The Stand

A line is drawn; a marker set in sand Stand side by side, an epic journey of woman and man Armor plated souls, joined together in the fray Seemingly invincible, forces unseen erode it slowly away Unity once formed an alliance of might and magic Singularity breaks the bonds once heroic, now tragic Invisible boundaries, a the division on land One side stands the woman; on the other side stands man Foul words spew forth that form a malignancy on the soul No medicines can abate the pain, while the barrage takes it toll Stubborn pride and selfish behavior are the rule of the day Swords drawn in battle, lashing out, breaking away Only to fail and fall in battle, to cry out one last breath Spiritual rescue? or is it only the sweet kiss of death A battle best waged standing in solidarity on land Heed my warning my dear friend, and find that special place, your place to make a stand John P. Zawitoski 11/08/98