Some links to other online information pages.

Do let me know if there are any dead links.

Classical Music

World Wide Web Virtual Library--Classical Music
A very comprehensive page of links to other classical music related sites.
The Czech and Slovak Music Society
This is the place to go if you are interested in Czech and Slovak music. Very interesting site.
Prague panoptikum
A wax museum site that has a picture of Smetana at the piano.
If you read Norwegian, click here for a translation of the Ma Vlast article in Norwegian.
Dvorak Society
The Dvorak Society covers all and any of the many musicians and composers of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Obviously this has to include the great Smetana, who was so influential on the entire history of Czech music in particular so give it a visit.
A site that contains information concerning Rachmaninov with very interesting links.
Prague The Czech Republic
Here you can find information about Prague and the Czech Republic from history to population statistics and a short but good account on Smetana.
The Timid Soul's Guide to Classical Music
There's about 35+ well written articles about classical music from Renaissance to the 20th Century. Suitable for those who have just discovered classical music or just browsing by.
Article on Nebula Search
The article itself has links explaining musical terms and etc.
Music Composition
Links to other website on Smetana, as well as many other composers.