Children of the Sun

A clear blue morning gives way to the brilliant afternoon sun The parched sand baked by the sun stings their young feet Anxiously they stand along the sandy shore trying so hard to be patient Their eyes fixed on the clear blue water With eyes of fire they glance towards their father waiting for the sign With a flash of a smile and a nod of his head They squeal with excitement and rush towards the water With the lust for life that only youth brings they yearn for knowledge and seek the simple pleasures the ocean provides Chasing the waves, they scoot back and forth Laughter fills his ears and warms his heart Plunging into the clear cool water, they disappear below the surface only to burst back up a moment later grinning from ear to ear laughing and chatting all the while These children of the sun, so natural in their surroundings watch his eyes for approval With another smile. Their little faces light up with joy showing just how much all of this means to them. He suddenly realizes its not the ocean they desire so but the love of their father sharing this moment in the sun with them for now and forever.



copyright 1996 By Nightwing Productions

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