general info releases samples ordering links
september 2000
ASMEGIN(nor): Naar Rimkalkene Heves / DEMO-CD / $6 / 30FIM
(Great viking metal from Norway that reminds quite a lot of Vintersorg in places, especially the vocals.. Colored covers, 4 tracks, great guitar work.. A Must for all the fans of this genre, check out this band now!)
ATANATOS(ger): Thrid Attack /
CD '99 / $12 / 70FIM
(3rd album from one of the finest German black metal bands! Traditional yet somewhat original black metal with some thrash influences, released by Last Episode)
AUTUMN TEARS(usa): Absolution /
MCD '99 / $8 / 40FIM
(New realease from this well now classical / ambient band from USA that has before released two great full-lenghts in "Love Poems for the Dying Chirlder pt I and II". This is a taster of the third part, filled with stunning piano/synth work and beautiful female vocals. Released by Dark Symphonies)
AZAGHAL(fin): Helvetin Yhdeksän Piiriä /
CD '99 / $10 / 50FIM
(After succeful 7" and 12" releases it's time for Azaghal's debut CD. 9 tracks of uncompromising and fast Black Terror Metal with fully finnish written lyrics in the spirit of early 90s. Released by Evil Horde Records. Cd comes with amazing 20 page booklet with related artwork, lyrics etc.)
EPHEL DUATH(ita): Phormula /
CD '00 / $10 / 60FIM
(Usually on these descriptions I'd say: "Symphonic Black Metal in the vein of Emperor, Solefald & Limbonic Art..". but now I can't say so beucase this is not in the VEIN of those bands, Ephel Duath really CHALLENGES them!!! 8 avantgarde black metal tracks with stunning productions packed in a great looking digipack! This album is a must!!!)
FAERGHAIL(fin): Horizon's Fall /
CD /$12 / 70FIM
(Melodic finnish black metal with synths, includes their "Dark Oceans Calm" casss.ep as bonus on the same CD)
GRAVELAND(pol): Carpathian Wolves /
CD / $12 / 70FIM
(A real cult band!! If you don't own this masterpiece of pagan metal yet, order this right away! Original Eternal Devils version!)
HIMINBJORG(fra): In the Raven's Shadow /
CD / $12 / 70FIM
(Second album from this great viking metal band!)
HORNA(fin): Haudankylmyyden Maille /
CD / $12 / 70FIM
(One of the leading bands in the finnish bm scene, Horna's new album offers 66 minutes of grim black metal in the vein of Darkthrone, old-Dodheimsgard, Gorgoroth etc.)
FOREVER WINTER(fin): Revenge /
CD / $12 / 70FIM
(Debut CD from this original pagan metal band, released by Unisound Records. "In Metal We Trust!")
MYRING(fin): Engage the Enemy /
MCD / $8 / 40FIM
(4 tracks of folk influenced melodic dark metal with very melancholic athmosphere is what this young Finnish band has to offer.Packaged in a cool digipack!)
Remains of a Ruined, Cursed, Dead Soul /
CD / $10 / 60FIM
(Now this is something that can really be called Kult black metal! Need I say more? Features the recordings that were originally meant to be the bands debut CD before the now a underground classic "Vampires of the Black Imperial Blood"
album... Limited to 1000copies, get this now! Released by Drakkar Productions)
NECROFEAST(net): Soulwinds /
CD' 00 / $12 / 70FIM
(10 tracks of very symphonic and grandiose black/pagan metal in the vein of Limbonic Art, but only rougher and more pagan/medieval like! Excelent CD Imo! Features member of Welter.)
