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Painting by:Doug Lehnhardt

Racoons are one of my favorite wildlife creatures. When we go camping I lay in my tent at night and a few big racoons visit my campsite. They will eat about any kind of scraps you leave in their reach.They climb up and walk all over your things and are very smart. They can figure out how to get into things you wouldn't dream of. The first few times camping I lost a few things to my little night visitors.And talking about messes! I learned the first night to hang trash from the middle of a close line or take it to the dumpster. I guess the one that impressed me the most is the little guy who got into my cooler one night. I had it sitting next to the tent, with a box on top of it ,and the cooler had a snap down latch. I was laying there and I heard , the ice in the cooler being mixed around. I heard pop cans banging into each other and then I heard apples being feasted on.Yeap, he managed to get into the cooler and was helping himself to a pepsi and some big red apples!Believe me these little guys are smart! They make this chattering noise as they snoop around. And at night you can hear them all over up in the trees,its almost like they are singing me to sleep.

American Black Bears


Black bears eat berries, flowers, grasses, herbs, roots, and nuts. They also eat fish, small animals, ants and other insects, and honey.


Most black bears hibernate. This means the bear will enter a cave, or dig out a den, and sleep for 4 to 7 months. When the weather is warm, black bears may not hibernate, or, they may nest for a short time.

Black bears like to eat in the evening or in the early morning when it is cool. During the heat of the day, they will often seek shade.

Range (Where they live)

The black bear is found from the Arctic region, through most of Canada and the United States, down to Mexico.

Habitat and Environment

Black bears live in forests and open areas such as meadows. Black bears like to live under trees and bushes. They use stream and creek beds as places they can walk and run

Painting by:Doug Lehnhardt


Most wolfs belong to a pack they travel, hunt, eat, rest, play, and just hang out together... The pack is a wolf's family.

Squinting If they have babies, the pups become part of the pack. There are from four to seven wolf pups in most litters.

Some years there is not enough food. Less than half the pups live to be yearlings. But there is a new litter in the spring.

Rest Time

The den is often near a hill or slope..Adults rest there to guard the den.

Waiting to be The ALPHA WOLF Every pack has a leader. Usually, it is the largest, strongest male.

Wolves usually mate in winter..between January and early March. The babies will be born two monthes later.

When wolves are not hunting... most are gentle easy creatures.. They like to snuggle and nuzzle lick and rub against one another.

Each wolf has a place in the pack. It knows which wolves must obey him and which ones it must obey!

The alpha wolf is usually the first to eat after a kill. When he has finished some of the best pieces of meat, he lets the other wolves eat too.

This is a beautiful piece.

The forest was verdant and perfumed, With fragrant flowers and shubs,

The sunlight filtered though the trees With golden rays like a glowing fire.

In the distance I saw a beautiful white wolf.

She was white as snow, She came towards me and seemed to know I would not harm her,

In a past life we might have met.

The wolf stayed contented by my side for a little while ,

But as the twilight came, she looked into the woods,

As if someone was waiting for her in the shadows.

She turned, and ran into The green forest,

But I will always remember The exquisite white wolf That came to me from another life.

Words by:JadeWolf Mari Van-Katwyk


The coolness of the mountains and the deepness of the sea.

The blueness of the sky,

The Eagles fly-They do not flee.

The long amber grasses floating in the breeze

The smell of sweet flowers are just inside of me.

Where men would never venture,

Thats where the Eagles fly,on top of purple mountains.

You can hear their shrieking cry.

In the mountains are their nest, hidden from their prey,

They won't be fools or be victims, or fall along the way.

They fight for life , these large strong birds,

They won't let us pass them by,

Examples in our lifes should be, to fly where Eagles fly.

Words by: Helen Payne Spencer

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