Links to Other Places

WebChat Broadcasting System (WBS) --A great chatting station, and coincidentally where this room is located.

To Silvermoon --This link will lead you to the doorway to Silvermoon Forest Chat on WBS.

Click here to get to The Silvermoon Forest's backdoor! (link & page provided by Brian Uri.)

The World of Aenaria --A pretty good page that delves more into the background of the world of Aenaria.

Stormgirl's Homepage --A great place for role-playing info...visit Raina's page! *g*

The Inn of the Weary Traveler --Another great role-playing room on WBS. Also the 'elder' room of all the others. I advise you to check it out if the forest setting just isn't 'your thing.'

The Blizzard Homepage --Couldn't help but add this one in. *grin* If you're a fan of Warcraft, Diablo, or just Blizzard in general, go here for snazz updates!

HoTMaiL --Go here for a free e-mail address(s)! Very useful for making more than the alloted 5 handles WBS allows you.

Nail's Ginjoint Homepage --The homepage for Nail's Ginjoint, another RPG room on the net geared towards a Casablanca type of crowd. Very interesting, and worth the visit.

Heat --If you like playing games over the net, go here to play for FREE!

Brian Uri's Character Compendium --Go here for a good list of role-playing characters on WBS, and even add yours.

The Silvermoon WebRing --Check this site out to see Silvermoon related pages, mainly character pages and pertinent info presented by the RPers themselves.

Role-Players Registry --This appears to be a page about role-playing online, I think.

--If you have an idea for one, or you want me to link your site to this page, just mail me and I'll set it up there! But please, no individual character pages.