WELCOME to the page on how the five guys became NSYNC! This is for those that just started liking NSYNC or that would like to know more about how they began. I hope you like it, and learn things that you never new about the hottest band...... NSYNC!!!

Most of the NSYNC members were doing things before they became who they are today, they were either singing, acting or dancing. Now that Justin, Jc, Lance, Chris and Joey have come together they have made the perfect group. So how did NSYNC start? It was the oldest member Chris Kirkpatrick who started it. (the grandfather of the group) He was in a fifty's do-wop group at Universal Studios when he wanted to take his singing career farther. So he called up the youngest member in the group Justin Timberlake he know Justin becasue they met in some audtions. Before Justin started NSYNC he was in MMC (Mickey Mouse Club) and thats how Jc (Josh)Chasez came into the picture becasue he was also in MMC and him and Justin were friends. Chris also new Joey Fatone becasue he was working at Universaa Studios in the Bettlejuice Graveyard Review. Then they called Justin's vocal coach and that how they met Lance. Justin quotes "The thing about it is that we were friends before we got our manger!" To get ready for everything the guys would practice everyday for a year for about five hours in an old warehouse, They would also practice when ever they got time.

WHEN DID NSYNC FIRST BECOME POPULAR? It was in 1995 when they were recording stuff for their demo to send out to different record companies. Soon they singed with RCA and Lou Pearlman became their manger. In the summer of 1996 they started to get noticed. Now the guys have gone double platnium in Canada and gold in the United States.

WHAT ARE NSYNC SINGLES THAT ARE REALESED? I'm sure you have heard the song "I want you back" and thats what made them who they are today. That was their first song realesed here in Canada and the US. Now the second song is taking over the charts it's "Tearing up my heart." But both songs are realesed and so is "For the girl who has everything."

HOW DID THEY GET THE NAME NSYNC? There are two stories and ways that they got NSYNC. One is Jsutin's mom came up with it becasue they all like doing the same stuff. The second one is the last letters of their names. (The order goes justiN, chriS, joeY, lancsteN, jC!) If your wondering why Lance is called Lancsten. Well it's becasue when they first all met Lance they called him "Lancsten." So thats how you get NSYNC. If you haven't noticed yet, the next time you look at the sexy Justin look at his necklace it's a NSYNC tag. Joey has one but he usually doesn't wear it, it's usually the Superman one!

So now that I have told you a little more on NSYNC, and if you new some stuff I hope you learned more facts that you never knew.

I got all this information on NSYNC from magazines, books, tv interviews and than I put it together. If you have more information e-mail me.