Here you'll find the Japanese words, and their translations, of the Japanese that I use in BSSM Star..

* ano : Um.
* ara : Oh.
* arigato, domo arigato, domo : Thank you, Thank you very much, Thanks.
* -chan : A term of endearment, used with loved ones, girls, and friends.
* daijobu, daijobu : I'm all right, Are you all right?
* do itashimashite, do itasu : Your welcome, formal, and informal.
* dozo yoroshiku : How do you do?
* genki desu ka : How are you?
* gomen, gomen nasai : Excuse me/I'm sorry, I'm very sorry.
* hajimeshite : It's a pleasure to meet you.
* imouto : Little sister(Used with imouto-chan or imouto-san).
* -kun : A term used with boys, and for co-workers.
* onee : Big sister(Used with onee-chan or onee-san).
* onegai : Please.
* -san : A term of repect, for students your own age in school, and for adults, as well as students who are older that you.
* -sama : A term of great respect, near worship.
* senshi : Soldier.
* shimatta : Damn!
* sumimasen : I'm sorry.
* taskite : Help me!