Imagine a magical place clear up in the sky,
A place where stars shimmer and dolphins fly.
A place where unicorns run swiftly by,
A place where dreams happen and wishes come true.
A place made to go to, when we become blue,
It will lift up your spirits, and let you get by.....
All you have to do is smile and shut your eyes.
Somewhere in time
Where tears never fall
The language is rhyme..
And love conquers all,
A place on a mountain
Surrounded by trees,
Where an ivory fountain,
Sends mist to the breeze
A castle stands empty,
On a hill far away
Where gold dust is plenty
And unicorns play
The sunshine cast shadows,
On rocks by a stream
In flower filled meadows
Like those in a dream
The rainbows are endless
As they streach across the sky
The blue skies are cloudless
Where dream angels fly
I have danced on the sand
In a dream of ...a day
On a paradise island...
Of a land far away.
I hear the sounds of hooves beating as the waves come crashing in,
I hear the sound of thunder roaring as the white caps slap against the rocks,
I hear the laughter in the rustling of the leaves,
I hear the sound of hearts beating as the eagle flaps its wings,
I hear the sounds of angels whispering as the wind blows through the trees,
All this I hear and more, as I let my imagination run wild with me.
I see a thousand candles glowing as the lighting strikes across the mid-night sky,
I see the tears of a million children crying as the rains fall from the heavens
I see tiny fairies dancing playfully as the stars twinkle in the night,
I see the face of God as the sun shines its warm rays upon the Earth,
All this I see and more as I let my imagination run wild with me.
In my heart there is a world of wonder a world that only my imagination knows.
When I close my eyes to sleep, I dream of things only my mind eyes sees.
My dreams are of things that Man will probably never hear or see,
My minds eyes are filled with sights and sounds that Man may never hear or see,
To hear the sounds of rushing waters against the rocky shores,
To see the dancing stars at night, Man must let his feelings soar,
To the highest height that his soul can reach and even farther than he knows,
To let his imagination take hold of him and let him fly like a Hawk,
To let all of the universe come together as one, in harmony of understanding,
Then listen to the sounds that Freedom brings, as you let your imagination run wild and with things.
You're never alone , you've an angel although it may seem far away
Somewhere up in the sky,above where the clouds fly.
But that's where they come from , not where they reside, You just have to call them to be by your side, cause you're never alone , You've an angel.
You're never alone , you've an angel (at least one if not two or more) just ask them a question and wait for the reply through tv , the post, or in bed where you lie asleep ,deep in dreaming ,and when you awake,your reasoning, trance-like, your needs a shake.
Make the first thing you do upon waking each day, to record your dream travels and see what they say.
They may be a message sent down from above too help you , to guide you, to fill you with love, cause you're never alone , you've an angel.
So if you feel lonly, or if you feel blue, there's an angel besides you to help you, its true
Cause you're never alone, you've an angel
Now open your heart up, it's waiting
for you.
Words by: Margaret Neylon, Angelgate,
Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round or listened to rain slapping the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight,or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down, don't dance too fast, time is short, the music won't last.
Do you run through each day on a fly, when you ask"How are you?", do you hear the reply?
When the day is done ,do you lie in your bed, with the next hundred chores running through your head?
You better slow down , don't dance so fast, time is short, the music won't last.
Ever told your child we'll do it towmorrow, and in your haste, not seen, his sorrows?
Ever lost touch, let a good friend die,cause you never had time to call and say "Hi".
You better slow down , don't dance so fast, time is short, the music won't last.
When you run so fast to get somewhere,you miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day, it is like an unopened gift , thrown away.
Life is not a race, so take it slower, hear the music before the song is over.
When your world is weary,
When all is dark
When dreams die and fade away,
And all of life is dark,
Take heart in gentle love,
For she waits in the wings,
And where she walks,
Fairies dance and angels sing,
Though you cannot see her,
She weaves a silken touch,
Leaving footprints in the sand,
Sprinkling spells and such,
Lighting the dampened corridors,
The dark corners of your mind,
Leaving you breathless,
Bewildered by her kind,
Goodness glints in her eyes,
Hope is in her arms,
And all you've ever dreamed of,
Rest sweetly in her charms.