You   Know   You   Chat   Too   Much   When.... create a webpage called YKYCTMW. ^_^  

Well, the topic here is pretty self-explanitory
but I suppose some background information about
how it came to be would be in order.

I am an RSF in TalkCity. (RSF= Religions and
Spirituality Forum).  The other day I was hosting
a room called #ReflectingPool and we were talking 
about chatting on line.  So I set the topic to be
"You know you chat too much when...."  And let
the 'Poolies' show how addicted they are.  You know,
'cause I'm not addicted.  I can quit whenever I 
want.... ^_-

Aniee> when...nothing else matters for the time
WinterBear> when your dreams start to scroll...
SilverSong Winter> -- when you spend over 50% of your waking hours 
crowoman> You talk about youself as a 3rd person....
NekoRSF> when you say the word 'sigh' instead of sighing
Aniee> when you no longer talk to yourself
WinterBear> when you hear a joke and say LOL instead of laughing
sheonna> when you never get oouta your p.j's.....LOL
NekoRSF> when you add emoticons (those little face things) to your 
         essays and reports
green> when you type air when talking to people
mavyn> when you turn on the computer before you get a cup of coffee
SilverSong> When you use "LOL" "ROFL" "GMTA"  etc in non-online 
            notes and letters
Ephphatha> ...when you realize it's 4 in the morning and you are 
           still chatting
crowoman> when you beat the RSF to telling people to lay off the 
mavyn> when  you talk to ppl about..Neko..winterbear..eaglehawk..
       and they look at you like.....
Ephphatha> ...when you feel more happiness at seeing someone enter 
           a chat room then you do when someone walks through your 
WinterBear> when your real life family is tired of hearing about 
            your day on line
crowoman> When you actually tell the room you have TO PEE!
sheonna> when you no longer have a headache and your husbands 
NekoRSF> when you use the log of this chat as a 'To Do' list
HangedMan> When chat is so much a part of your life that you can no 
           longer understand the concept of "hooked on chat"
Darn1> when you meet someone new on the street and you want to do 
       a /whois  .....
crowoman> When you are glad your date is over so you can come home 
          and chat!!
Ephphatha> ...when you say "I can quit chatting any time I want to "
sheonna> when you join chatters anonymous !!!!
NekoRSF> so, how many people have ever said 'rofl' (roffle) 
WinterBear> when you are afk for like 1- seconds and have to scroll 
            back so you dont miss a thing.
crowoman> When you go to work and your co-workers ask "How did you 
          get to type so FAST?"
Christy6> when your dog looks so pathetic looking at you with her 
          empty bowl in her mouth  lol
Aniee> when the majority of your friends have the same 
       the "other" ppl are the ones with a problem
crowoman> When, you talk to someone and you mentally wish you had a 
          WHISPER feature......
NekoRSF> when your parents give you strange looks for giggling in 
         front of the computer so much
mavyn> when your dog just automatically goes and layes by the 
       computer when you come home
sheonna> when you cant live without an RSF..:)
crowoman> SUCK UP
Lagado> the telephone company gives you the gold card.
SilverSong> When you forget your real address, but remember your 
            e-mail one.
Tiss_Moi> When your freinds have your cell number in case you are 
crowoman> When you purposely buy food that is easy to eat while 
SilverSong> When you remember more e-mail addresses than real-life 
HangedMan> When you refer to friends by their email addresses in 
HangedMan> When you use the term "meatspace"
Christy6> I knew I was hooked on chat when I had my hair cut (it 
          was long) but now I only have to run my fingers thru it 
          and not have the "Web Look" 
Darn1>  You know you're hooked on chat get a CRT tan...
crowoman> When you look at your watch and wonder....who is in the 
          ReflectingPool right now........and your date is having a 
          deep conversation with you...!!!
Ephphatha> ...when the server has bumed you ten to twlve times in 
           an evning and you still come back
WinterBear> when you want to /action the dishes instead of actually 
            doing them..
crowoman> When you buy a years worth of batteries for your wireless 
NekoRSF> when you're an RSF, CCC or CSA.... ^_^
Darn1>  You know you're hooked on chat when..... you car dies and 
        you look for ctrl/alt/del to restart it....
SilverSong> When you wish you can /ignore your mother-in-law and 
            find that it does not work outside of a chatroom.
mavyn> when you start thinking of yourself in terms of your nic 
       instead of your real mavyn where did you 
       put the
NekoRSF> hey, just call me 'Neko'...
Ephphatha> ...when you have a nick for every mood
HangedMan> When you sign checks with your handle.