NECROMORTUM(fin): Evil Coming Winter /
DEMO CD '00 / $6 / 30FIM
(Ex-Baphomet. Pure evil black metal in the way of the early '90s. 5 Tracks, featuring Azaghal vocalist)
NOCTURNAL WINDS(fin): Everlastin Fall / CD / $12 / 70FIM
(Melodic black/death metal, debut CD by this highly skilled finnish band… NW is destinated to become a big band in the future so do your self a favour and check them out now! Released by Aftermath Music)
Gardens, Temples... This Hell /
DEMO CD '99 / $6 / 30FIM
(Very professionally performed melodic death metal in the vein of In Flames etc. Also very professional and heavy studio sounds & colored covers... This band should have no problem with getting a deal with this demo, so friends of melodic metal check this one out)
POTENTIAM(ice): Balsyn /
CD '99 / $12 / 70FIM
(In my opinion this was one of the best releases of last year!! Over 50 minutes of dark, athmospheric and epic pagan metal which slightly reminds me of "Hvis Lysett Tar Oss" era Burzum but this ain't no copying! Highly Recomended)
RAKOTH(rus): Planeshift /
CD / $10 / 60FIM
(Absolutely amazing debut from this Russian band! Stunning symphonic and original folk/fantasy/black metal with impressive vocals, well written lyrics and great production. Comes in a good looking digipak.. One of the best releases in '99 in my opinion, be sure to check this one out now if you already haven't done so, this album is simply too good to be missed!)
SARNATH(fin): Life…Lies /
CD / $12 / 70FIM
(Heavy metal, not too far away from their country mates Sentenced! Recomended to all the fans of this kind of metal)
UNHOLA(fin): Inferno /
CD' 00 / $12 / 70FIM
(Excelently perfomed fast yet melodic finnish black metal with fully finnish written lyrics! Released by Plasmatica Records)
V/A: Insights of the Profane /
CD '00 / $10 / 60FIM
(Excelent collection of Satanic Black Art! 6 bands of raw black metal and 6 of black ambient! Featuring fex.: Abigor, Azaghal, Judas Iscariot, Darkness Enshroud, Anapthergal etc.! Comes with excelent looking covers and layout.. This really ain't just another compilation but something special!!! Check it out now!)
WITH HATE I BURN(fin): s/t /
DEMO CD '00 / $6 / 30FIM
(WHIB Attacks with 4 tracks of industrialized black metal in the vein of Mysticum and newer Dodheimsgard!)
WYRD(fin): Unchained Heathen Wrath / DEMO CD '00 / $6 / 30FIM
(Ex-Hellkult. 7 tracks and 33 minutes of raw and hateful heathen metal! Tapeversion coming later this year on Chanteloup Creations)
..And the Fire Still Burns /
- 7" / $5 / 20FIM
(After two well received demos, here is a 7" from this talented finnish melodic folk/death metal band! Good stuff!)
ALCHEM(pol): Morninglight -The Beginning / $5 / 20FIM
(Athmospheric synth music with some medieval like melodies)
ANAON(fra): Tenvalijenn / $5 / 20FIM
(Very good athmospheric but still very raw and hateful black metal, this demo features 6 tracks and is a must for everyone interested in real black metal. Released by Drakkar Productions)
APEIRON(aut): Stardust / $5 / 20FIM
(The absolutely wondrous cosmic light/ambient project of Golden Dawn's Dreamlord. Killer! Released by Chanteloup
(7 tracks doom/death metal with outstanding emotional synth and guitar work and emotional clean vocals, recorded live in 97, Chanteloup Creations release)
ARCA FUNEBRIS(pol): Hell on Earth / $5 / 20FIM
(Extremely dark suicidal industrial! Unhumane sounds for unhumare souls, 6 pieces of pure hate! Belongs to my favorite items on stock! "Arca Funebris does not take any responsibility for your actions made under the influence of this recording! LISTEN AT YOUR OWN RISK!" Killer!)
ASHMADAI(por): Symphonies for the Kings / $5 /20FIM
(Very simplistic ambient, limited to 100, black/green covers, released by Satanachia Prod.)
ASMODEE(fra): Acquilanx / $5 / 20FIM
(Sick and fast black/death metal with dirty sounds and good playing skills, released by Drakkar Prod.)
AZAGHAL(fin): Kristinusko Liekeissä $5 / 20FIM
(Traditional and aggressive black metal with old style touches. A split release between Chanteloup Creations and Stålhammar Prod. limited to 200copies.)
