It came one day passed through ears and whispered lips... it came one day wrote in pencil on notebook paper that was worth more then gold.... the spoken word more magic then any magician and this was no illusion... It came one day kicked the door down and kidnapped all remainders of innocence... leaving the first clue in a long search.... _______________________________________________________ So flung now out on a web feeling alot like a trapped insect... only this bug feels he belongs waiting for his predetor to take him away... wanting waiting to be wrapped in the embrace of silk... _______________________________________________________ running running so hard the steam is blinding from breath on a winters night.... in the distance I see the light as the snow flys from around my feet... In my hand clutched tightly is a plastic image of real beutey... to me this is all of my life to my heart it is the only ache... at the door i shuffle like a child bashful as sin with my heart of tin... she excepts the plastic image and for a reward she smiles like a rainbow... a hug goodbye and i am back in the snow when out of sight i drop onto the white wet blanket.... In the snow i stare up into the twinkleing eyes thanking whoever above for the warmth i feel inside this night.... _______________________________________________________ laying the ceiling smiling at me while i stare through it... out in the world tonight on a hot summer night out in the world tonight she awaits a meeting of me... though i know not who she is yet i know she is out there and i want to fly.... the fan drones hypnotising me and i slip into a trance of dreams... hand in hand we walk through my youthful night and i still dont know who she is... _______________________________________________________ it was so clear all along back then waiting for you to say when... It was so clear through your pains that i felt without you knowing... I waited by your side for every emotion that you poured out i tried... and cried... till the fateful day i caught that sunray and you looked upon me with the eyes of true love.... i wish now you could see while writing this the tears i set free... _______________________________________________________ so the day came when the glitter the fancy decorations and flowers were before me... I had found something good out in decay and slow death of a disapearing town... and what was found glowed under the lights and flashes the dances and looks... it was my future on the night I opened doors for radiance... remanents of this night are not bright and in the light not completely... but the good heavily and heavenly would come to outwiegh the bad... for time to permit... _______________________________________________________ I remember night of first I spent with her of myself strange and unsure... in my awkward arms she lay all night i could not sleep but it felt so right... on the stage of the singing birds simple pleasures filled my mind... i knew fate had been kind... _______________________________________________________ you tell them these friends you tell them of me and my pulse quickens... I know now somehow that you chose this soul to wrap in your own... my childhood dreams and crushes had grown into a man and desire... you yourself saw to that and nothing less... _______________________________________________________
Its so easy to say love to say lust but this was so much more... finding oneself a man when it all seemed like such a childs world... sudenly it was another when open eyes found each day and thoughts sought to rest... another when eyes grew heavy and searched for sleep her soul to keep... everything done seemed so much more worth while so it got done with a smile... a man who can smile and show a gleam in his eyes for he knows that his day will not be wasted... yes this was much more then lust then even love it was possesion of the souls... a time that cannot be forgotten... _______________________________________________________ you touched them absolved me of them my scars my anguish.... an angel you were dispite the suroundings and the flaws that appeared... my healer savior of my soul you wanted only the best not the planned pains... you wanted so much and so did I and at that time the cards were still face down... _______________________________________________________ on my morning glory I rolled over to awken you with a sunlight kiss... the smile you showed with eyes still closed will always leave my heart exposed... _______________________________________________________ we walked hand in hand through hazy dead summer festival... the looks of old aquaintences and the comments of luck so good... the stares of enemys giving me space peace for the sake of her beutey... it all made my head spin... the sparkle of her eyes reflecting off the lights that night made me want to hold her tight... driving home the end of summer coming through the window she laid her head upon my shoulder... I had found a sanctuary in her presence I had found a reason truly worth the end of my life... _______________________________________________________ the smell of your perfume so enticing as to drive me into tears... the whispered words of how you felt and what you wanted would set me on fire.... the actions what you taught me as a student I never wanted another teacher... you are the most vivid picture in a fuzzy album of many pictures... _______________________________________________________ you came like a dream... you left without a scream... it begins now the story the place where hollywood dies and reality begins...
working along one fine day in my youth i still had curiousity made everything bad... Adventure in the night the big city night lured me to the other side of the tracks... in the dark world of silents sales and the tomb of a hotel room... that is where it really began... the long blast filling lungs up to the mind with numbness to caring... that she was at home that she might have been waiting dissolved in the crackle of a glass pipe... ripping sounds of our souls tearing apart faintly could be heard but i chose not to listen... _______________________________________________________ guess it seemed alot like betrayal when the whispered words grew loud and angry... familys shoving a wedge in an already over large gap... she drifted away to the west and frustration poured upon the letter that should have been redemtion... the one chance at the time was all that was given who would have known... after more words followed in attempts to heal wounds inflicted... but they were blocked in the shiny black wedge of a family and an idea to care... returning on an early fall day news given turned to tears and blood... It was the end or so one would have thought... _______________________________________________________ a new route found its way into every and any particular day... work brown bottles clear bottles deaf sleep choosing not to weep... sounds like any action that is easily defined by a man in this position... but looking back I know thats not true looking back at you... complication for the reckless side tried to destroy all that was left... then you painted your way back into the sad painting that was before the world... _______________________________________________________ you layed your hand in mine as i looked around for my bottle of wine this was not expected... in the cold we held on tight for all that had came and went before our eyes... we barely spoke until you told me that you saw my attempts heal what was bleeding... so it continued in hiding we were lingering in limbo while the rulers of fate made the decision... we continued lessons of each other on secret roads at secrets times... but it seemed so urgent to relay how we felt so fast as i was to come to know why... in dillusion fever bound I lost the only step i had taken forward... the rulers ruled so i was to be alone again... _______________________________________________________ the months went by and this time I could not would not cry... _______________________________________________________ festivals in late spring celebrations for the end of education... there among boosed thoughts and stoned resolve was a hollow stare... it was me in the mirror... out of the night came a friend bareing messege of a visitor for my soul... before me she appeared a beutey the same and i whispered her name... I spoke much she listened I spoke of decisions she gave me a week... that night tears ripped my flesh... _______________________________________________________ as time crawled like a lame turtle the bottle returned for the decision i had to face... as i woke so many mornings almost drowning in the water from my eyes the phone became a focus... never ever ringing every silent minute stinging... so i set out on a quest drinking the fire until i was sick with its poisons... the answer still wasnt there... today years away my destruction became my construction... the path was clearly outlined though my vision was blurred I followed it and i still have not reached the end... _______________________________________________________ These poems cannot even begin to express the story they are telling. I can never feel that anything i write about this will be good enough. my emotions are so strong that my words cannot come to the aid of my mind fast enough...or my heart for that matter..If you can understand that...well i guess thats the end of the story... so far...Dedicated to K.S. so close but so far away... NIGHTPOET... Copyrighted under nightpoet.No words are to be used without permission...