crowoman> When you spill your drink on the floor and you make a 
          mental note of it!
WinterBear> when non-chat friends have to e-mail me to get off the 
* NekoRSF blushes.... ummm, that's never happened to me 
WinterBear> sure neko sure :)
crowoman> when, you  can hear your email beep no matter where you 
Ephphatha> ...when you have a million things to do on a sunday 
           afternoon and are chatting instead
NekoRSF> when you write a song called _I'd Rather Be On-Line_
SilverSong> When you forget your real name, but keep track of all 
            the nick-names you have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crowoman> When you keep telling yourself "I want to learn how to 
          make those cute pictures...but I have no time!!!"
WinterBear> ....when the cyber coffe, donuts and salmon really do 
            fill you up :)
* chakra5th doesn't feel addicted to chat, but can't remember where 
  door to the oustside world is, and food is running low!! 
Zerom> I knew what it meant to be hooked when I started asking if 
       there were any 12 step on-line irc chat help groups for those
       who might be addicted to chat
brabern> go to a chat room u know nothing about just to chat.
* HangedMan welded the door to the outside world shut years ago - 
  just a slot at the bottom for pizza
* NekoRSF reminds everyone of #IRCAddicts just down the hall.....
Tiss_Moi> When the delivery boys know you by your first
crowoman> when you type a cuss word and you think it's better than 
          winning the Lottery.
WinterBear> crow - you mean getting away with it?
* Zerom  wonders when pizza and soda can be ordered on-line
HangedMan> zerom - now.....
Christy6> it can zerom
Ephphatha> ...when you spend a great deal of time and energy coming 
           up with a pithy exit line
crowoman> When you feel deathly guilty for typing a cuss word and 
          getting CAUGHT!!
crowoman> when you notice your butt is sinking in to the couch 
          deeper and deeper....
crowoman> When you hope you didn't use the same witty remark too 
          many times..........
WinterBear> when you get booted just before you were gonna leave 
            anyway - but come back just to say goodbye
crowoman> could you get booted?
WinterBear> crow - server dumped 
NekoRSF> when your on-line friends get worried if you're later 
         coming to chat than usual
EAGLEHAWK> When  you  start  talking  in  chat  lingo.
WinterBear> when you can remember other poolies behaviors...
EAGLEHAWK> When  the  only  friends  u  have  r  on  Talkcity.
Zerom> when you bet someone that you can stay off-line for 24 hours 
       and five hours later you're paying the bet off
HangedMan> When you got to a hotel and check the phonejack before 
           you check the bathroom
chakra5th> when your mother thinks you have moved becuse you haven't 
           answered the phone in 6 months
EAGLEHAWK> When  u  are  in  the  same  clothes  sunday  u  wore  
Tiss_Moi> When friends make appointments to
* NekoRSF blushes again... that's also never happened to me Tiss_Moi
HangedMan> My mother got an email account - because I wouldn’t talk 
           to her on the phone.
Christy6> you know you hooked when you actually fell in love with 
          Bill Gates LOL
crowoman> When you put ALL of your EMAIL in storage so you can chat!!!
EAGLEHAWK> When  the  dogs  bring  the  toys  and  drop  them  at  
           your  feet  (so  you  might  play  with  them)
NekoRSF> actually, my one friend comes into TalkCity, /msg me and 
         tells me to get off the phone!
WinterBear> when others leave out letters - and you STILL know what 
            they mean
chakra5th> when your cat starts waiting for you, by sitting on the 
           keyboard when you get home
NekoRSF> when you actually think about publishing an English-Typo 
EAGLEHAWK> When  everyone  at  the  WEBTV  office  knows  you  by  
           the  sound  of  your  voice.
Zerom> when you used to read a book every couple of days and now it 
       takes two weeks to finish one chapter
chakra5th> when everyone at web is afraid if you buy a computer they 
           will be layed off
NekoRSF> when you believe that everyone here must be stalking you 
         because you do all this stuff.....
EAGLEHAWK> When  you  only  order  food  from  places  that  deliver...
EAGLEHAWK> When  your  feet  go  to  sleep  before  you  do.
WinterBear> when your butt goes to sleep before you do
chakra5th> when the local pizza place has a picture of you and your 
           house permanently laminated on the delivery schedule
Dreamwalker> when all your friends complain they can get you on the 
             phone does that mean your a chat junky??
Zerom> I know the pizza delivery guy by first's Pat and 
       he comes by even if he's not delivering pizza
Zerom> just to see if I'm still alive
WinterBear> LOL zeorm -do you let him type?
Zerom> no but he watches
chakra5th> heck zerom, I know all the delivery man's children by 
           first name