AZAGHAL(fin): Mustamaa / cass.album / $5 / 20FIM
(The official tape version of Azaghal's full-lenght, featuring 8 tracks of raw traditional black metal, LP version out on Melancholy Prod. This tape version comes with professional b/w covers and is a split release between Dragonthrone Productions and At War Records)
AZAXUL(ger): The Arrival Of The Demonlord / $5 / 20FIM
(Kult black metal from Moonlbood member! Released by Chanteloup Creations)
BAPHOMET(fin): Crucifixion / $5 / 20FIM
(Primitive finnish black metal. This is a re-release of Bapthomet's side on the now sold out split demo with Thoronath. Baphomet is a side project of Azaghal's vocalist Varjoherra)
BATTLE(fin): War Messiah / $5 / 20FIM
(Powerful death/black metal, featuring Shatraug of Horna. Released by Chanteloup Creations)
BLOODSTORM(usa): In Howls of Pain and Fury / $5 / 20FIM
(Thrashing metal from USA, recorded live at the Milwaukee Metal Fest '97, Released by Chanteloup Creations)
CELESTIA(fra): A Dying Out Ecstasy / $5 / 20FIM
(Don't let the name fool you, this is NOT doom / death metal, but primitive and aggressive yet catchy black metal. Released by Drakkar Productions)
CELTIC DANCE(por): Ancient Battlecry / $5 / 20FIM
(War/pagan Metal. This is a cass.album and comes with colored covers, released by Satanachia Prod.)
COUNT NOSFERATU(fra): Soleil Noir / $5 / 20FIM
(Great vampyric black metal with some death metal elements… Like an underground version of Cradle of Filth. Great looking professional covers. Released by Drakkar)
DER STÜRMER(gre): Europa Eerwache! / $5 / 20FIM
(Raw and uncompromising NS black metal from Hellas, features 4 tracks and pro. b/w covers. Released by Daimonion Prod.)
DRACONIS SANGUIS(ger): Gloria Draconia / $5 / 20FIM
(Epic German Black Metal with varying tempos and vocals, the lyrics are one long fantasy story. 8 chapters & 45 minutes of very enjoyable stuff indeed. Colored Pro Covers, released by Elven Witchcraft)
DRUADAN FOREST(fin): Minas Tirith / $5 / 20FIM
(Third spell of Druadan Forest, syphonic/medieval metal music. This reminds heavily of Golden Dawn in places. Really stunning demo! Features the now sold first demo of Druadan Forest (simply called "Druadan Forest") as bonus, and it's almost as great as this new one)
DRUADAN FOREST(fin): Mirkwood / $5 / 20FIM
(This second Druadan Forest release features 30 minutes of Tolkien inspired music in the vein of Summoning!)
DRUDENTUS(gre): In Frigidis Silvis /$5 / 20FIM
(Cold and melancholic Hellenic black metal art, featuring two long and tormenting tracks, released by Daimonion Prod, comes with colored covers)
DUNKEL(Den): Evighed / $5 / 20FIM
(Arising from the northern forests of the kingdom of the Danes... Dunkel shall enchant and darken your soul forever with half and hour of both Heathenish metal and ambient sagas inspired by his old and precious historical culture. Recomended!)
ENID(ger): Nachtgedanken /cass.album '98/ $5 / 20FIM
(Excelent fantasy metal in the vein of Summoning, 45minutes long, professional and great looking colored covers! This album has also been released in CD format by CCP Records. This tape is released by Elven Witchcraft)
EVIL(bra): Revenge of Iron and Steel / $5 / 20FIM
(Kult black metal from Brazil! Released by Drakkar Productions)
FOREVER WINTER(fin): In Metal We Trust $5 / 20FIM
(6 tracks of METAL with some great viking/folk melodies and good vocals! This is a really killer demo! Also watch out for Forever Winters debut CD which is out on Unisound Records and the demo of Northcrown which is a project of Forever Winter members!)
FORN DRAUGOST(Fra): Agarwaen / $5 / 20FIM
(Thundering War Music filled with Pagan anthems and furious Honour, Nature voices of grim and freezing frosty woods. A J.R.R. Tolkien tribute)
(The somber ruler loathed the new dawning of man for He knew it would only be of savage greed, war of blasphemy, murder, bloodshed, chaos, and...perpetual doom.. In other words: Excelent grim and brutal black metal!!!)
GERNOTH(ger): Damnation Introitus / $5 / 20FIM
(Gotischer Black Metal from Germany, grimm black with majestic synths, Pro covers. Released by At War)
GNOME / NYARALATHOTEP(jap): split tape / $5 / 20FIM
(Split tape of two Japanese black metal hordes, pro covers!)
