Have you ever stopped to think,
Of the rarest thing on earth?
Does the thought of friendship,
The kind acts and things that others do,
Make you consider it in anyway?
Do your smiles turn to laughter,
And your heart feel oh, so good.
Do you long to spend one more minute,
With that friend, who makes It all happen,
Well, of course you should.
Do you have a special someone,who will
Lend a listening ear, and a caring heart?
Do you know without a doubt, that your
secret, they will keep?
And your words, they will never impart.
For we have our problems and woes, in
this life of sorrow and of gall.
But to have no one to help you in
your time of need, is the most
painful of all
We are so thankful for our great God,
who in his wisdom and love for mankind.
Gave us his son, who died for us.
And he gave us the ability to become
The rarest of all,
yes, I mean you and me....
For each of us can be that friend,
For the other who is in need.