The Butcher
Started by talking to the seriously injured townsman doing situps just outside the church entrance. Completed by killing the Butcher, on level 2. The Butcher is one of the few lightsources (i.e. Bosses) that can't open doors. The easiest way to kill him is to open his door, get him to follow you, and then get on the other side of a door with grates/porticulli nearby and shut the door. The Butcher can't open the door, but you can fire through the grates, as well as cast spells (like Fire Wall) through it. The Butcher sometimes drops The Cleaver when he dies.
King Leoric's Curse
Started by talking to Ogden after entering level 2. Completed by killing the Skeleton King, on level 3. This is not the quest with a special sub-level; that quest is the Chamber of Bone. Leoric will drop an Undead Crown when he dies.
Poisoned Water Supply
Started by talking to Pepin after entering level 2. Completed by clearing out all creatures on the special level. The entrance to this level is a crack in a wall somewhere on level 2. The crack is surrounded by a semicircle of candles. The crack is identified as "to a dark passage." You will know you killed everyone in the whole because the "lava" will turn blue. It should turn red from all that blood, but it was already reddish....
Chamber of Bone
Started by reading a book on level 3. Completed by killing all of the skeletons in the Chamber of Bone (accessed from level 3).
Ogden's Sign
Started by talking to Ogden (when?). Completed by either returning the sign to Ogden or giving it to the wimpy Dark One down in the dungeons. Hint: Ogden gives you cooler stuff, the Dark One's just attack anyway.
Magic Rock
Started by talking to Griswold after entering level 4. Finished by bringing a Magic Rock back to Griswold. The rock is placed on a pedestal somewhere on level 5. After you return the rock to Griswold, he will then make you an Empyrean Band.
Gharbad the Weak
Started by talking to a goat clan on level 4; completed by killing him, after he attacks. Rewards you with a "Helm of Thieves." When you talk to him the first time, he tells you to come back. When you talk to him the second time, he gives you one magic item. Leave him alone and come back later; he'll promise you another magic item. Go kill some of the creatures on the level, and talk to him again. He will attack. Kill him, and he drops his "powerful" weapon: a random magical item. He gave me a Defender for the first item.
Armor of Valor
started by reading the Book of Blood on level 5. Completed by putting the 3rd bloodstone on the 3rd pillar.
Halls of the Blind
started by reading a book on level 7. Somewhere on the level is a figure-8 hallway that has two small, sealed-off rooms that you can't get into. On the level is a book; reading the book opens entrances into the two room. Yes, the rooms look empty, but they aren't. Killing everything in there yields an Optic Amulet.
Zhar the Mad
started by talking to Zhar, an Advocate found on level 8/9/?. Gives you a book or something. Solved by searching his bookshelf, which causes him to attack you. After he dies, the quest is complete.
Anvil of Fury
started by talking to Griswold after entering level 9. Completed by returning the Anvil to Griswold. Griswold will reward you with a unique sword, "Griswold's Edge."
The Black Mushroom
given by Adria after handing her the Fungal Tome; completed by bringing Peppin's elixir to Adria. The Black Mushroom is found on level 9. After returning the mushroom to Adria, she asks you to talk to Peppin. Peppin asks for Daemon brains, which (handily) fall out of the next creature you slay. Upon returning this item to Peppin, he gives you the elixir.
Warlord of Blood
started by reading the Blood Book on level 13. Completed by killing the Warlord of Blood. Reading the book opens up a room (on the same level), filled with Steel Lords and the Warlord of Blood himself.
started by talking to Lachdanon on level 14. Completed by returning the golden elixir (found on level 15) to Lachdanon. Reward: Veil of Steel and a random magic item.
Archbishop Lazarus
started by picking up Lazarus' staff (on level 15) and taking it to Cain. Completed by killing Lazarus, on level 15.
started by talking to Cain, after killing Lazarus. Completed by killing Diablo (and thus finishing the game).
The Butcher
Started by talking to the injured townsman outside the dungeon entrance. Solved by killing the Butcher, on level 2. "Please, Listen to me. The Archbishop Lazarus, he led us down here to find the lost Prince. The bastard led us into a trap! Now everyone is dead... killed by a demon he called the butcher. Avenge us! Find this butcher and slay him so that our souls may finally rest..."
Hints: The Butcher can be found in an enclosed room on the second level of the dungeon. The room is easy to find--it is always a square, medium-sized room centered within a much larger room, and filled with impaled bodies. So long as you do not open his door, the Butcher will not come for you. When you are ready to attack the Butcher, open the door and begin the attack. Teamed play works best: have one player tank and a second player (sorcerer or archer) attack from behind. The Butcher is hard to run from, although running around his chamber counter-clockwise can usually gain you a bit of time, since he seems to get stuck on the left side just as you turn the corner. The Butcher is too stupid to open doors, so one good tactic is to open the door and run behind a door with gratings on one or both sides, close the door, and then pick him off from the safe side of the grate. Rogues will have a much easier time at him, though. If you have a high to-hit, you can constantly pound him with arrows, and he can never get an attack in edge-wise. This strategy also works well against Diablo: if he is recoiling from an attack, he can't attack back. Keep on hitting him and he will surely die (if not quickly). Hence, on your way down to Diablo--starting with the Butcher--work on increasing your to-hit.
