Title: Robin My Comments Another
good issue of Robin. I always
find as I try to break down a Robin book for review, is that Chuck Dixon,
puts forth a solid story every issue. Staz
Johnson’s pencils this issue are as always very good.
Wizard Comics recently started that this was one of the best comics
on the market, and for the stories that this team produces I would have to
agree. The
cover this issue was really awesome in my view. Finally Killer Croc is given some respect as a real villain.
After reading some of his earlier appearances, as well as the
“Killer Croc” on the Batman: The Animated Series I’ve come to believe
that Croc was made out to be in essence, a fighting machine.
An idiot with a lot of muscle and no real goals.
This issue does a lot to really change that point of view.
Croc is written as a thinking villain, now with a sense of fashion
taste, trying to obtain a goal in No Man’s Land.
I believe that Chuck did a fantastic job making the Croc a legitimate
threating villain. I can’t
wait to see how this issue’s 2nd part turns out. 4
out of 5 stars. |
Story Summary (Spoilers)
time for Killer Croc and his boys to take back Gotham is finally here. His plan,
to take everything from Gotham Hotel to Grand Ave.
From there Killer Croc plans on taking over the Penguin’s area, with
that Gotham would be his.
Alfred tended to the sick Robin/Tim, Tim began to talk to Alfred about a variety
of subjects regarding “No Mans Land”. Starting
with Batgirl, Tim’s predicament with being stuck in Gotham, as well as not
being able to tell his father “the secret”.
Back at the Drake home, Tim’s father nervously waits by the phone,
waiting for his runaway son to call and let him know he’s all right.
Jack Drake continues to wonder why his son and he continue to get closer,
something still continues to separate the two.
When Tim returns, his life he will be in for a few changes.
Gotham, Killer Croc begins his take over of Gotham, by hanging members of a
rival gang. Sending his men to
gather all of the food guns, fuel and gold, Killer Croc begins to solidify his
base and prepares to move into the theater district. Killer Croc believes that all that has underestimated him
before will soon be under his command.
a few minutes of off time, Robin and Nightwing discuss their current situations
in No Man’s Land. Dick is staying
with Barbara’s lair as he heals from his experience at Black Gate.
Broken, sick and beaten Dick still finds laughter as he helps Robin with
his situation of having the flu and worry about how to explain his absence from
to his father. As Robin logged out,
the familiar chimes of “You’ve Got Mail” rang, informing Robin of an email
from his ex-costumed girlfriend Stephanie Brown. Bad news from Stephanie as she
explained that her mother found her Spoiler costume and had to explain about her
costumed adventures. Explaining
that she was grounded and that Tim and her couldn’t go out on there
“dates” anymore, Stephanie’s attention was suddenly diverted as her mom
walked into the room, quickly sending Stephanie scrambling to log off.
Stephanie’s soon finds her diary and begins to wonder what can she do.
Croc has taken over Grand Ave., almost directly about the sewer hideout of
Alfred & Robin’s. Killer Croc riding on vintage automobile with no wheels
is dragged down the street screaming his demands to the people he’s now become
lord over. Putting fear in to the
people of Grand Ave., by threating to hang them if they give him all of their
belongings. Above the area, Robin
watches and reports to Alfred about Killer Croc’s moves on Sound Grand.
Content to only observing, Robin was quickly found and attacked by Killer
Croc’s men. After quickly
defeating the men, Robin began to make his exit only to be caught from behind
and knocked senseless by one of Croc’s men, wielding a 2 X 4.
boy begins to race near the area named “Cop Land”, part of Gordon’s turf
with a message from the Penguin. After
delivering his message, the Penguin actually joins the small “Cop Land”
brigade of Bullock, Montoya and a handful of other cops as Killer Croc and his
gang make there appearance in there march to take over Penguin’s turf.
As the “Cop Land” brigade begins to ready there guns, a new problem
suddenly arises as Killer Croc has a hostage tied to the front of his car,
Robin! (Continued Next