
The kingdom of Silvermoon is comprised of five villages scattered throughout the northeast of the Burneal Forest.

The capital of Silvermoon is a thing of beauty indeed, located within the heart of Silvermoon. It is the center of commerce, decisions, and arguably the most pleasant to visit within the elven kingdom.

High Temple- Not exactly a "temple" of sorts, it is rather an ornate and decorative building fashioned from roanwood. It is here the Elder of Silvermoon dwells, as well as all important decisions concerning the kingdom are made.

The Dancing Wolf- An elegant inn possessing many comforts and boasting a rather large main room. It is owned by Mardwin Neilias, a rather wealthy elf and a much respected citizen of Quel'Taris.

Melgor's Shop- Owned by the half-elf Melgor Branwaith, this curious little shop located within the heart of Quel'Taris is home to some rather unusual items as well as traditional provisions and such needed for every day life. However, the things offered here tend to be a bit on the expensive side, but Melgor argues that the items he sells are well worth the price.

Sylvan Mill- It is here in this makeshift lumberyard where homes, weapons, and other such neccessities are manufactured when needed by the most skilled craftsmen in all of Silvermoon. In honor to the trees which make up their home, they take only what they need, and are reknowned for ingenious ways to utilize the entire tree, wasting nothing. They take the utmost care in all of their work.

The Holding Pit- Located on the outskirts of the elven capital, the holding pit serves as a temporary facility for criminals and rabble-rousers arrested by the elven officials. It is a square pit dug into the earth, being about eight feet deep and sixty-four feet in diameter. With an iron bar grating placed over the top, and no less than two guards patrolling the pit at any one time, it is difficult to escape from. Entrance into the pit is gained via a small stone building erected next to the pit. Within is a set of stairs leading down into the earth, and to a door that leads into the pit itself.

Most referred to as the sister city to Quel'Taris as to its close vicinity, this quaint village lies but half a mile south to Quel'Taris, and nearly matches it in beauty. Being that it is within the heart of the kingdom like the capital, it is rarely the subject of troll attacks, unlike the three border villages to the west which serve as a natural barrier to attack.

The Notched Arrow Inn- This relatively small inn is a favorite gathering place for the many warriors who safeguard Silvermoon, as well as the occasional outsider. It is owned by an old retired ranger in his mid-years named Olric Silwyn.

Aegwyn's General Store- Although many of Silvermoon's people prefer to cull their needed supplies by farming or hunting, (especially true for those who live in the border villages) almost all neccessary items such as food, clothing, etc., can be purchased for a fair price at Aegwyn's store, although the old elf enjoys the occasional haggle over price.

The Great Library- The Great Library in Arkan'thuras is actually a very small, nondescript square building made of rosewood and has one small door in front, and seems to have no windows which might betray what lies within. Inside, each wall is lined with shelves full of books, tomes, and scrolls of all nature. In the center of this musty room is a small desk which boasts a small candleholder for illumination and a chair for sitting. This building is regarded as sacred to all the elves who prize knowledge, and is always guarded by no less than two warriors, usually picked through high distinction. None may take books out of the Great Library, save the Elder or one who bears their written consent.

The Holding Pit- Located on the outskirts of the elven village, the holding pit serves as a temporary facility for criminals and rabble-rousers arrested by the elven officials. It is a square pit dug into the earth, being about eight feet deep and sixty-four feet in diameter. With an iron bar grating placed over the top, and no less than two guards patrolling the pit at any one time, it is difficult to escape from. Entrance into the pit is gained via a small stone building erected next to the pit. Within is a set of stairs leading down into the earth, and to a door that leads into the pit itself.

A small village which runs close to the borders of the Whispering Trails, this small border village lies a good mile and a half south-west of Arkan'thuras, and one mile south of Pendwyr. Being so close to the Whispering Trails, it is oft the first place many a wandering traveler comes across. (i.e., the starting point for most characters first coming in to Silvermoon). Also, being a border village, it is subject to the brunt of any troll raids, as well as Pendwyr and Mithas.

The Clearing- This small grotto surrounded by trees lands a few scant yards west of the actual village, and itself is perhaps fifteen feet in diameter. For a long while, this patch of land was held as seemingly unnoticed for quite a long time, but recently the influx of travelers has given it noteriety as a brief resting spot for passers-by, and has been adopted as such.

