arm.

"He flies too?" Taylor said running back up to his room.

"Yep!" I said then put my stuff in the washer.

Its a good thing I have my own room sometimes, because it is much better to clean your room without having lego's and Barbies everywhere. Although I did find a few of both in my room for some reason or another.

"Hey Ay!" I yelled once back in my room.

"Yeah?" She said coming into my room.

"Say. Hun you didn't bye any chance misplaces sassy-sue did ya?" I asked referring to her stuffed bunny.

"Yeah I did, why?"

"Cause I have a suspect in this case of "the missing sassy-sue bunny"." I said laughing.

"Here babes I think Jordan took her. But needless to say she's okay and ready to go home!" I said handing Avery back her pink bunny with the sassy shirt on.

"Jess, Jess! I found sassy!" the young girl yelled running back to her room to show her sister.

It took about and hour and a half to clean the boys room and in the end there were three bags of trash and tons of toys that had to be put away. I just hoped my dad wouldn't want to see their closet, they packed off of the stuff they could in there. It was to the point where I felt sorry for anyone who wanted something out of the boys closet.

For the next half hour we re-cleaned the kitchen and made some food for the little ones, I feed Jordan and Zoë. Who like all little kids their age ... didn't want to eat anything that didn't make noise of some sort, so I had Taylor feed Zoe and I took on the task of Jordan. He didn't want what I had he wanted Zac's BB N' Jelly, in the end Zac ended up feeding Jordan while I went to get shower anyway.

After I was dressed I heard a knock on the door..

"I got it!" I yelled opening up the door to reveal my step Mom and father.

"Hi, Jan, Dad!" I said giving a suck-up hug .

"Ahhh!" Jordan yelled running by me being chased by Zac who was trying to wipe his face.

"Daddy!" Jordan yelled running and jumping on Taylor who was sitting on the sofa reading a book. (which I knew he wasn't really reading anyway!)

"uh oh!" I said letting my dad and Jan in.

"Jordan come here babes!" I said trying to save Taylor.

Jordan came running up to me acting all sweet like he did when anyone he knew showed up.

"Dad here is your son!" I said handing Jordan to dad so he could play.

"He is talking and running already?" My dad asked realizing for the first time.

"Yeah. Its this house he caught on quick I guess." I said noticing that my little brother less the a year old was both walking and talking already.

"Okay now... If you want to stay so bad then show me around young lady." He said straining on the word young.

"Okay this is Isaac, Taylor, Zac, Jess, Avery, Mac, Zoe, Diana, and Walker." My father's eyes about came out of his head at all the people in the room which he all of the sudden noticed.

"Okay. Umm on with the tour of the house." I said.

I didn't get all worried until we entered my room. True it hadn't been very big, but it held both of us.

"My room." I said opening the door.

"Its small honey." Jan said hugging my dad around the neck.

"Yeah it is." he said looking at it a bit more.

"What was it?" he asked looking at Walker.

"Oh it was the walk in closet for the master bedroom, which lead to a secret bathroom." he said getting an odd look from everyone.

"She has her own bathroom?" Zac asked making all of us laugh

"All right now lets see where Jordan's "daddy" sleeps" My father said looking at Taylor and I with the all knowing "I can tell what's going on" parent look.

Taylor's room was a blast, we walked in and Diana let out a shocked gasp "Oh my gosh," she said "Its clean!" Walker added.

"Clean?" Jan said giving my dad the "can we leave" look.

"All right honey are you sure you'll be okay here," he said nodding at Walker and Diana as if to say "all right you win, just take care of her."

"Yes, Daddy I'm fine." I said walking over to Taylor and Zac putting my arms around them.

"I'm a pimp, how can I not be okay!" I said laughing.

"Oh yeah a pimp Stacy!" Isaac said putting me into a headlock.

"Okay Stacy we are out of here, I'll call you in a few days." He told me as we all went back down stairs.

"Oh and Stacy!" My father said turning around.


"Remember if anything happens I want you to call me."He said as him and Jan walked out the door holding hands

Right after they were out of sight everyone engulfed me and Jordan in a huge group hug as Taylor let out a shout of happiness, then he grabbed my hand and said something that to this day I can remember.

"Stacy I got so worried when he came by, I almost thought I would loose you without saying this, Stacy I love you so much." he wispered into my ear.

Then I took him and gave him the biggest hug leaving everyone to "aww" at how cute we were. After they were all done and over with told him that I felt the same way.

(AN: thank you sooo much to a buddy of mine named heather for pretty much writing this second half of 16, love ya girly)

[17] [Index] [Stories]
Green Eggs And Hanson