I have written this thesis for the purpose of using it as my own textbook.
The information contained on the following pages has been taken from various sources and derivations of my own observations and studies.
Deeper understanding of a role can best be obtained by approaching all aspects of the role (PERFECTION).
An actor's principle requisites are SPEAKING and DOING.
EMOTIONS are constructive when they are channelled into artistic forms, and EMOTION ON THE STAGE IS ALWAYS MOTIVATED.
There are four (4) conditions under which an actor works and those are:
1) Actor in relation to STAGE or CAMERA.
2) Actor in relation to AUDIENCE.
3) Actor in relation to other ACTORS.
4) Actor in relation to PROPS and SCENERY.
Dr. Charles Northrup
Phone: (561)649-0041
E-mail: northrup@webtv.net
4610 Happy Landings North
West Palm Beach, FL 33415