2. Address: 3 Cedar Trail
3. Present Owner's Name: Dorothy S. Zimmerman
4. Original Owner's Name: 1: 1926 John Glover
5. Other owner's and date of possession: 2: 1931 Guy and Mary Burroughs
3: 1940 Arthur and Dorothy Zimmerman
6. Date built, type of construction, interesting architectural features and renovations: Built 1926 -- Spanish style -- yellow brick over original stucco, red tile roof
3 fireplaces, 3 patios, 42 windows, beamed ceilings, heavy plaster walls, cork floors with Italian tile(?) trim.
7. What can you tell us about previous owners? - their contributions to the community, etc.
John Glover designed and built home -- passed away after 5 years.
The Burroughs were parents of Helen Funkey. The corner lot, where Tallion's now is, was part of property and given to Helen as wedding gift to build on. Guy passed away and Mary then moved to Florida. Helen and Chuck later sold to Calls and built a home on Shore Drive. Then Chuck passed away.
Home purchased by Zimmermans. Art was O. D. Clerk-Treasurer. Dorothy, early Womans Club President.
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