Canby Student Congress

Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2001

Fee:    $3.00 per entry

Entry Limitations:  Fifteen entries per school, unless you bring an

extra judge.


Registration:  Please RSVP as soon as possible if you're planning to

attend (just so I can get an idea of how many schools will be here).  A final list of entries is due by Monday, Jan. 22 at 3:00 p.m.  I prefer email registration, but you can also send entries by fax or mail.




fax:     503-266-0030


mail:       Debbie Groff

               Canby High School

               721 S.W. Fourth Ave.

               Canby, OR 97013




            3:30  Registration

            4:00  First Session

            5:45  Recess for Dinner

6:15  Second Session

            8:00  Awards


Food:  In the interest of time, please encourage your students to either

bring a sack dinner with them, or buy food from our concession stand.  Food for coaches and judges will be provided.


I hope you're able to join us!  If you have any questions feel free to email

or call 503-266-5811 ext.1049.