HATEFUL AGONY(ger): Alcoholocaust / $5 / 20FIM
(Fucking killer thrash metal, no retro-trash! 5 Tracks full of alcohol stinking metal packed in colored pro.covers. Released by At War)
HEGEMON(fra): Still Raping After All These Years / $5 / 20FIM
(The band features Your Shapeless Beauty’s vocalist, Kalisia’s bass player and former Mütiilation drummer. 7 bestial hymns of unholy blackkk aggression. Incredible dark and brutal musical holocaust!)
HELWETTI(fin): Unholy Extreme Black /$5 /20FIM
(Just as the title suggests, this demo features 4 tracks of unholy extreme black, released by Drakkar)
HERESIARH(ltv): Dragons of War / $5 / 20FIM
(Over 30 minutes of Melodic Dragon Metal with a beatiful female vocals and grimm male vocals, this is demo is one of the best I have ever heard. Heresiarh's debut CD will soon be out, so get this great demo while you can! Comes with professional colored covers, released by Elven Witchcraft)
HIN ONDE(fin): Ahti's Depths / $5 / 20FIM
(After a long wait, the second demo of Hin Onde (ex-Svartalfheim) is finally available! Featuring 6 tracks of Folklore Metal which can perhaps be compared to Isengard, Cruachan etc. This tape has good studio sound and colored covers. Hin Onde also has a 7" out on Aftermath Music)
HIRILORN(fra) / MERRIMACK(fra) -Split Tape- / $5 / 20FIM
(Hirilorn appears with one of their own tracks (12 minute long epic black metal masterpiece "Legion that will never Fall") and a great version of "Pagan Fears"! Merrimack's side features 4 athmospheric black metal pieces with great melodies/acoustic parts and majestic clean vocals, also operatic female vocals are present from time to time! The tape comes with pro cover and is released by kult label Drakkar!)
I SHALT BECOME(usa): Wanderings /$5 / 20FIM
(EXCELENT melancholic black metal art in the vein of "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss" era Burzum, this is a must!!!! This band in now known as Birkeau)
IPHICRATE(Fra): The Dawn Of Victory / $5 / 20FIM
(50 minutes long Saga, paying tribute with christian blood running on their swords to the proud, courageous, and Noble warriors of the North. Celebrating Gods of War in a merciless Raw Pagan Metal)
JUDAS ISCARIOT(usa): Heaven in Flames / $5 / 20FIM
(Official tape version of "Heaven in Flames", the new full-lenght from the leading US black metal band! Uncompromising cold darkthroneish black metal. This band should be known to all, so if you don't yet own this album, get it NOW!)
JÄÄPORTIT(fin): Kauan Koskematon / $5 / 20FIM
(Excelent, cold darkwave / ambient music with really emotional melodies and wintry athmosphere! This is impossible to describe with words, you simply have to hear this yourself.. One of my absolute favorites from the list! Pro covers and pro colored covers! Released by Noitavasara)
KATHARSIS(ger): IntoEndlessChaos /$5 / 20FIM
(Aggressive black metal with old-style touches from Germany! Very raw and great! Released by Chanteloup Creations)
KEEP OF KALESSIN(nor): Skygger Av Sorg /$5 / 20FIM
(Cult demo of this killer Norweigian band! If you still don't have this tape what are u waiting for?! Released by Demonion Prod., comes with colored covers)
KRISTALLNACHT(Fra): Warspirit / $5 / 20FIM
(this is the tape version of the now sold out MCD version released through Darker Than Black! A must.)
KRISTALLNACHT(Fra) / MORKE(Ger): split demo / $5 / 20FIM
(Elite Black Metal! Two cult bands that I think need no introduction.)
LEICHENHALLE(pol): Industrial Armageddon : Metal Becomes Flesh / $5 / 20FIM
(The title tells it all pretty much! Very powerful and hard industiral, composed, performed and spawned by DJ Hate! Limited to 100 copies. Leichenhalle Hails your death! Check this out now if you enjoy this type of music, you will not be disapointed!!!)
MALVELIANCE(usa): Eternal Domination / $5 / 20FIM
(Finally an official release from this unfortunately now dead band. This tape features all the stuff this band ever recorded from 95-98, total of 15 tracks of pure kult black metal, featuring Darkthrone and Venom covers. Released by Drakkar Productions.)
