1977 black-bay stallion
Kauai King -r |
Quayzar |
Diamond Chips |
Green Dancer |
Gallant Man -r |
Save Me |
Sultan's Daughter |
Flexible |
Princequillo -r |
The Sun King |
Knights Daughter -r |
Swept By Sunrise |
Royal Coinage -r |
Royal Chic |
Chic Greek -r |
Show Achievements
Jan. 2001 - Dixieland Acres PS - 5th
Model Offspring
1982 - Ill Be Back, dun Blanket Appaloosa colt (ex Cajun Riddles) o/b Amanda Dionne
1982 - Rica's Girl, bay blanket Appaloosa filly (ex Princess Rica) o/b Beata Parsons
1984 - Irish Flex, bay colt (ex Irish Angel), o/b Natasha Powers
1985 - Miss Flexible, bay filly (ex Miss Might Blade) o/b Heather Trudgeon
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