Nikki replied to my e-mail with lightning speed, giving me any info I asked for.

I now sat looking at the phone still hiding from Taylor, it was as if I thought the phone would just dial the number for me. But after dialing the first 5 numbers I'd hang up. finally I did it, I picked up the phone and dialed her number this was really going to be it...


Now there was no turning back.. I waited 3 rings and when I thought no one would pick up someone answered. "McMahon house this is Malik."

"Umm hi, is Nikki there by chance." I sounded so stupid why was I worried, this was for Taylor!

"Yeah just a sec. NIKKI!" a few seconds later I heard another voice

"Hello, this is Nikki."

"Nikki this is Stac, umm.. you wanna meet somewhere so we can chat?" I never was very friendly over the phone.. Plus I wanted to see her face to face to see if she would be right for Taylor, because with him it wasn't about looks or brains.. It was about everything. The way you smile the shade of your eyes when you got excited..

"Yeah, how about the park?" She asked

"Yeah, what do you think around say 3?"

"Okay, umm.. I know what you look like so I'll find you." Nikki told me

"All right I'll be sitting by the main gate." I told her

We talked for a few more minutes before I heard a knock on my door

"Hey, Nikki I have to go. So I'll see you then okay?" I said trying hurry

"Yeah bye!"

I hung up the phone and walked to the door. When I opened it I was met with those same blue eyes that I had seen at the concert so many months before.

"Hey." I said

"What's wrong?" Taylor asked in a broken voice

"Nothing, why?" I said trying to let him know that this wasn't going to change our friendship

"What was that e-mail about?" Taylor asked walking in and sitting on my bed looking at me with sad eyes

"That e-mail was from a fan and I kinda felt sorry for her. Maybe You should meet her." I said trying to lighten things up

"Is that all?" he asked still looking sad


"Okay." Taylor said giving me a half smile before giving a full grin

"You Mr. Jordan Taylor Hanson are a goof!" I said laughing as Taylor made a funny face at me

"Oh, and your better?" He said getting up off my bed and coming toward me

"Umm, no?" I said before opening my door and running down the hall

"GET BACK HERE YOU CHICKEN!" Taylor yelled before running after me

"No way!" I said looking back at him from the bottom of the stairs

When I looked in front of me I saw Zac and Isaac slowly catching on to what was going on and jumping to their feet.

"No. ... guys.. Buddies....You know I love ya, now let me past.... Please?" I said trying to butter up so I could get past before Taylor got me

"We have the hostage sir!" Zac said grabbing me around tha waist

"No, Zachary let me go!" I yelled trying to break free seeing Taylor run down the stairs

"Nah, this is better." He said holding me tighter

"You are so dead later!" I said just before Taylor reached us

"Zac, I'll take it from here." Taylor told him

"I have a better idea!" Isaac said from behind me

"What would that be dear big brother?" Taylor said with a sly smile

"This!" Isaac said as he started to tickle me

"No!!!!!" I said laughing and kicking as I fell to the floor

"Yes!" all three brothers yelled as they tickled me

"You guys are so stupid!" Jessica said as she walked by us

"Oh, do I see our next victum?" Isaac said giving jess an evil grin

"Don't even think about it!" Jess said as she started to run

I was forgotten right there and watched as all three brother ran after their younger sister.

"What a bunch of goofballs." I said to myself as I heard a small cry come from upstairs

"I'm coming Jordan!" I said running back up to my room

I sware these halls can be deadly with all the stuff that 9 kids leave laying around. You have to watch our for Barbies, legos, rollerblades and anything else that might just find its way into the hall. Right by the boy's rooms was the worst clothes out into the hall mixed with random song lyrics and anything else that they had on their floor in their room.

"Hey cutie!" I said when I opened my door

"Momma!" Jordan said in his crib

"No, Sissy!" I said smiling at him as I got a puzzled look

"Come here big guy." I loved Jordan so much he had to be the best little baby in the world

Pretty bad.. I never had sex and here i was.. a Mom.

"Where is my favorite non-brother!" Zac yelled opening my door

"Lost in that mess you call a room!" I said grinning at my own smart comment

"Ah, shud-up!" Zac said racing to get Jordan

"Be careful with him Zac." I said watching the two of them running out of my room

So cute, but seeing that it was almost 3 I grabbed my watch and got ready to meet Nikki.

What would I really need to bring with me, it was summer in Tulsa.. Water and maybe some sun screen.

[Twenty-three] [Index] [Stories]