MARTYRUM(swe): Frost Born / $5 / 20FIM
(Melodic yet very aggressive swedish black metal. Colored covers, Released by Demonion Prod.)
MIRKHALL(fin): Ring to Rule / $5 / 20FIM
(Black / Fantasy metal with Tolkien inspired lyrics, musically in the vein of Isengard & Gorgoroth. Featuring Shatraug of Horna. Released by Chanteloup Creations)
NARGOTHROND(por): Promo tape '98 /$5 / 20FIM
(Killer raw but catchy blackish metal with Tolkien lyrics, features Firstborn Evil members. This great tape comes with colored covers, released by Satanachia Prod.)
NECROMORTUM(fin): Evil Coming Winter / $5 / 20FIM
(See Cd section for discrition!)
NOCTURNAL WINDS(fin): Demo II /$5 / 20FIM
(4 Tracks of excelent melodic black/death metal with great sounds and full-colored covers, pro.tapes!)
NOITAVALKEA(fin): Demo 99 /$5 / 20FIM
(Intro + 2 tracks of primitive black, session drums by Kalma from Azaghal/Hin Onde)
NORTHCROWN(fin): Presage of War / $5 / 20FIM
(4 tracks of Epic War Metal with lyrics forming a long story about ancient battle of Vikings and Celts… Truly recomendable release, pro copied tapes)
OBSCURE DEMON(usa): Crossroads to Hell / $5 / 20FIM
(Very disturbing piece of Black Ambience from USA here! Released by Drakkar Prod.)
OATH OF CIRION(fin): King of the Dragonthrone / $5 / 20FIM
(Majestic Fantasy Metal, the lyrics tell a story of the King of the Dragonthrone… For the fans of Bal-Sagoth, Limbonic Art, Thyrfing etc. This is a must! Watch out for Oath of Cirions debut CD out later this year!!)
ORK(Bul): Through The Fight I Ride/Slava Nam / $ 5 / 20FIM
(Both first two demos of this great Orkish blood freezing Black Metal band re released through Chanteloup Creations with a new artwork)
PEST(fin): Hail the Black Imperial Hornsign / $5 / 20FIM
(Excelent old style black metal in the vein of Bathory etc.! Features Nazgul of Horna. Demonion Productions release, tape comes with professional b/w covers)
PROPHESY(sing): The Triumph of Black Inquity / $5 / 20FIM
(Primitive Black Metal in the vein of Vlad Tepes, Darkthrone etc… If the fact that this band comes from Singapore doesn't bother you then you should check out this demo right away as the music is very good)
PYRE(ger): Unzeit Graven Vampir Gestalt / $5 / 20FIM
(Black Metal, this is also out in CD format. Colored covers, released by Satanachia Prod.)
RAKOTH(rus): Dark Age Chronicles /$5 / 20FIM
(Dark fantasy doom metal with some medieval elements. Excelent clean vocals! The demo covers come with lyrics, definetly worth checking out if you are not yet familiar with this Russian band!)
RAVENING(Fin): Exordium-Niedergang / $5 / 20FIM
(Black Raven Metal. With Shatraug of Horna. Pro cover)
SABNACK(usa): Nefandus Pactum / $5 / 20FIM
(Quite melodic but still hatefilled and raw black metal with some synths, 6 tracks, comes with glossy b/w covers.
Released by Drakkar Productions)
SAGENHAFT(ita): The Legend of the Forgotten Reign / $5 / 20FIM
(Six dreamlike songs of very athmospheric medieval/synth music with whispered vocals, recomandable)
SERPENT LORE(por): Brandishing Damnation Sword / $5 / 20FIM
(Black metal, featuring Mayhem cover, printed covers, released by Satanachia Prod.)
