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[Florida Department of Corrections]

Sgt. Nelda Fiveash Peacock

I'm Nelda Peacock, and I'm recently retired from the Florida Department of Corrections Apalachee Correctional Institution, West Unit, in Sneads, Florida. I worked with the Department, as an officer, since November of 84'. I was promoted to Sergeant at Calhoun Correctional Institution, in Blountstown, Florida, in 1988 and returned to Apalachee in 89'.

I started with the Department as a perimeter officer and was later assigned to the Control Room. In 1988 I transferred to Calhoun CI with a promotion and after about a year and a half I returned to Apalachee CI as the Control Room Sergeant. In 1997 I was out of work for a while, while having heart surgery and in 1998 I was assigned to the Urinalysis Lab testing the inmates for drugs. After my position was deleted was moved down the hill to the compound and worked there until retired due to health problems.

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Copyright © 1997, 1998
Page designed, created, and maintained by Nelda Fiveash Peacock
Last updated: April 18, 1998