November  10,  2001







Sprague High School invites you and your debaters to the twenty-seventh annual Invitational Debate Tournament.


The tournament will be held Saturday November 10, 2001.  We are offering Cross-Examination and Value L-D and Public (formerly known as Parliamentary) Debate.  Certificates will be presented to undefeated teams and one loss teams in each division. Certificates will be given for outstanding individual speakers in  L-D and for outstanding team speaking points in CX and Public debate.


This year we will offer the option for Senior Division Competitors to judge novice L-D, Public,  and CX rounds.  Students who choose to judge will be paid the same rate as all other judges:  $5.00 per ballot.


Registration will be due November 5.  Adds and drops will be accepted until 4:00 PM on Wednesday. November 7.  Please call drops in as soon as you are aware of them. Remember, this is a student run tournament.  We attempt to follow  the  State rules when matching.  We need time to drop entries and to set up brackets.


The Sprague Speech Team will again be providing hot dogs, pizza and snacks at a very reasonable cost to students.


We can answer your questions at Sprague, 399-3261, (11:00-1:00) or Jane can at home, 585-6975.  <eddings_jane@salkeiz.k12.or.us>


Thank you.                     

                      James Boyle

                        Mike Rose

                         Sean Powers


                       Jane Berry-Eddings





Schedule:  TENTATIVE (It depends on the number of judges we have)

With Piggy Backed LD Rounds

            Registration:                          7:30-7:45 am   

            Round I  C-X, Public             8:00               

            Round I  L-D                                        9:30                           Round II C-X  Public              11:00                  

            Round II L-D                           12:30          

            Round III C-X  Public             2:00                               Round III L-D                                       3:30

            Round IV  C-X  Public                       5:00

            Round IV  L-D                                     6:30

            Awards                                               7:30

Un piggybacked LD Rounds

Registration:                                       7:30-7:45 am       

            Round I  C-X, Public             8:00               

            Round I  L-D                                        9:30                           Round II C-X  Public            10:30                  

            Round II L-D                         12:00          

            Round III C-X  Public             1:00                               Round III L-D                                       2:30

            Round IV  C-X  Public                       3:30

            Round IV  L-D                                     5:00

            Awards                                               6:00


November  10,  2000


Events:  Novice, Junior,  and Open L-D Value Debate*

                Novice, Junior, and Senior Cross-Examination Debate

                Novice and Open Public Debate 

Limitations:  You may enter 8 teams in CX and Public- distributed as you wish and 8 in LD

Topics:  Value  Resolved: A lesser developed nation’s right to develop ought to take priority over its

            obligation to protect the environment.

Policy - Resolved: That the United States federal government should establish a foreign policy

significantly limiting the use of weapons of mass destruction.

Public – All topics will deal with the effects of terrorism (social, political, economic, cultural, international)

Divisions:  NOTE:  If a school enters more than 5 teams in any one division we reserve the right to match teams of the same school together to preserve the brackets. (Or if the entries from one school equal half or more than half of the division)

Senior - All Students involved in their third or fourth year of debate competition.

Junior - All students involved in their second year of debate competition.

Novice - All students in their first year of competitive debate, including those who have attended summer workshops and camps.

NOVICE CX DEBATE AREAS: We will follow the suggested case areas for novices.

Topicality is still a viable issue on any of the topic areas and will be decided within the round..

Special CX Rules:  We are following some recommendations made at the State Tournament during the Coaches meeting two years ago.  1)  No affirmative cases may be exchanged during the round.  In other words if the negative doesn’t understand it they may not request a copy of it to use during the round.  2)  No tag team CX.  3)  No oral time signals.  4) unless the authenticity or representation of the evidence is questioned by the judge, no evidence may be examined by the judge.


Public Debate Time limits: 7-8-8-8 for constructives and 4-5 for rebuttals. A prep room will be provided.  The affirmative will strike one question, the negative a second question, and the competitors will debate the remaining resolution.  In that room students may use resource materials.   We recommend bringing a copy of the constitution or other quick information sources.  No prep materials may be taken into the debate round. 


SENIOR DIVISION JUDGES:  Senior division debaters may choose to enter the tournament as a judge.  It is a unique opportunity to learn how a round is judged.  Since we do not plan to make money from the tournament, we will be paying the student judges at the same rate that we pay all other judges.



            $20.00 School fee

                5.00  @ for the first 4 entries

              10.00  for each entry thereafter


Although we would much rather have you judge, a $30.00 judging fee will be added if you do not judge.


Judges:  Coaches are expected to judge.  All additional judges are quite welcome, and will be paid $5.00 per round.  Remind students we will be using lay judges, and senior division competitors in Novice Division.


Registration is due on Monday November 5, 2001.  Changes can be made without penalty until Wednesday, November 7, 4:00.


Sprague Invitational Debate

November 10, 2001                                                                       Registration Due November 5


School _______________________                             Coach _______________________ 

Phone ____________________


Team Debate

Contestant Names - Team Debates








1.  a)                           b)







2.  a)                           b)







3   a)                           b)







4.  a)                           b)







5.  a)                           b)







6.  a)                           b)







7.  a)                           b)







8.  a)                           b)








Lincoln Douglas Debate              Contestant Names




Student Judges






































Send to:                                                                       Fee Schedule

Jane Berry-Eddings                                                          School Fee-     @ 20.00       20.00

Sprague High School                                                             _____ entries  @  5.00        _____

2373 Kuebler Road S                                              _____ entries  @ 10.00       _____

Salem, Oregon  97302                                     Judging fee     @ 30.00       _____


                                                                                    Total Fees                                  _____


Phone:                      Sprague       399-3261

                                    Home                585-6975    

                                    FAX:               391-4046  

e-mail:  Eddings_Jane@salkeiz.k12.or.us