More about me

Me in my famous rose-tinted glasses (well, famous if you know me!)

Right, on this page you're going to get a little bit more information about me, so if you
get bored easily it's time to leave! I was born in the city of Salisbury (it's really only
a town but it has a big cathedral!), and my family lives in the village of Winterslow in
the heart of the Wiltshire countryside. It's a lovely place, and always so nice to go back to.
I studied at Cardiff University for 4 years, working to get a Masters degree in Astrophysics,
and hoping to follow in the footsteps of my (alleged) great great great great great great
grandfather, Sir Isaac Newton! I graduated in the summer of 2000 with a 1st, which was a truly
wonderful day. Much to my relief I also won a PhD place so that I can carry on studying
(I'm nowhere near ready to go out into the world and get a proper job!). If I have my way,
I'll be at university for the rest of my life. OK, so I'll never get rich, but I'll be doing
something I enjoy, and in 3 years time I'll be Dr. Newton! :-)

What else can I tell you? I have one brother, Chris, who is the complete opposite of me. I love pets,
especially cats. I used to keep rabbits, and they had lots of babies (I really miss those days!),
but now I just have Beanie, a shy grey cat, and Amber, a crazy ginger kitten, and they fight like mad!
I'm a very quiet person, who doesn't like to make a fuss about anything. I enjoy company, but time
on my own is really no bother. I love little adventures and seeing new places. Even if the new
place is a street in Cardiff, I still find it exciting being somewhere I haven't seen before.
This might sound strange, but I am a big fan of 'atmosphere'. When a place has an atmosphere, one
that stirs feelings in me of a time or place that I've never been, it's one of my favourite things.
This is very important to me in music. If a melody can let me imagine things, or it just gives me
certain feelings, then I'll like it, even if the lyrics don't have the same feelings.

Some more pics of me, the first was taken in my home village:


This is the professional photo of me from graduation:


And this one was taken after a celebratory lunch on my graduation day:

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