The Curse of King Leoric
Started by talking to Ogden after killing the Butcher. Solved by killing the Skeleton King on level 3. "The village needs your help, good master! Some months ago, King Leoric's son, Prince Albrecht, was kidnapped. The king went into a rage and scoured the village for his missing child. With each passing day, Leoric seemed to slip deeper into madness. He sought to blame innocent townsfolk for the boy's disappearance and had them brutally executed. Less than half of us survived his insanity..."
"The king's knights and priests tried to placate him, but he turned against them and, sadly, they were forced to kill him. With his dying breath, the king called down a terrible curse upon his former followers. He vowed that they would serve him in darkness forever..."
"This is things take an even darker twist than I thought possible! Our former king has returned from his eternal sleep, and now commands a legion of undead minions within the labyrinth. His body was buried in a tomb, three levels beneath the cathedral. Please, good master, put his sould at east by destroying his now cursed form..."
Hints: The Skeleton King is very tough for adventurers who reach him directly from starting on level 1. To bulk up, try playing to the butcher, and then starting a new game and working your way back down again. If no-one in your party has the holy bolt spell, keep searching for the spell book (or try Holy Bolt will injure the king directly, and also knock him back. A constant rain of holy bolts, then, will keep him at bay while killing him off. One tactic that works with every boss is to avoid them, possibly by replaying lower levels (in a new game, of course), until you are higher level or have cooler stuff and then return to kill them off.
Archbishop Lazarus
Started by entering 13?. Given by Cain. Solved by killing Archbishop Lazarus on level 15.
"This does not bode well, for it confirms my darkest fears. While I did not allow myself to believe the ancient legends, I cannot deny them now. Perhaps the time has come to reveal who I am."
"My true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient brotherhood that was dedicated to safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released."
"The Archbishop Lazarus, once King Leoric's most trusted advisor, led a party of simple townsfolk into the labyrinth to find the king's missing son, Albrecht. Quite some time passed before they returned, and only a few of them escaped with their lives."
"Curse me for a fool! I should have suspected his veiled treachery then. It must have been Lazarus himself who kidnapped Albrecht and has since hidden him within the labyrinth. I do not understand why the Archbishop turned to the darkness, or what his interest is in the child. Unless he means to sacrifice him to his dark master."
"That must be what he has planned! The survivors of his rescue party say that Lazarus was last seen running into the deepest bowels of the dungeon. You must hurry and save the prince from the sacrificial blade of this demented fiend."
Hints: Lazarus lives in a small chamber where a young boy lies on a sacrificial altar. Within the room, several Counselors, Succubi, and two Succubi light sources await your arrival. All of these creatures like to sit back and harass players from afar, so strong missile weapons, a high armor class, and some high-level firebolts go a long way to clearing them out of the room. As usual, try to kill of the minions first, and then attack Lazarus himself last. Lazarus likes to remain close to his room, so running away often works. It works especially well with the minions, who can be provoked to follow you away from the busy center of the room for individual termination. Check the immunities on the other creatures that you've encountered on the level. If Soul Burners seem popular, use chain lightning. If Hell Spawns and Blood Knights are roaming around, stay away from the lightning spells and try fire spells (or bows or swords). Note that Lazarus must be killed before the entrance to Diablo's Lair (level 16) will be opened.
Started by killing Archbishop Lazarus. Solved by killing Diablo on level 16.
"Your story is quite grim, my friend. Lazarus will surely burn in hell for his horrific deed. The boy that you describe is not our prince, but I believe Albrecht may yet be in danger. The symbol of power that you speak of must be a portal into the very heart of the labyrith."
"Know this, my friend--the evil that you move against is the dark lord of Terror. He is known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the labyrinth many centuries ago, and I fear that he seeks to once again sew chaos in the realm of mankind. You must venture through the portal and destroy Diablo before it is too late!"
Hints: Like all major bosses, try to kill off all of the minions before tackling old ugly. Diablo has no immunities--which would make him a tough old bastard indeed--but is resistant to everything. He likes to cast Apocalypse, and his melee attack is also devestating, so you can not count on either ranged or hand-to-hand attacks alone. Kill off the minions, and then pound like crazy. Keep your belt stocked, and harass him for a while and then let your partner(s) take over while you replenish your belt. If you have a clear shot from the switch chamber to the center of Diablo's chamber, start your attack from afar.
Aditional Hints: If you can sucessfully kill all of Diablo's minions, then switch to an Axe or Sword (assuming you are a Warrior) Diablo is not dificult to kill, he is rather weak. It's all the minion's around that make him tough. Be careful of his close hits. They do take a lot of damage, but his spell of Apocalypse is very weak if you are maxed out on resisting fire.