SKULLCRUSHER(fin): Bestial Live / $5 / 20FIM
(Old school metal from members of Horna & Pimeys etc.! This tape features two of their live shows and total of 9 tracks. Released by Chanteloup Creations)
SOLANUM(Ger): Spheres Of Time demo / $5 / 20FIM
(Strenght of Nature leads Teutonic’s Solanum to the vast wastelands and enhance the listeners to a solitary domain of obscure grieving beauty. Atmospheric music filled with flute and guitars. With a member of Depressive Silence)
SVARTKRIST(Bel): Total Blasphemy / $5 / 20FIM
(Excelent War Black Metal. Pro cover)
THE FINAL HOLOCAUST(nor): Horrific Tales From Darkside / $5 / 20FIM
(Black trash attack! Aggressive oldstyle black metal in the spirit of the old trash legends, featuring Gravferd & Musspellsheim
TYRANNIUM(fin): Eternal Reflection / $5 / 20FIM
(Torturing black metal with some industrial like parts. Released by Chanteloup Creations)
UMBRAL PRESENCE (Rus): germinet Chaos / $5 / 20FIM
(Solo project of Rakoth's synth player Orlangur, Dragon of Wisdom. 5 keyboard-based Symphonic Occult Metal tracks.
Based on the creed of the Order of Nine Angles. b&w cover w/ lyrics:)
UTUMNO(nor): Morkets Rike / $5 / 20FIM
(Traditional norweigian black metal in the vein of Satyricon /Darkthrone etc. Debut demo, released by Daimonion Prod.)
UTUMNO(nor): Syn Av Ei Ukjend Tid / $5 / 20FIM
(Killer black metal from norway! Great riffs and dark athmosphere Their second demo. Pro b/w covers. Released by
Daimonion Prod.)
V/A: Black Eyes of Death / $5 / 20FIM
(Excelent collection of Japanese underground black metal! Featuring Old Serpent, The Under, Gorugoth, Holokaust Winds and more!! Highly recomended!)
VALAR(fin): Towards The Great Unknown / cass.album '98 / $5 / 20FIM
(Over 50 minutes of dark athmospheric music with both male and female vocals, including re- ecorded versions of some old tracks as well as totally new material! Includes a miniature dark/medieval LOTR symphony "Ash Nazg" Released by Elven Witchcraft / Engwar, excelent looking two sided b/w cover!)
VALAR(fin): The Arrival of the Dragonlord /cass.album '98 / $5 /20FIM
(This time offering 40minutes of medieval/fantasy metal which might once again be compared to the mighty Summoning, but still this is no copying as Valar is as unique as ever. This is the first release of Dragonthrone Productions and comes with professional and fantastic looking two sided colored covers!)
VALAR(fin): Hidden Paths / $5 / 20FIM
(Valar returns more symphonic than ever! Great compilation of unreleased material recorded after "The Arrival.." cass.album! A good filler before the next full-lenght, features the praised and hard to get promo "Where Dragons Forever War" as bonus, only at Dragonthrone!!!)
VANITAS(aut): World's End / $5 / 20FIM
(Another project of Dreamlord from Golden Dawn, this time offering 4 tracks of space/techno/electronic music of the future mixed with the distinctive Golden Dawn's heavy guitar riffing. Great!)
WAR 88(Pol): White Aryan Resistance / $5 / 20FIM
(Cult NS BM from Poland!)
WELTRAUM(fin): Svper Evil /$5 / 20FIM
(The 3rd and newest release from Weltraum, 4 tracks of industrial with emotional clean vocals. In the vein of Nine Inch Nails, Ministry etc.! For all the openminded ones. Fucking killer looking covers!!! A split release between Stålhammar and Engwar/EW)
WELTRAUM(fin): X-tra Terrestrial /$5 /20FIM
(Re-release of this second demo of Weltraum! Very different to "Svper Evil", this older release is trip to across the galaxy! 30 minutes of space ambient with some surprises!)
WELTMACTH(usa): Ancient Hatred /$5 / 20FIM
(Excelent primitive black metal in the vein of Graveland. Project of Akhenaten (Judas Iscariot / Breath of Night records)! I think this is even better than Judas Iscariot, one of my favorite item on stock at the moment!)
WIND(fin): Veil Of Death / $5 / 20FIM
(Poe's haunting "The Pit And The Pendulum" story in the form of varying dark and really melancholic & beautiful chamber/synthmusic... "Veil Of Death" features authentic movie samples from the movie "The Pit And The Pendlum" and they fit perfectly into this music and create haunting and sinister athmosphere.. Twisted, yet so beautiful...)
WIND(fin): For One More Melancholy / $5 / 20FIM
(4 original and beautiful compositions of surrealistic, poetic and dark athmospheric synth based
music with solemn clean male vocals. Good, but "Veil of Death" is still the masterpiece of Wind!)
