The Banner Source for Tripod

If you're a "TV web surfer" building a home page, you'll want your friends to be able to find you. So at Net4TV, we're building a registry of all of the home pages built by users of WebTV® and other "TV Web" browsers we can find.

Are you listed? Click here to review the Tripod pages we've listed (by neighborhood). If you are, and you'd like a banner for your site, choose among the ones we've got here and use the code shown to place it on your site. If you're not, you can add your site directly from the Tripod listing page on Net4TV. Then, be sure to come back here to pick up your banner.

To pick up any of these images, just copy the code beneath it directly into your page:

<a href="">
<img src="" width=400 height=60></a>

<a href="">
<img src="" width=400 height=60></a>

<a href="" width=400 height=60></a>

<a href="">
<img src=""
width=82 height=100></a>

<a href="">
<img src=""
width=91 height=100></a>

<a href="">
<img src=""
width=71 height=59></a>

<a href="">
<img src=""
width=91 height=100></a>

The size tags shown are optional, but your page will load faster if you use them.

IMPORTANT NOTE! Only sites on Tripod should link to these images. By linking to images that are on the same server as your web site, your page will load faster and you won't have broken links. If your site is on Angelfire, GeoCities or WBS, we have images on those servers also -- go to this page at Net4TV to find them.

If you're on another service, you can contact us and we can upload the images you want to your page, or you may use a computer to copy and upload them to your directory.

We respect your privacy, and your site is your property. If you would like your site NOT to be listed, please notify us and we will remove it from the displayed listings.
Net4TV is a trademark of Iacta llc, and all of the images on this page are ©Copyright 1997, Iacta llc. You are granted permission to place the images onto your site, either by referencing them from within Tripod or by copying them and uploading them to your own directory, providing that they are used only for hyperlinking to All other rights are reserved.