Well, it has been about seven months scene my mother walked out on me, and the guys have finished their tour. Nothing really great has happened, I got to be backstage with the guys when their lucky fans got to come back to meet their favorite band.

It was funny to watch some of these people as they entered, it would be really loud before everyone came in, but then all the fans would stop talking screaming and yelling at each other. It would take quite some time for most of the girl fans to warn up to the guys, but the male Hanson fans. Well, let me put it this way, all of the guy fans would talk to Hanson for a while about the usual. Then out of nowhere one of them would ask about me or they would go and talk to one of the girls, who were crying like someone had just died. I had helped a few of them out by reminding them that Hanson was just a band out regular guys. Some of them would laugh and brighten up enough that they would get the courage to talk to one of the guys. Then there were the girls like me. they wouldn't believe anything that someone they didn't know says, they would always be like "What happens if they don't like me?" or "What if I scream?"

It would take a few minutes of telling them about what happened when I met Tay for them to laugh and wake up. I became very popular backstage, everyone thought that I was a make-up person or something. Which in this case could have been true, since most of the time I was holding Jordan, and just keeping cool about the boyfriend-girlfriend thing.

And through out the whole tour Isaac seemed to have more of a fan base they Taylor and Zac, he would go out to sing "More Than Anything" and everyone would just go wild! Yet when Taylor would try to show off most people would laugh and scream hoping that he could hear them.

Zac. Now Zac I must say Zac was having a bit of trouble... He was growing up, his looks and his voice were changing. This got him screams Everytime something would happen or he would talk. I would just sit backstage and laugh a the camera went on a blushing Zac, who had been caught by puberty. Not that the fans seemed to mind, in fact they seemed to be very ... well they were happy, and excited.

The guys had somehow talked me into coming on stage for one song at the end of one of the shows. I think it was in Seattle but I could be wrong. We all performed "Money (That's What I Want)" It sounded good because the mics kept fading, and making it hard to get through the songs. With a forth person the mics could fade and it would sound kinda natural.

I had to admit it was better then the home show when all the mics and sound went off, it was kinda like a drum solo for poor Zac. Not that he minded he just kept playing. (AN: Sorry I wanted to put in some true info about the tour.. Please E-Mail me with any Ideas you guys have for the story, or and comments I love to get em!)

So now it was June, I was trying to think of ways to bother Taylor because he was so "Bored out of his mind." I had a very mean Idea but I wasn't sure if he would understand it.

"Hey Taylor, I'll be right back." I said trying to get my plan into action

"OK, could you get me one of those push-pop things?" He asked still sitting on the back steps

"Sure!" I said as I got my plan into action, I grabbed two push-pops out of the freezer and walked back outside.

I handed Taylor his and I started to Play with mind as I opened it. (AN: This gets a little ... umm sick I guess and it won't make a lot of scene to some of you and I'm sorry for that!) After I opened it I would swirl my tongue around in the yogurt. I could tell it was driving him nuts, because he was watching me and he hadn't even opened his up yet. I continued to do this until it was too far down for me to reach with my tongue. I looked at Taylor through the corner of my right eye to check if he was still watching, and sure enough he was! I am so mean. I thought as I slowly pushed the yogurt up by the plastic stick, Taylor had been watching my every move. Now it was time to make him blush, he looked so cute when he blushed!

"Hey Tay, you gonna eat that?" I asked looking over at him still playing with my push-pop

"Yeah, I just got kinda distracted." He said Blushing a deep shade of red

"What are you blushing about?" I asked already knowing the answer

"Umm your. Kinda umm...." Taylor tried to talk but he could spit the words out

"Oh this?" I asked pointing to my push-pop

"Err.. umm yeah." Taylor said blushing more

"Oh, I'll stop then." I said eating it the regular way

"I'm gonna go get Jordan, so I'll be right back!" Taylor said as he untucked his shirt and ran into the house

I couldn't help but laugh I had made Taylor "Happy" by the simple act of eating a push-pop. Moments later Isaac came out Laughing about something.

"What?" I asked innocently

"Taylor ... hahahaha ... he said that you were teasing him ... hahahaha. So I came out here trying to catch you in the act of ... hahahaha." Isaac said laughing

"Well, he is just so cute when he blushes so I wanted to see what I could do with a push-pop." I said laughing too

We sat and laughed about Taylor for a few minutes, then Isaac tried to become serious again.

"You know he likes you right?" Isaac said

"Yeah, that is part of the reason I did that, I wanted to see what he would do. Knowing you and Zac, You two would just laugh and blow it off as nothing, but Taylor. I wasn't sure of him." I said still laughing

"So that means that you like him too?" Isaac asked me

"Umm ... uhh...Crap!" I said blushing.

[Ten] [Index] [Stories ]
Green Eggs And Hanson