Phi Delta Psi Fraternity, Incorporated
Phi Delta Psi is a college fraternity consisting of functioning
undergraduates, and soon to be flourishing alumni chapters on
major campuses in major cities throghout the country.
The fraternity was founded at Western Michigan University
as a non-profit organization under the laws of the state of Mich-
gan on March 21,1977. The ten Founding Fathers are: Kwameh
Barnett, Derek Bell, Richard Bell, Charles Cameroon, Gregory
Brown, Gerald Dixon, Dennis Jones, Peter McClain, Michael
Moseby and Daulton Tansil. Phi Delta Psi was later incorporated
in November of 1977. The fraternity also established a little sister
organization called the "Sapphires".
The Founding Fathers saw fit, with due respect to our Greek
Brothers, the need for a change. This change was a new organ-
ization that could carry on a fraternity tradition. Our organization also set forth an atmosphere geared toward the stimulation of
the young black college man--making him aware of his individual
potential of unlimited self improvement.
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