The journey begins now as others share words for the long ride that never seems to reach home. first one out on this road is a man whom i belive lives in darkness. Layne staley(photo above). i cant exactly reach him to get his permission for use of his words but im sure he wont mind.... "bring me down you try..feel the pain and keep it all in till you die...without eyes you cannot cry... who's to blame? i cant remember...i cant..remember idenity the visions in my mind. from screamin at me..and mama mama ooh... my angry brains of infancy"
" loneliness is not a phase..field of pain is where i graze... serenity is far away..saw my reflection and cried.. so little hope that id died... feed me your lies open wide...weight of my heart not the size"
"Mind, of destructive taste...i stroll amongst the waste.."
"forgot my woman , lost my friends... the things ive done and where ive been...sleep in sweat the mirrors cold...see my face its growing old... scared to reason why... i do whatever to get me by...think about the things id said... read the page its cold and dead... take me home......."(J.Cantrells but Layne sings this part well)
"My gift of self is privacy is raked... and yet i find...repeating in my head...if i cant be my feel better dead..."
"surrounded by empty souls..artificial courage used.. and because so once was mine... i walk this maze alone..."
"THE LEAVES OF EDENS TREE" pale in my heart the leaves of edens tree. billow through the night homing back to me. power gives me strength and strength will give me love. terror rapes my soul laughter from above. I am alone in laughter I am with you in pain. linger in the darkness I cannot face the fight dancing through the rapture running from the light. the fruit of your spirits guides your soul to me. the strength of your body the leaves of edens tree... (by violette) "UNTITLED" from the window she spies a silvery star burning brightly in the night sky. she closes her dark blue eyes making her hearts wish. in her minds eye she does see him. with a single glance it fills her with its warmth. when her eyes she does open where has her bright star gone to? it has fallen down from its lofty perch. into her arms, now is held. (by Kassandra) "UNTITLED" here i am again been here before gonna be here some more the blood falls from my arm its mine, i meant you know harm dying again falling again into the pool of blackness maybe this time no hero will save me and i can finally rest... (by Nitespawn) "UTTER SILENCE" I feel emptiness inside eating my heart eating my soul each moment losing more of myself. the gap in my chest grows grows and grows till all that is left is a howling quiet. an echoe of hope... (by Bishop) "UNTITLED" The games i play are games of the mind sick and twisted like a dirty ryme. so sick and twisted is this dirty ryme that it should be illegal to play games with the mind.... (by William Knapp)
"My Utopia of thought" It's not a special room or a special place void of discrimination... of gender.. of race... my dreams are my Utopia of thought dreams are limitless and cant be caught... dreams are what make the world go 'round with them secure my peace is sound... my dreams mold and revitalize my soul without them i could not stay whole... I rely on dreams to keep me sane heavenly euphoria hard to explain beyond the words i speak... dreams create hope hope creates chance my dreams are where life extends dreams never end.... (by Amy Wilkinson) "THE DEVOURING FALL" Here, snared in the traps set by thy own hand, learning lessons of mortal man. Drivin crazed by his own mind, again, here am I that is to find, that peace is far from limbo, so far behind. Blindly staggering through hazy ground, it is surely hell that has been found. Always playing off the heart of stone, when really thy soul has surely been thrown. Driven in the lowest gutters in a groggy sleep, trying to awake to a pearch on the highest peak. Finding out that thyself only walks backwards to face what is blind, because this nightmarish dream comes true from all, that is mine... (by Donald Carus) "FORGIVE LOVE" As she feels the cool breeze, she hears him whisper. she'd lie in the sun, and feel his warmth upon her face. from the spring, she drank leaves, the kiss of his sweet lips. his wisdom is carried by the trees of the old wise forest. The love he brings is true as the sun & moon. yet his heart aches for his lover has scorned the flesh of his soul, each tear in mourn, she carried. the pain was to heavy for her to carry as looked forgiveness on her. for he knows that even the truest of loves makes mistakes... (by Danielle) "Untitled" you stand inside the light shining i stand in darkness caresed you cant see the love threw the shadows but know its there none the less you fear,and hate,but love me too thow you try to hide the shame you are drawn to me eternaly like a moth to its death flame. in the shadows of the night youll find my heart there lies cold and alone it hides its self from all prying eyes brused it is from years of rejection,redicul,and pain alone it waits for someone...and alone it will remain (Both poems by John Denbrock) "Alone in Pain"
You lied Now my eyes cry tears of blood As my tears form rivers into my smile I laugh, and cry At lifes sorrowful ways Denials of truths Which lie so deeply dormant Amongst the spiderwebs Of my furthest reached closets The coathangers of reality Cut my skin Deeply puncturing through to my heart As my blood pours on a pillow of lonliness My mind escapes me I cry out unheard words Words not understood by man But they are lost amongst the bottomless pits Of the viperous ones I once called friends There are no happy endings But empty pages in a book left to fill And through the chasms of darkness To endless wanderings I am left forever alone in pain ......Always alone in pain (by Becky) thank you..... "UNTITLED"
I stone myself to sleep at night to hide away from dispite death is what I look up to as a peer the most because i saw my sisters ghost. with her arms spread open wide telling me not to hide. chilling thoughts of you still go on today but i still remember what my sister had to say. (by Terry Sipes)
"Untitled" i laugh with no smile, i cry with no tear, i dance with no music, i live forever, yet am drowning in pain of my ever lasting tears. i have no heart, yet feel it beat, my blood is ice, and warm to my lips. i can not love, yet can not stop. i am for ever traped in this undieing hate.. (BY Midnight...thank you for sharing this)
"Nothing" She lays motionless In the center of a lush green field Her eyes turned to the sky Yet, she sees nothing Her body, bruised and bleeding The wounds of a lost battle Her chest torn open Exposing a hole where her heart used to be Yet, she feels nothing Her heart, shattered to pieces Destroyed, in an explosion Of nuclear proportion It tries desperately to pull together To play it's rythmic beat once more Yet, it does nothing Demons rise in her mind Whispering words of pain and anger Words of betrayal Words not meant to hurt But doing so anyways Yet, she hears nothing Her soul cries out A silent scream of agony A voice unheard Telling of lost battles And unending pain Yet, she says nothing She begins to fade away A mere shadow of what she had been She slowly dies She becomes...Nothing (By Amara Malfaiteur...thank you much)
"The parting" Kiss me as you go! Away from this place I leave my sorrow. The days seem longer than time alone. A tradgic event awaits, yet not shown. Strange how we love the unreturned. Our pitiful emotions open us to be burned. Accross the clouded, uncertain room . Devotional mistrust has again consumed. Such a horrid site it seems. Only the dead can see our terrible dreams. And so we walk together by the sea. With each wave comes a painful delivery. Finally you here the haunting call. I guess it is me who will take the fall. My love for you has lowered my defenses. And now you have delivered me to my senses. Your words and actions have me broken. All those dam evil things you have spoken. Why I ever cared for you is still a mystery. Just another painful element in my life history. (BY Darkloser...Thank you)