Of Trolls and Elves…

"The Burneal Forest is vast woodland area far north of the city of Mor Eles, on the continent of Warglind. It is as ancient as the land itself. For many centuries, it was inhabited only by the creatures of the forest. Until one day, many hundred years ago, two races found the forest and made it their home. One, were the elves of Silvermoon, a proud and reclusive race. They settled in the north part of the forest and made it prosperous. The other, were a band of trolls seeking refuge from the wrath of the armies of Taernia led by the crusading king Naedryn Nas’goth, who settled in the extreme southern part of the woods. Naturally, the two races soon learnt they were not alone, and one tense meeting after another eventually led to bloodshed and open warfare for centuries to come."

"The Settlement of the Silvermoon"

As told by the Elder K'habree D'Elwood

"Our race came to this land from across the Great Sea so many years ago with the promise of peace and prosperity. Many died on the long voyage, and many more perished on the search for a new home. Soon we came upon a beautiful forest. We quickly settled in the northern regions, finding the surroundings to our liking. The first year was filled with hardships, but we managed to prosper, our race living peaceful with the creatures of the forest, which we named Burneal, after the patriarch of our clan. Although our people were happy, we soon learned we were not alone...
"Our scouts who ventured into the south reported mysterious bands of nomadic creatures stealthily moving within the protective shadows of the trees, slitted eyes watching them from afar. After careful reconnaissance, we learned that these were trolls, a war-like primitive race of creatures who hated us with a passion. Suspicion and awkward meetings eventually led to armed conflict and bloody battles. Bands of these wretched creatures staged daring raids against our peaceful villages and burned many houses to the ground. We have been in conflict with these trolls for many years. They are heartless, uncaring, and will not stop until we are all dead and this forest is theirs, and theirs alone."

-Excerpt from the Book of Silvermoon

The Rise of the Shattered Bone

As told by Naerth'choll, first leader of the Shattered Bone Clan

"On our escape from the hated elves of Taernia, we found ourselves in a strange but rich forest, teeming with life and resources. Our numbers were great, but the woods were vast in size, and we soon decided to settle. We quickly built a settlement from the great roanwood trees that were abundant, and were also able to fashion our warriors' weapons from the same durable wood. For one year we lived as we were, establishing our new home and raises the young. But, being a nomadic race, we soon grew restless. Parties of our finest warriors were sent to explore the northern regions of the forest to see what they could discover. What news they brought back, was troubling..."
"A few villages were reported to be in existence in the far north, inhabited by elves. Some of our scouts were seen and were shot at by their warriors' arrow shafts. And we even saw these deceitful curs in our territory, stealing about. We soon realized that no good could come from these elves and we soon prepared for war. And battle they gave us. Their "rangers" made bold attacks on our huts and torched them and slew our women and children while we were away at battle. We repaid the favor in full. Because of the elves, whom our race has an bred hatred for, we will most likely be fighting for our lives and homes, not just for our claim of what is rightfully ours."