Gwaelin's Tavern- This small, simplistic little tavern is owned by Gwaelin Rimrose, a cheery elven woman who took over the tavern after her husband died during a terrible winter many years ago. It is a favorite gathering place for those who live in Tarys'lyr, as well as the occasional wanderer. Either way, Gwaelin tries her best to make all welcome.

Midwall's Shop- Owned by the eccentric, aged elf Gori Midwall and his young son Findualis (also known as Fin), this rather shoddily constructed building houses many neccessities needed for the people of Tarys'lyr to survive. Their prices are modest, as well as their wares.

The Holding Pit- The repeated raids and significant increase of outlanders in the once quiet village of Tarys'lyr has made neccessary the construction of holding pit. Located on the outskirts of the elven capital, the holding pit serves as a temporary facility for criminals and rabble-rousers arrested by the elven officials. It is a square pit dug into the earth, being about eight feet deep and sixty-four feet in diameter. With an iron bar grating placed over the top, and no less than two guards patrolling the pit at any one time, it is difficult to escape from. Entrance into the pit is gained via a small stone building erected next to the pit. Within is a set of stairs leading down into the earth, and to a door that leads into the pit itself.

Another border village, this particular township is located between Tarys'lyr and Mithas, roughly one mile distant from either one. It is also roughly a mile and a half distant from Quel'Taris in the east. Being the middle of the three border villages, this hamlet has been a constant target for many trollish raids, as well as a staging point for counter-strikes made by the Silvermoon elves. Under these circumstances, the defenses of Pendwyr have always been staunch, and all of the troll leaders know that if there is a lifeline of Silvermoon to be severed, Pendwyr is the target.

The Sword & Arrow - A small, serviceable inn located in the border village of Pendwyr, this is an establishment where the winds of war, agriculture, and other such matters focus, being located in the central border village.

The Temple of Illyantha- An ornate, rectangular building constructed of the most precious wood available in the forest, this venerable place of worship stands at the center of the town of Pendwyr. Its colorful stained glass windows and solid oak door beckon the weary of spirit as well as body with an open hand. Inside the temple is modestly furnished, containing several comfortable chairs, an altar, and a lavishly sculpted statue of the goddess Illyantha opposite the door, her piercing eyes greeting all that enter. There are also living quarters in the back which house the clerics and followers of the goddess of light whom service the temple. Services that can be procured from this most holy sanctum include healings, removal of curses and diseases, and blessings. However, the goddess nor her followers will help freely those of evil intentions, and if the situation is not dire, the clerics of Ilyantha are likely to exact a toll for their services, be they monetary or an oath of fealty to the goddess.

This border village is the northern-most elven settlement in Silvermoon. It is one mile north of Pendwyr, and a mile and a half north-west from Quel'Taris. Although not nearly as often the target of raids as Pendwyr and Tarys'lyr, the people of Mithas are ever vigilant of the hated enemy of the Silvermoon.

The Budding Vine- A tiny inn in Mithas run by Jauhaun Goldrose with the assistance of his daughter, Yaisha. A two-story structure, there are four upstairs rooms for rent. For those staying there, only a morning snack is included in the price of the room. This consists of bread, jam or honey and a slice or two of whatever meat is leftover from the previous evening. Lunch is always soup or stew with bread - dinner is some roasted meat with roasted tubers or fruit along with more bread. The frames around the door and the one downstairs window are both decorated with rose vines carved into the wood. Rose vines make their way up the building from bushes planted at the corners. Inside, the mantle is also decorated by the vine pattern. Fresh cut roses are brought inside when in season. All the bedlinens have the faint aroma of roses from the rose oil Yaisha keeps in the linen closet.

The Temple of Celia- Dedicated to the merciful goddess whom brings forth the rain and wind which nourishes the many peoples of Aenaria, this rather simple sanctuary resembles little more than a common dwelling, and could be easily overlooked as such. It is here, however, that the WindSingers gather to commune and strengthen themselves of their spirit and dedication to their most holy cause. The priests and priestesses of the sky goddess are most merciful and friendly to any who end up at their doorstep, willingly providing the weary with a temporary place of respite. In rare occasions, the followers of Celia give their more deserving guests a sip of the purest rain water, collected in a special bowl and purified by Celia's divine blessing. It is rumored that this sparkling water washes away fatigue, cleanses and heals wounds with but a few drops, and in general is very sweet tasting.