WIND(fin): Woodland Spirits / $5 / 20FIM
(Brand new release from Wind, totally unique and original surrealistic chamber music with Devil Dollish vocals and insane synths)
WITCHMASTER(pol): Trash Ör Die! - $5 / 20FIM
(I think the slogan in the cover says it all:
"Witchmaster plays Satanic Trash Metal Slaughter exclusively!"
One of the best retro-thrash bands. Includes live tracks as bonus!)
WITCHMASTER(pol): No Pieace At All -$5 / 20FIM
(Another slap of Satanic Trash Metal Slaughter, and just as good as "Trash ör Die!"!!!)
WELTER(hol): Als Het Licht Vervalt /$5 / 20FIM
(KIller and really original pagan metal with strong clear vocals and some really great indurstrial passages!
This is a demo that you should check out immediatly. Welter has also just released their debut CD. Released by Chanteloup Creations)
YOUR SHAPELESS BEAUTY(fra): Selected Life / $5 / 20FIM
(Synth driven athomspheric and very melodic blackish metal. This tape features various recordings from December 95 to July
97. Y.S.B. has also already released (atleast) 1 CD. This tape is released by Chanteloup Creations)
ZAVORASH(swe): In Odium Veritas / $5 / 20FIM
(Excelently performed fast and grimm black metal with professional sounds & covers. This band would definetly deserve a CD deal soon! Released by Elven Witchcraft)
SWORDSLAIN #2 / '00 / $5
(Excelently written zine with nice layout and qood printing quality. Featured bands include: Abyssic Hate, Azaghal, Grand Belial's Key, Sabbat etc.!)
WRITTEN IN BLOOD #1 / spring-'99 / $5 / 20FIM
(32 professionally xeroxed pages, interesting in-depth interviews with Absu, Desaster, Horna, Maling + many others. Also lots
of reviews)
(always ask via e-mail before ordering if the items are still available or not, I only have 1 of each!)ASTRAY: Until I'm Cold Enough -mcd (symphonic black, in the vein of Covenant) - $8 / 40FIM
BETHZAIDA: Nine Worlds (viking death metal) - $10 / 60FIM
BURZUM: Daudi Baldrs -digipak - $10 / 60FIM
DAS ICH: Satanische Verse -CD (Cult gothic, slightly scratched but plays perfectly) - $10 / 60FIM
DISMAL EUPHONY: Autumn Leaves - Rebellion of Tides (digi - symphonic black) - $12 / 70FIM
ENTOMBED: Hollowman -mcd (death n' roll) - $8 / 40FIM
FLEURETY: Min Tid Skall Komme (classic debut on Misanthropy Records) - $10 / 60FIM
ICONOCLASM: Preamble to Precipitate... - CD (black) - $10 / 60FIM
LYCANTHROPY: Veils of Sorrow -mcd (black, good) - $8 / 40FIM
MAYHEM: Mediolanum Capta Es -CD (live) - $10 / 60FIM
MEMENTO MORI: La Danse Macabre -CD (heavy metal) - $9 / 50FIM
MEMENTO MORI: Life, Death and Other Morbid Tales -CD (heavy metal) - $9 / 50FIM
NEGURA BUNGET: Zirnund Sa -CD(transilvanian black, on Breath of Night) - $10 / 60FIM
SATARIEL: Lady Lust Lilith -CD (melodic death, gold CD) - $12 / 70FIM
SUNRIDE: Magnetizer -mcd (digipak, death n' roll) - $8 / 40FIM
THERION: Arab Zaraq, Lucid Dreaming -Digipak - $12 / 70FIM
TUMULUS / MOCK: Split CD (doom / viking metal) - $10 / 60FIM
UNHALLOWED: s/t -MCD (melodic death/black) - $5 / 30FIM
V/A: The Eerie Sampler -CD (demos of Darkwoods my Bethroted, Gravferd, Wizzard and Raven) $10 / 60FIM WINDWALKER: Dance of the Elves -CD (bit in the vein of In The Woods pehaps?) - $10 / 60FIM
ZPOAN VTENTZ: Gime Nugalet - CD (great folk/pagan metal from Lithuania) - $10 / 60FIM