The Great Burneal War

For the past few hundred years, the forest had been relatively peaceful. There was no major conflicts between the two races, only a few minor isolated incidents. Then, not more than five years ago, a particularly visionary troll rose through the ranks to become the Chief's right-hand man and his most trusted advisor. His name: Zirin-tor. Through treachery and lies, he convinced Gudruk the Wise that the Elves were planning a major offensive against their people. His words found reasoning within the old Chief's ears, and out of fear, assembled the tribes for battle. Ten days after the wardrums beat for the first time, they attacked.
The Elves were caught off guard by the sweeping offensive, and it took them several days to gain a foot-hold and drive the Shattered Bone back into their own lands where they hoped to strike a decisive blow. But Luck seemed to sway in the trolls' favor, for a nomadic band of gnolls led by one Rekk Wolfsbane entered the lands around the Burneal forest, looking for a permanent home. Their name: The Bloody Tooth Clan. Gudruk quickly enlisted the aide of these gnolls in hope that their legendary skill in battle would quickly press the tide against the elves. In exchange, the trolls would aid the gnolls in any claim they might have to the surrounding lands.
With the help of the gnolls, they managed to rout the seiging warriors and push them up into their own lands, cutting them off from all help. The trolls controlled the whole south of the forest, making safe travel anywhere near impossible.
After several long months of hard fighting, the fronts stabilized, and the elves seemed firmly entrenched, staunch in their efforts to stave off any incursion from their hated enemies. But, though it was not realized then, a traitor was among the ranks of the noble elves. The high advisor to Daelin K’Habree, then Elder of Silvermoon, was a crafty, spiteful elf by the name of Silfin Dalewood. Also known among the elves of Silvermoon as Silfin the Betrayer, and Silfin the Backstabber. He earned these titles well.
Though openly appraising Daelin’s efforts in the war, and of his able leadership, inwardly Silfin was an elf of many desires. One was to rule the elves of Silvermoon in Daelin’s stead at any cost. His jealousy soon named his price, as he bargained with the troll Zirin-tor. He provided Zirin with knowledge of the strength of the Silvermoon armies, and their weakest positions, which the trolls and gnolls would readily exploit. In exchange, Silfin was promised rule over any survivors after the elves of Silvermoon had been brought to their knees. He was a fool to trust Zirin-tor, who was as every bit treacherous as he.
What followed, was bloody slaughter…
Under the cover of night, large numbers of trolls and gnolls swept through the forests and descended upon the unsuspecting elven kingdom. The elves fought as best they could, the rangers at the forefront. Many lives were lost, and many a brave soul were tested that dreadful night. The Silvermoon warriors perished in great numbers to buy time for the ravaged populace to escape while their enemies ransacked their long-time homes. Amongst the casualties, Daelin K’Habree lay dead, his breast pierced by a gnoll spear. Those who survived, fled the great woods which they had called home, and spread to the far corners of Warglind, defeated, and disheveled…
In the wake of churning smoke, as the fires of war slowly burned themselves out, a civil war of sorts erupted between the trolls. As the last embers of the smoldering deserted elven towns grew cold, Zirin-tor led a large group of his berserkers against the old clan chief, Gudruk. It was a brief and bloody affair. Gudruk and all whom were loyal to him were slain, and the rest submitted to Zirin’s might. During this time, however, small determined bands of the scattered Silvermoon elves banded together, planning secretly to drive the hated trolls from their captured homelands. To their good fortune the trolls had no knowledge of this, having casting the elves off as a potential threat. After many months, the elves, under the leadership of the now self-proclaimed Elder Silfin Dalewood, the battle-weary elves of Silvermoon banded together for one last strike against the enemy…
However, the elves road to victory was fraught with peril…and treachery. Working under the cover of darkness, Silfin informed the trolls of the elves’ plans, and effectively laid a trap for the unsuspecting elves. Though unbeknownst to Silfin, a small group of elves led by the human ranger Sir Anheuserus Buschun, managed to skillfully pit the trolls and gnolls against each other in furious battle, effectively drawing trollish strength away from the Burneal forest, and to the plains where open bloodshed was rampant.
And so on a fateful night, the determined army of Silvermoon marched bravely into the forest, ready to do battle with their sworn enemies. However, Silfin was among them, and at precisely the wrong moment, betrayed them, giving the trolls an upper hand in surprise. The battle raged on for many hours, the fighting bloody and furious. In the early stages of the battle, however, Silfin himself was betrayed by Zirin-tor, and slain promptly. But the battle was not without cost to the trolls as well, for their own leader, the nefarious Zirin-tor, was slaughtered by Sir Anheuserus. Aided by the outsiders, the trolls eventually were overpowered and defeated by the determined elves. The trolls surrendered to the victorious elves of Silvermoon after hard fighting, as the ground was soaked with the blood of the dead and dying. The battle was won, and the elves had won back their homeland…if not without great personal sacrifice.
After several months, both sides slowly withdrew to their respective edges to the woods. Without leaders, both sides were in chaos. The proud elves of Silvermoon fell into bickering about who should ascend as the new Elder, as many stated claim to the right.

Humiliated and dishonored by their defeat from the elves, the Shattered Bone trolls fell into fierce, savage infighting over who was to blame for the defeat, and of course, the bloody power struggle as to whom would rise as the new Chief of the scattered tribes.

Fortunately for the Silvermoon, this period of unrest did not last long, for a young energetic elf from the Windsinger sect and a noted heroine of the war named Sahira Greenstone rose through the ranks as a natural leader, and a favorite amongst the people. Under her considerable influence, the other suitors for the right of Elder graciously acquiesced their bids and set her upon the mantle of leadership of the Silvermoon elves. Knowing the atrocities of war, one of Sahira’s earliest acts as the new Elder was to strike up a treaty with the trolls across the forest in an effort to quell the constant fighting between them. The trolls, outraged at this attempt of pacification, grudgingly accepted these terms, as they were in no position to refuse, being leaderless and uncoordinated. This move was considered controversial by many who would opt for the total extermination of the trolls, but Sahira’s efforts to rebuild their shattered homes with every resource available to her more than won over the respect of her people as a leader as she did as a warrior.
Now, an uneasy peace seems to exist in the whole of the forest between the two races, but a faint glimmer of hope and of peace is always within reach…