The Rangers

  • "Remember your training and you will make it back alive!" -Starship Troopers

    There are those who patrol the village streets during the night and during the day, ensuring the safety of those who sleep and would go about their everyday lives peacefully...
  • But who looks out for those who are the guardians of civilization? Risking life and limb each moment, endlessly patrolling the forests, ever vigilant against any possible incursions into the elves' sacred lands?

  • A small, elite cadre of warriors are all that stands between the peaceful, prosperous kingdom of Silvermoon and destruction. A thin, yet proud line of especially rugged elves that stand in defiance of those who seek to do harm to their lands. The rangers. Skilled warriors, expert trackers and able to live off the lands, to survive in the worst of conditions. These skills culminate the dreaded group of fearsome elves that even make most trolls wary in their presence.

  • A small group numbering at about forty, these elves are culminated from the most skilled of the elves. Those who exemplify themselves in the arts of war and survival are invited to train, and hopefully join the revered ranks of these stalwort warriors.

  • In order to become a ranger in the Silvermoon cadre, each hopeful must be taught, and possess a rudimentary understanding of the medicinal uses of certain types of plants, and must also possess the basic knowledge of field surgery, such as stitching together wounds and the like. Also, each ranger is required to craft their own bow, as it is their only constant companion, and something of an extension of themselves. Of course, those whose parents or relatives who are rangers, and were slain or died, may choose to take up the weapon of their late parents as a symbol of family honor. Needless to say, a ranger's marksmanship must be exceptional, and on par with melee fighting skills.

  • Intimately bound with the wilderness they traverse so frequently, the elves in the cadre often prefer to avoid the trappings of civilization when they can help it, although this is certainly not true for the majority. In times of relative peace, some of the rangers have been known to actually leave the protective boundaries of the Burneal Forest to wander the lands beyond, and return in either times of urgency, or every few months or so when the Arch-ranger calls a meeting of the entire cadre to discuss findings.