Girl Friends
I sat on the porch overlooking a beautiful mountain lake on a summer day, enjoying a glass of wine with my Mom. Older than me, mother of four, experienced and wise. "Get yourself some girl friends, "she advised, swirling the wine in her glass. "You are going to need girlfriends."
Go places with them, do things with them. What a funny piece of advice, I thought. Hadn't I just gotten married? Hadn't I just joined the couple-world? I was a married woman, for goodness sake, not a young girl who needed girlfriends.
But I listened to my Mom and I got back in touch with my old girlfriends of years long gone. As the years tumbled by, one after another, gradually I came to understand that Mom knew what she was talking about.
Here is what I know about them: Girlfriends bring casseroles and scrub your bathroom when you are sick. Girlfriends keep your children and keep your secrets. Girlfriends give advice when you ask for it.
Sometimes you take it, sometimes you don't. Girlfriends don't always tell you that you're right, but they're usually honest. Girlfriends still love you, even when they don't agree with your choices.
Girlfriends might send you a birthday card, but they might not. It doesn't matter in the least.
Girlfriends laugh with you, and you don't need canned jokes to start the laughter. Girlfriends pull you out of jams. Girlfriends don't keep a calendar that lets them know who hosted the other last.
Girlfriends will give a party for your son or daughter when they get married or have a baby, in whichever order that comes! And girlfriends are there for you, in an instant and truly, when the hard times come.
Girlfriends listen when you lose a job or a husband. Girlfriends listen when your children break your heart.
Girlfriends listen when your parent's minds and bodies fail.
My girlfriends bless my life. Once we were young, with no idea
of the incredible joys or the incredible sorrows that lay ahead.
Nor did we know how much we would need each other. (Author: Unknown to Me)
From The Heart of MaryJane
I'd like to add this..Even If you just met someone, and you felt you knew them all your life, And they become your best friend, If you do something really stupid try to fix It! And hope and pray the one you feel you did wrong will understand and give you a chance to fix what went wrong...
We all make mistakes we are not perfect..God forgives, I hope your friend will forgive you also... Good friends are rare If your lucky enough to find one, Do what you can too hold on to them...
You never know, someday they may end up being a dear old friend. Let them know how much you appreciate them.
Copyrighted © September 17, 2003 by Nanna_4
All rights reserved
Sequenced by Tom Beaudreau
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