Remember the days of life abundant with the fruits so ripe to offer... I remember... losing life while living is the biggest wrong ever made right... you remember as you knew me then you cannot forget but there is no blame... twas I I alone who consumed that poison and fell into the river... remember dear friends there is nothing left to blame... just a memory to hold... _______________________________________________________ It was the first blood for a man child lost in winters night... the first breech of skin the first line of crimson and the first expression of obvious distaste in self... who was seen as reflections disapeared in flakes of white and trails of red paint for the world... it was all just a story to be told by the fire.. a story of poverty of the soul and a happy ending that should never have been a sequel... triumph doesnt always come twice... ____________________________________________________________ maybe i found the first sight, way back when....maybe the child i was and the child i still am came from those dirty railroad tracks...flat pennies and broken glass...the world so huge and full of monters..homeless bums always rumored to snatch children away from their loving mothers..maybe i lost my fear when i became a rumor myself...through all the migrations of my mind i still cant put a finger on it...the fleeting glimpse of a child i still am... ____________________________________________________________ It was the first though not the last but now its so far in the past... it could only be what burned in the stomach as poets and authors called it the four letters that spell love.... but like a story straight from greek mythology a foolish youth angered the gods... from the sky he brought down the sparrows of god from the darkness he brought down the blackbirds and crows... there was no deal to be made for he had betrayed in all directions... the burning stomach became a raging fire as the liquid stoled his word... on parched lips he mumbles for poets and authors to pity to muse over and embrace what they have a new thanksgiving.... _______________________________________________________ In the hollowed black eyes betrayal can only mean what must be the ending..... they look for ways to steal deal unknowing the past and how to feel... the one who thought he wasnt was the one who thought he was had been for some time... in the darkest hours in the darkest eyes each spreads his own fears and they trickle into the spines of all... riding high flying a kite of misfortune one lifeline at a time... you know the story always did as the lines get tangled and we all end up crashed... so why is this so wrong? the thief in us all arrives like a prank call that no one believes... and the hard times blown like wind chimes are parents to loners orphaned by mistrust.... ________________________________________________________ in heat of light at night the reality is away yet another such day... should I in the circles of the lost take the dare upon my mind and enter the forbidden city... the markets and homes hold so much memorie as i had left them so sudden in the face of the oncoming plague... should i helper of plagues man in the middle return... if upon a quite arrival I become an icon a sign of troubles to return would i welcome the crucifiction.... forever and a day i would not doubt the sincerity of those who would believe i deserve it... only human that is me one mistake of many and nothing more.... _______________________________________________________ words so easy to trust... words like a bet you cant pay when youve already lost... words wasted as often as the time to speak them... they only end up in the end hurting your soul... loss of mysterie for speaking out your mind leaves you alone or in shallow conversation... words in all end up in pretend worlds with pretend emotion.... ________________________________________________________ it isnt hard to initiate the motion step into the whirlpool and lose your breath... as your dragged down you know you need air it feels just good enough that maybe theres no room to care.. so little room for reality so little time for reality.... ________________________________________________________ so its all in the pack upon my back... the tainted world and all the souveniers upon my skin... the river and the rats may be home again... is this oz? is this heaven or hell? for i have sunk to the bottom yet my blurred vision still sees and my lungs still make the motions... WHERE AM I? echoes in the winds echoes in the nights holding onto myself to keep away the sights.... it hurts when your cold it hurts when destiny screams... for all it has to say is imminent death alone.... _______________________________________________________
The first time i found you it wasnt meant to be dark on the eyes but not a drop of fear.... you circled me for years stalking my intentions to find a way inside.... i was witness with the dead at dawn to others hosting you at their party... one star filled night you found that loop and the loss of breath came quick... of sudden sorrow released was simple realization that you were not just crashing my party you became it... a drop of fear brought the flood that broke the levy to pieces... you are me now living that night over and over while i sit in chains... looking to the sky i can see where it begins and ends you strangle my sobs before they start... how quickly you act to stop any flow you cant control... thats it now lost control for control.... _______________________________________________________ a look like a ghost in the closet at the unsuspecting me... lost on white floor surrounded by crimson writings... rain falling from the eyes cant delute the growing red puddle... it