WinterBear> you know your hooked when you start trying to remember 
            the pool rules...
EAGLEHAWK> When  u  ask  WEBTV  "can  I  plug  this  to  my  cars  
           cigarette  lighter"
Christy6> you know your hooked when the dog brings you his leash 
          and hes never done that before
Lagado> you name your guinea pigs with web friends nicks.:)
Belladonna> when I bought a porta potty, and located it in my 
            bedroom....knew trouble had been had...
NekoRSF> when you more readily answer to your nic instead of your 
NekoRSF> when you find out what one of your chat friend's real name 
         is and you can't bring yourself to call them that, even 
         face to face...
chakra5th> I had my office moved into the bathroom, and the 
           refrigerator put in the tub
Lagado> You are really addicted when you use your holidays to met 
* NekoRSF gives this topic the 'Longest Lasting Topic That Neko Has 
  Ever Hosted With'
Christy6> you know your hooked when you start to dream of everyone           
          in chat
Dreamwalker> you know you chat to much when you get a bad case of 
             butt acne
WinterBear> when the webtv music stays with you off line
Belladonna> you know you're addicted, when everything you type in,
            you're sitting here saying out loud
Dreamwalker> when your glasses form permanent indentations in your 
* Zerom  thinks he needs a new keyboard...this one's worn out from 
NekoRSF> has it been a week already Zerom?
Lagado> you are addicted when the telephone bill is on ignore.
Dreamwalker> you develope thick calloses on all your fingers
Tiss_Moi> You are addicted when you are scheduling meeting with 
          chat pals
WinterBear> when you can FINALLY type without looking at the 
Christy6> you know your addicted when the phone bill is paid the 
          day you get it.
Bodhimonk> I'm not addicted...I can quit anytime...just don't want 
Bodhimonk> I forget how I used to occupy my time
Belladonna> when your dog forgets who you are and what you look 
            like...sept you resember something he'd like to pee 
Dreamwalker> when you fall asleep and wake up typing
WinterBear> when your on-line personality changes with your nicks
NekoRSF> when your _off_-line personality changes with your nic...
Bodhimonk> do you get up in the middle of the night just to check 
NekoRSF> Bodhimonk, naw, i'm usually up and online already in the 
         middle of the night
Zerom> this is sick but true.....when you find that you dont have 
       enough time to do laundry so you just start buying new clothes
       because all the old ones are dirty
WinterBear> lol zerom - and you buy them on line
KelticHoneyBee> this is funny....glad I'm not the only one..LOLOL
NekoRSF> when you consider showing your parents the log of this 
         chat to prove that you're 'normal'
Bodhimonk> when the flames are licking your feet and you hurry to 
           type in one last message
Belladonna> that you can rationalize, that last 20.00 must go to 
            your isp...that you can bathe in cold water, in the 
            dark, and crackers and water has its nutritious value..
Dreamwalker> when you look in the mirror and notice your black hair 
             has turned gray
NekoRSF> when you look in the mirror and wonder who that tired 
         looking person is...
KelticHoneyBee> when you need chiropractic help
WinterBear> when somebody says LOL to another poolie and you scroll
            back to see what you missed...
Bodhimonk> you are afraid your "cybermate" will see you looking at 
Christy6> when you look in the mirror and have bags under your eyes 
          that you never had before from lack of sleep
* Belladonna falls to the ground ( scarlett o'hara like don't ya know )
  god as my witness....I'll never go internetless again....and falls 
  to the ground in a massive heap of tears..
Lagado> when you come to the pool and 5+ people greets and hugs you
Yank1> Neko, when you turn on your computer on the way to turn on 
      the coffee.
Dreamwalker> when you spend hours responding to a topic like this 
             one :0)
Yank1> when you send your wife emails to talk..
Christy6> when chat becomes your "goal"
WinterBear> "My name is WinterBear and I am addicted to chat....
WinterBear> when you know when the eyebrow is gonna come up...


LIZARDKING99> if the RSF says to you when you enter " watch it I 
              know you're gonna do something so don't even start 
LIZARDKING99> when your mate wants you're attention they have to 
              say your nik


Thanks to everyone who contributed (whether you
knew you were contributing or not.... ^_^) Please
let me know if you don't want your comments on this
page, I don't mind taking it off. ^_^

Another thing.  If you have any YKYCTMW's e-mail them
to me and I'll add them to the list.  Be sure to give
me a nick name to go with it. (You can choose
Annonymous if you'd like.)

Thanks! ^_^

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