Grand Rapids - March 28, 1998

Ok this one’s pretty short. We didn’t really get to talk to the guys much, but I talked to Jennifer, their hairdresser, quite a bit…probably for about an hour or so. That was in the hotel restaurant. We talked about lots of stuff…like when the guys were going to be on Leno next, what the show consisted of…just stupid stuff. Then I was talking about these 3 girls that in Detroit, slutted themeselves around to the roadies, who in turn got them on stage. So, Jen was like “I’ll get you onstage tonight.” WOO She told me what I had to do…ended up that whenever she had time, the body guards were busy (they’re the ones who choose who goes onstage) so I wasn’t sure if she ever talked to them about me. After the opening acts were done, I went up to where the body guards were…a couple of them anyway…I remember one of them was Todd…can’t remember who the other guy was though. Anyway, I asked the other guy if Jennifer had talked to him about me at all. He said he hadn’t talked to her all day and asked who I was. I told him and he said “sorry sweetheart…what was it about?” I told him it was about going onstage. He said he’d go talk to her in a minute. Both of them disappeared for a few minutes. During that time, Callie and Stacy, 2 of the friends that went with me to the concert, had come down to talk to me. All the sudden, the body guard that I was talking to grabbed my wrist and put an orange band on it and said “We’re using you three girls on stage,” and handed us 2 more wristbands for Callie and Stacy. They told us when to come down and where to go and all that stuff…After “Here We Go” we went to where he told us and…we during the song anyway…a few minutes later we were walking on stage. It was soooooo amazing I couldn’t even believe it. I was the 2nd to last person in line on our side of the stage. Callie was behind me. While we were walking out, I felt a hand on my back and I turned around and there’s Justin. I about freaked but I stayed calm surprisingly. He was like guiding us where to go. He put out his hands for me and Callie to like show us where to sit. Then they talked a little bit and then they turned around before they started singing. When Justin turned around, it was the first time he’d gotten a good look at me and he got this really surprised look on his face and goes “I’ve seen you before!” I just said yeah and smiled at him and he winked…they sang a little bit...danced…then during this one part…ok there was hardly any room between me and Callie. When they turned around to come sit next to us, Justin was coming to sit right between us. He looked at me with this look on his face…I can’t explain it but I moved over a little so he could fit…he barely fit so I was like smashed between him and the girl sitting next to me…I did not mind though! He was sittin’ there singin’, sounded awesome by the way, and he put his hand, palm facing up, on his knee. He looked at me with this like sly smile on his face and I just stared right back at him looking like an idiot I bet lol he whispered, “Are you gonna hold my hand or what?” I just like jumped from surprise and grabbed his hand. He started to sorta laugh while he was singing…so I got to hold Justin’s hand and he sang to me…lookin' right in my eyes! It was like a dream…a dream that ended MUCH to quickly! Right after that was when they did the thing with the chairs…Justin was right in front of me…god…lol it was cool anyway. Chris sat by me and Callie later during the song and it was while he wasn’t singing and he was like “How’ve you been?” and I said good and I introduced him to Callie and I THINK he shook her hand?? I can’t remember…help me out here Callie lol I was a little upset that I didn’t get near Lance at all while I was up there but he did wink and smile at me a couple times…Joey waved and J.C. mouthed “What’s up!” to me. Basically, it was awesome being up there. I loved it. K well that’s that encounter. Buh bye!