grows feeding off old strength and new weekness the room distorts to blurs... and the phone wont stop ringing ring..ring..ring...ring.. it continues pulling back strength... the room clears the phone falls and voices yell unintelligably... they come through the ears sounding like vague questions from so far away... as soon as it sounded the voice entered my line of sight and sleep came at last.... _______________________________________________________ the little red haired boy and his toy alone on the concrete except for the ants... oh he's cute they say he can stay with me they say... but time does so few the justice they deserve that little boy became something of a man.... he never claimed in the climb to be an adult that he was wise... he never claimed through the torture he invoked that he was right... now to loathe oh to turn your head in disgust or dismay you trap the red haired boy in a dark room without walls... now a man without soul abuses that child makes him disapear... that child that bastard son is a reminder of all that was spent over the years... the child son lays dying of a cancer since the day innocence went to heaven... _______________________________________________________ its all a joke. every worn out phrase every worn out question. just a joke. to make sense of a trail of bloody messes and constant failing is a joke. to say you have a grip on the things that you induldge in to get away from the real you is a joke. a laugh that no one feels. the laugh of the insane. the amusing laugh of the one deemed bad guy. he knows and he no longer cares that no one cares. life is the cruelest joke of all because it has no conscience to quit when the joke has gone to far. as one i know put it in such a poetic way after days outside the saints circle "we are just a bunch of ants on a ball for gods entertainment". amusing...oh so amusing...if you have the sense of humor of charles manson. and its great if you have the riches of the soul to buy into the life is what you make it foundation. its just unfortunate for those who are in poor keeping with their soul. the joke god has played on us all is just NOT funny.... _______________________________________________________ all these small town lights they cannot be seen as the breeze blows summer across the chamber of deepest sleep... they held a parade in absence they all were awake in sleep... devastation is just a word in the small town with the faded lights so far away... now all seem so far away moved to the edges to walk a line that plays tricks to their eyes.... the ground so full of greed devours tribute as the whiskey rain comes down.... this little story is just a dream that will fade away when we all awaken... if we awaken..... _______________________________________________________ the demented cowboy off into the clouding night no sunset to find no direction to head..... the cowboy plays in fire and burns himself time and time again because he cannot let himself heal... up his nose and down his throat the dust of sin dries his eyes again.... open sky he stares up to see the blazing tail of another lost wish.... as the deserted wind blows he curls up fire in his viens and lonlieness in his arms... the dreams so sweet the dreams he feels compassion as a face brings him a smile.... he feels warmth as she blocks the savage wind he feels love as she knocks away the arrows of loneliness... she touches his wounds that will not heal then touches his cheek with a tear in her eye.... behind her shape a bright light burns and his eyes flutter open to see the morning sun..... a gentle sob escapes his lips for he knows her well she comes from a place where he cannot go... a place where he is banned by his peers and by his fate by his mind and by his life..... standing shaking the morning mists out of mind the cowboy heads off without direction.... ____________________________________________________________________ so much more often then not i see the sun bleeding again and again.... the unfortunate ride this highway and i stare for them at the site of beutey.... the beaten down the life bearing confused the sad the maimed..... all ride alone in a car thats filled i drink for them and intoxicate my eyes... as all hold them these demons as all hold them in their laps i realize the weight on my own lap... looking down it looks up and grins grabbing my leg and taking a bite to let me know im not immune... but really as i watched the sun die i knew i wasnt had known all along... for that fleeting moment as i had forgotten the demon resting so comfortable on my lap i was thinking of the others.... for this i payed with much pain to my inner and outer demon's joyful pleasure... as i bled for the group i showed them the world they couldnt see and the pain came twice fold as my death strayed far from my hands... before their eyes all the wonders of nature were beheld through my glazing eyes and i drifted away to sleep without dreams...... _______________________________________________________ What lies dorment in our dreams has yet to be found. what has been found that needs locked up may not want to go back in its cage. and the jewels you find on your mining trips may be worth so much...if you know where to spend them. The bottom is no place to spend anything...your life in particular so if these poems are not enough to convince you that a rich soul cant survive down here...youll have to learn for yourself. I hope my writing can be a ladder up out of the hole some may be in.... even one...that is if scare tactics still work (and i dont have much faith in them)...may all of you out there on the edge find the right way to get away from it...GOOD LUCK Nightpoet ________________________________________________________