Ticker Widget/Applet

Although there are hundreds of ticker widgets available over the net, better than these, I wrote this widget particularly so that I could integrate this with my Site-Guide. Also, this ticker is mainly intended for using as a status bar, but what the heck, I can also use it in an applet anywhere. And the best part is I am also giving it free with source-code! The behaviour of this ticker is different compared to others because if this ticker can show the full text, it will not scroll.

You can download this free for use in your personal pages for non-commercial purposes. This source code and the .class files are given on an as-is basis and I assume no responsiblity of anything. You can change the source code and use it if you want, but however, make sure my name remains there :-)

Download TICKER.ZIP!

To deploy this in your site, download the zip file and extract the .class files. Then in your HTML code, put a tag like the on below. Replace "Hello! This is ...." with whatever text you want ! Simple!!

Source Code for TickerApplet

HTML code :
<applet code=TickerTestApplet.class width=300 height=30>
<PARAM NAME=TEXT VALUE="Hello! This is a test for Nagendra's Ticker Widget...">

File TickerTestApplet.java
//  File    : TickerTestApplet.java
//  Author  : Nagendra R Setty
//            nagendra@home.com
//  Date    : 01/21/97
//  A simple Ticker Applet which uses my Ticker class.
//     The text to be displayed will be specified in the applet's
// HTML tag, parameter name = TEXT 

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import Ticker;

public class TickerTestApplet extends Applet {
   Ticker m_ticker;

   public void init () {
      setLayout (new BorderLayout());
      // This applet uses a parameter in the HTML
      // tag called TEXT. get the parameter and
      // set it as the text to the Ticker.
      String text = getParameter ("TEXT");
      m_ticker = new Ticker (text);
      add (m_ticker);
      add ("Center", m_ticker);

   public void start (){
      m_ticker.start ();

   public void stop (){
      m_ticker.stop ();

// end of TickerTestApplet.java

File Ticker.java
// file     : Ticker.java
// Author   : Nagendra R Setty
//            nagendra@home.com
// Date     : 01/21/97
//    Ticker widget which keeps scrolling a given line of text.

import java.awt.*;
import java.lang.Runnable;

public class Ticker extends Panel implements Runnable{
   Thread    m_thread;
   Rectangle m_rectControl;
   String    m_text;
   int       m_delay;
   int       m_xpos;
   int       m_ypos;
   int       m_textWidth;
   boolean   m_textChanged;
   Color     m_color;

   public Ticker () {
      m_delay = 25;
      m_text = "Nagendra's Ticker Widget. This is a very simple ticker widget";
      m_ypos = 18;
      m_textChanged = true;
      m_color = Color.orange;
   public Ticker (String s) {
      m_delay = 25;
      m_text = s;
      m_ypos = 18;
      m_textChanged = true;
      m_color = Color.orange;

   // Use this mehtod to change color.
   public void setColor (Color clr) {
      m_color = clr;
   // Use this mehtod to change the text.
   public void setText (String s) {
      m_text = s;
      if (m_thread != null) {
         m_thread.stop ();
         m_thread = null;
      m_textChanged = true;
      repaint ();

   public void paint (Graphics g) {
      m_rectControl = bounds ();
      g.setColor (Color.black);
      g.fillRect (m_rectControl.x, m_rectControl.y,
      m_rectControl.width, m_rectControl.height);

      g.setColor (m_color);
      Font f = new Font ("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12);
      g.setFont (f);
      FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics ();
      m_textWidth = fm.stringWidth (m_text);
      // Can the text fit int view ??
      if (m_textWidth <= (m_rectControl.width - 6)){
         // Can fit text: Paint and kill the
         // thread if it is running
         g.drawString (m_text, 3, m_ypos);
         if (m_thread != null) {
            m_thread.stop ();
            m_thread = null;
         m_textChanged = false;
      else {
         // No Text can't fit. If this paint was due to
         // a setText operation, then reset the text position
         if (m_textChanged) {
            m_xpos = m_rectControl.width - 3;
            m_textChanged = false;
         // draw the text in the position specified by
         // m_xpos variable
         g.drawString (m_text, m_xpos, m_ypos);
         // Start the thread if it is not started yet
         if (m_thread == null) {
            m_thread = new Thread (this);
            m_thread.start ();

   // If you're using this in an applet, call the start
   // and stop methods from the Applet's start and stop
   // methos. This will ensure that the threa is killed
   // when your browser is minimized and restarts when
   // you activate it again.
   public void stop (){
      if (m_thread != null) {
         m_thread.stop ();
         m_thread = null;
   public void start () {
      repaint ();

   public void resize (int w, int h) {
      super.resize (w, h);
      repaint ();
   public void resize (Dimension d) {
      super.resize (d);
      repaint ();

   // the thread handler.
   public synchronized void run () {
      while (true) {
         Graphics g = getGraphics ();
         try {
            // Draw the text where you drew last time, (position
            // remembered by 'm_xpos'.
            Font f = new Font ("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 12);
            g.setFont (f);
            g.setColor (Color.black);
            g.drawString (m_text, m_xpos, m_ypos);

            // Here, check if the text has completely
            // scrolled through. if it has, reset position.
            // otherwise, move to the left by 3 pixels.
            if (m_xpos < (10 - m_textWidth))
               m_xpos = m_rectControl.width - 3;
               m_xpos -= 3;

            g.setColor (m_color);
            g.drawString (m_text, m_xpos, m_ypos);
         catch (NullPointerException n) {}

         try {
            m_thread.sleep (m_delay);
         catch (InterruptedException e) { }

   // cleanup work! If this was an applet, this could've been
   // done in the Applet's stop () method. However, this is
   // a widget and so this has to clean up itself.
   protected void finalize () {
      if (m_thread != null)
         m_thread.stop ();

// end of Ticker.java

e-mail me: nagendra@home.com